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To All The Whining Idiots

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Shut the F up!

I am getting so f'ing tired of reading your mind-absent brain spills that have no impact on anything but to wind up those working on this project, and the rest of us with a brain.

You obviously haven't the slightest clue about developing in concept, let alone being able to, let alone being able to WELL. So why do you think you can tell the team how they should be doing it? And don't give me any crap about common sense or the customer is always right. You've shown you have no common sense in your stupid diatrides and the customer only knows what he wants at this second relating to what he's thinking about right now without any thought for the knock-ons it will have.

"I think you should just release a simple thing with the whole map re-done and all new vehicles. I could do it while I'm taking a dump but can't be bothered" They are writing a WHOLE SDK, for the WHOLE game. If you build a building you don't just lay the foundation for the bit you're going to build first. You lay it all. And you get it right. You can't go digging up the foundation and changing it later without messing up the bits you have built.

Please, go away and talk in dumb text type on some chavy forum somewhere else. Cos even when the game is released, those of us who do know what we're talking about, and even those who don't but still respectfully keep quiet, don't want you on the servers trying to cheat your way to a good score because it's the only way you can get it.

P.S. To save me actually replying to your stupid digs at me, I'll say it now. "I don't care. You're an idiot"

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I don't think Blokker is complaining, he's expanding the use of your metaphor, as we are not only creating the new foundations (yes we have dug them up more than once to make sure they are large and firm enough) but erecting substantial parts of the building itself as we go.

But enough standing around leaning on my shovel, time to mix some more concrete :)

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'erecting' lol, sorry, haha, yeh still waiting, and will wait another 6months if necessary, what ever you do MTA dont fall apart, and dont do a SA-MP, either, there mod was looking great, and then it fell through :x

What makes you think that situation would happen.

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