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CC23 (connection timed out) can be fixed in most occasions using one or multiple of the below steps; (go to the next step if one doesn't resolve it)

1) Make sure no firewall or antivirus/malware software is blocking MTA (Multi Theft Auto.exe or components; whitelist in firewall apps list.. likewise for GTA install dir > gta_sa.exe & proxy_sa.exe) or blocking its connections on demand for 'suspicious' traffic (like some heuristic and pro-active antimalware suites like malwarebytes may do). Try disabling all your security products first to determine whether or not any of them is the culprit.

2) Create a new text file, paste in the below code and click file > "Save As" > "All files" > netfix.bat. (make sure of the extension .bat). After that, rightclick the newly saved file and select "Run as Administrator". Once it's done, restart your PC.

:: Reset networking interface
@echo on
netsh online
netsh winsock reset
netsh winhttp reset proxy
netsh interface ipv4 reset
netsh interface ipv6 reset
netsh int ip reset c:\resetLog.txt
netsh interface tcp reset
netsh interface portproxy reset
netsh interface httpstunnel reset
netsh rpc reset
netsh http flush logbuffer
netsh winsock reset all
netsh int 6to4 reset all
netsh int ipv4 reset all
netsh firewall delete
netsh int ipv6 reset all
netsh advfirewall reset
netsh int httpstunnel reset all
netsh int isatap reset all
netsh int portproxy reset all
netsh int tcp reset all
netsh int teredo reset all
netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal
netsh interface tcp set heuristics disabled
Reset Winsock control
netsh branchcache reset
netsh branchcache flush
fsutil resource setautoreset true C:\
fsutil resource setautoreset true
ipconfig /flushdns

Alternatively, download the premade file containing this script here; https://www.dropbox.com/s/8kyfbievryrmyz1/netfix.bat?dl=1

3) If all of that doesn't work, rightclick your network icon on taskbar and go to Networking center (or go there from Windows control panel), click your active connection and "details" in its tab, and find the DHCP server / Standard gateway address. Take this address (IP) and paste it in your web browser as if you were navigating to a regular site, and hit enter. Login to your router configuration as it loads up, most often you can login with username & password "admin", leaving pass blank with username admin, or leaving everything blank. (If you can't login, check the bottom of your router/modem for login details or model number, then google the default login credentials for said model).

After logging in, find something like "Firewall" or DMZ zone settings. If you locate firewall, disable the internal router firewall or lower its strictness level. If you find DMZ, you can add your local PC MAC (locate the mac in same network center details tab as previously mentioned) as DMZ host, or use other router settings pages to give your PC a static local IP and then enter that IP as DMZ host. (Using DMZ is not recommended because of "opening yourself up to the internet", security perspective, I'd advise you use it to probe if the issue is related to your router/ISP and until the issue is finally fixed as temporary solution, but if you're a heavy gamer it may be useful permanently). If DMZ solves it and firewall level changing doesn't, I'd recommend you contacting your ISP or find other related router configuration settings, especially if the issue started out of the blue some day.

I also recommend backing up your network configuration incase you feel it may be custom (for example, take a printscreen of the active connection details in networking center before running the .bat, so you can manually re-config it later incase it won't automatically detect & assign the proper working settings afterwards.. Windows firewall is the culprit in lots of CC23 error cases, you can either backup your current firewall policy or remove "netsh advfirewall reset" from the batch script just incase). I recommend just backing it up and watching the effects, because you may miss out on the solution otherwise. The ways Firewall can go wrong isn't limited to custom app white/blacklisting, this is just the easiest way to instruct you. If you don't want to restore policy, you may benefit from setting "block incoming connections that do not match a rule" to Allow, and the same for outgoing if not already set so. (For all network types; private, domain, and public) and check for existing app rules on the MTA executables/files and gta_sa/proxy_sa.exe, and making sure it's set to allow all connections for them (or just delete the rule).


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