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PunkBuster1.4 Released - Automatic cheater detection


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of course its copyright. change or they will more than likely try to sue you, or threaten i know i wouldnt want to come up against pb. and derhitman do you honestly think that punkbuster is going to make it for mta or give mta the right to use it(i dunno how they work that out) ? lol thts funny, i dont mean to sound mean or anything but mta just isnt that big, yes its big but its hard to take it serious maybe if mta was as smooth running as those games on the list they might consider that pb could be used in mta but then where you gonna get the money from, pb are affilated with big companys int he gamin industry just look at that list of games.

ea, infinity ward, id, crytek

game developers like these guys probably pay huge amounts of cash for the right to use pb in there games, also its the best cheat detection software in the world


The use of PunkBuster™ Anti-Cheat software is optional and has always been provided without direct cost to our users. We believe that the cost to provide Anti-Cheat protection should be built into the cost of online games. Therefore, we contract directly with game developers and/or publishers who wish to have our software and services associated with their online gaming products. If your favorite game does not yet have integrated PunkBuster™ Anti-Cheat technology available, let the game's developer and/or publisher know how important this issue is to you. If you are a game developer or publisher and would like information about integrating PunkBuster™ into your online games, please contact us via email at license@evenbalance.com.

so for mta to use pb they would have to sell the product and pb takes a small percentatge :) (thats the way i see it anyway

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sue me, I don't give a shit. MTA is a small public mod for a huge game, and PB is even smaller (I have no idea how many people even use it)

blah... I'm not renaming it, I like the name...whatever

readme coming soon, when I can be arsed :) just use the readme for 1.3 (i lost it, if anyone has it please post it here)

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Ok... that was the end of my support to this quite good idea. If even Aeron changes the name, and you're even more stubborn? Bleh ;)

Ah well, it's your own choise ofcourse, but i think it isnt a really smart one. Good luck developing

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If EvenBalance (I think that's what they're called) find out, they'll send him a "cease and desist" letter asking him to change the name or they'll take further action (i.e. suing him). It's a lot easier for both parties concerned, so he doesn't actually need to change the name unless he receives such a letter.

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  Fayte said:
sue me, I don't give a shit. MTA is a small public mod for a huge game, and PB is even smaller (I have no idea how many people even use it)

blah... I'm not renaming it, I like the name...whatever

readme coming soon, when I can be arsed :) just use the readme for 1.3 (i lost it, if anyone has it please post it here)

grow up kid, i hope even balance sue you. seems to me that your trying to ride on pb's tail naming your crap the same as it, very misleading and wrong

just for your stupidity im going to tell evenbalance about you.

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  Fayte said:
Trying to ride on their tail? The real PunkBuster is a piece of shit. I just like the name. If they want to send me a cease and desist letter, fine :?

hahahaha man your an idiot

trying to say your so called "punkbuster" is better and your a liar. you took the name because you know deep down that punkbuster(the only one) is the best

why dont i go call my php mta query tool ASE yes thats cool ill call it ASE because ASE is a piece of shit and while im at it ill call my chat client i made ages ago Yahoo Messenger jusdt because i like the name

joking about the ase and yahoo thing btw

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indeed thats why i dont use it but its a well known name and registered trademark so ill use it on my chat client and maybe people will think its awsome and i will be famous and then get sued :)

btw i use yahelite for chating to people on yahoo, its better and more stable than messenger cause kids cant hack/kick you on it

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well i see it as necessary, kid needs to be taught a lesson, trouble is kids sitting behind there desk like fayte dont seem to realise that you can just as easily be sued on here as in the real world and his mummy wont beable to help much except sell the pc she bought him for xmas to pay for all the trouble he put her through by being stupid

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  Andy_1984 said:
well i see it as necessary, kid needs to be taught a lesson, trouble is kids sitting behind there desk like fayte dont seem to realise that you can just as easily be sued on here as in the real world and his mummy wont beable to help much except sell the pc she bought him for xmas to pay for all the trouble he put her through by being stupid

And the sad thing is, I'm guessing he's going to use PunkBuster.

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  Fayte said:
  Andy_1984 said:
well i see it as necessary, kid needs to be taught a lesson, trouble is kids sitting behind there desk like fayte dont seem to realise that you can just as easily be sued on here as in the real world and his mummy wont beable to help much except sell the pc she bought him for xmas to pay for all the trouble he put her through by being stupid

And the sad thing is, I'm guessing he's going to use PunkBuster.

im a bit confused with that post, do you mean your anti cheat script or the the real punkbuster?

your script: no i wont be using it i dont run an mta server so its not that funny.

the real punkbuster: hell yes of crourse i use it its in all the best games. the ones i play anyway - call of duty, battlefield 2, rtcw, AA and theres no way to play these games except on a non pb enabled server but then your just gonna get morons with aimbots wall hacks health cheats and all sorts

does yours catch things like wall hacks and aimbots ? no it doesnt so stfu

i dont understand how you can say that punkbuster is crap lets hear an explanation. maybe because it catches you cheating ? yes thats probably it, its banned you for aimbots on all those games listed on pb website and put you on there global ban list haha

pb catches 99.9% of cheats. in 2 years on call of duty i have never once been killed by or even seen a cheater so thats saying alot about it

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  Andy_1984 said:

does yours catch things like wall hacks and aimbots ? no it doesnt so stfu

A wallhack or aimbot would be useless in MTA....

If a person was standing behind a wall trying to shoot back and taking cover from the wall, it will be useful, and for aimbots, if you had a M60 and one guy is sprinting left and right to dodge your bullets, it would be useful.

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