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Second Quality Assurance Video: Feature Revealed!


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Our Quality Assurance team has put together another video showing you one of the major features we've been working on recently. Visit the blog for more information and to download it!

PHP developers required!

We're also looking for a couple of PHP developers to help us work on an interesting project, if you're a competent PHP programmer and willing to dedicate some time to develop an exciting concept, please contact us on IRC (irc.multitheftauto.com).

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  njr1489 said:
Adding streets and ramps through the game with wierd camera angles is the feature? I already pictured it would be like this. If its "The Feature", im not impressed.

BTW this isn't a flame post.

Watch the end of the video.... it's not just streets and ramps. You can add ANYTHING, even explosive barrels.

Btw, what were you actually expecting?

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  njr1489 said:
I don't really like it, maybe because it was just hyped up to much.

BTW one question, won't loading too many objects give trouble for others playing the game?

I love how you can be so negative to everything. Can't you see how many possibilities this brings? Even more for deathmatch. Your life must be very boring :|. Tell me what secret would be ideal for you.

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Hey, negative nancy, how can you say its too hyped if you never even played it? Thats not the released version, we are well aware of the goofy camera control (not being able to rotate around the cursor, only moving cursor left/right), and it should be changed. I think chrml is smart in pointing out that ppl need to remember what this means for the future of MTA (ex: deathmatch) too. You could make an entire town to battle it out in the middle of the sky complete with pickups and such easily.

I don't see how anyone cannot be amazed that MTA has hooked in GTA so well, that they can just create players, cars, and models 'on the fly', with virtually no problems. Also note how mass car changes don't bother the game, nor does TONS of models. Thats the most amazing thing I've ever seen, I can't scm code for an offline mod and get those results :S

As far as lag goes, no BLUE is not magical, there is lag like every other game in the world. Remember though, these videos of gameplay were done by compiling captured video from many peoples perspectives on many different connections in countries around the world!!!

Edited by Guest
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Wow! Shit I can only imagine the lines of code that must of gone into that monster :lol:

That is very very impressive! God I would never have imagined that being possible.

MTA Team you should release a stand alone ingame map editor which just puts the id and position into GTA's IPL format, that would be great for map editors!

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I love how you can be so negative to everything. Can't you see how many possibilities this brings? Even more for deathmatch. Your life must be very boring Neutral. Tell me what secret would be ideal for you.

lol! and njr used to call me negative; ironic isn't it :lol:

BTW one question, won't loading too many objects give trouble for others playing the game?

well if the amount of objects exceed the limit, the game will probably crash(if it doesn't exceed the limit; there shouldn't be a problem i guess; from what i know from spawning lots of vehicles around me :P ).

what the exact limit of objects ingame is, i dunno; maybe the mta team can tell you.

by the way, i just saw the video, actually that was quite a suprise. a while ago i already expected that the suprise would be add-on related, but i never expected it to go this far; you made a nice editor! i don't think it's necessary for the race mod though; but it's certainly wonderful that you managed to get such an editor ingame; must have been pretty hard to implement.

this will be very useful in the other releases of MTASA.

it seems like you've learned from the past :wink: hopefully you can improve the synchronisation even further(because the lag in the 1st video was quity annoying since i was told that most of the pings were <200 ms--> most testers were europeans :P).

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thats is mint, i dont really like all the country side in GTA SA, but thankz to MTA i can just build a fat by pass straight throught it lol, and maybe cover over the hillbillies sites?

But serioulsy. Great editer, great race mod, but what we need is: spawn at cjs house chose custom clothes, and maybe walk into markers for the diff ariports? Guns would also be nice, surly you've already made a simple mod, better than gtaT?

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  Toreno said:
I love how you can be so negative to everything. Can't you see how many possibilities this brings? Even more for deathmatch. Your life must be very boring Neutral. Tell me what secret would be ideal for you.

lol! and njr used to call me negative; ironic isn't it :lol:

lol, I still remember that. Well I was still a fan at the time I said you were negative, but oh well! :lol: I'm not nuetral all the time, i'm just waiting for MTA to see something I like. At least i'm not one of those flamers that say "Its a fucking race mod!". I know ChrML is waiting to impress me, could even be in the release. I do actually see this editor being good for a DM though. I'll wait for the release and see if ChrML was right.

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