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Found 8 results

  1. Hello everyone, I got a problem, i have a monitor with size 1920 x 1080. So when i change the resolution (in game), then i have Blackbars.... I got a Nvidia Graphics card, i tried to change it in the Control Panel. But i still get Blackbars, In other games it works, its the first game where i get in every resolution except (1920: 1080) Blackbars. Thanks for the Help! Best regards, NaiiCe
  2. Witam. W momencie wejścia na serwer 4Life, rozdzielczość w oknie z ustawionej zmniejsza mi się do 1/3 ekranu. Zostałem odesłany właśnie tutaj, jest ktoś w stanie udzielić mi odpowiedzi? Dlaczego? Nagranie poniżej. Próbowałem reinstalle, zmianę wersji. Nic nie działa! Hello. When i joining to 4Life server, resolution changes to smaller. Deafult setting changing to 1/3 window resolution. I have video, here is: https://streamable.com/25ojwi Can somebody get me reason this situation? I tried reinstall games, change MTA version.
  3. Meu mta não está mostrando outras resoluções, apenas 1366x768, qualquer outra como 800x600 não aparece. Já fui na coreconfig e mudei o parâmetro para mostrar resoluções não seguras, mas mesmo assim não resolveu!
  4. Boa tarde gente, estou com um problema muito chato! Quando entro em algum servidor, funciona tudo normalmente, porém na maioria das vezes eu não consigo usar algumas funções do jogo/servidor, por exemplo o celular pois não aparece os escritos dos menus no jogo, apenas o layout... alguém já passou por isso? sabe como resolver? segue algumas fotos: https://ibb.co/2q7BBPM https://ibb.co/qmrGvQB https://ibb.co/2q7BBPM https://ibb.co/qmrGvQB Good afternoon guys, I have a very annoying problem! When I enter a server, everything works normally, but most of the time I am unable to use some functions of the game/server, for example: the cellphone because the menu scripts do not appear in the game, only the layout... someone has already gone through that? know how to solve? Here are some pictures:
  5. This is in 1440x900 (in my resolution): This is in 1920x1080: I calculate the dx elements position with this: local sx_, sy_ = guiGetScreenSize() local sx, sy = sx_/1440, sy_/900 And i draw dx elements like this: dxDrawRectangle(sx / 2 + 290, sy / 2 +240,850,65,tocolor(0,0,0,200)) What wrong??? How can i fix this problem??
  6. http://imgur.com/a/og3e5 this is the problem, how to fix this? code: local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function() local x, y, z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) local location = getZoneName ( x, y, z ) dxDrawImage(screenW * 0.0076, screenH * 0.7300, screenW * 0.2194, screenH * 0.2422, "mapbg.png", 360, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), false) dxDrawText(location, screenW * 0.0965, screenH * 0.7370, screenW * 0.2250, screenH * 0.7567, tocolor(118, 224, 90, 255), 1.00, "default-bold", "left", "center", false, false, true, false, false) end ) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function () setPlayerHudComponentVisible( "area_name", false ) end) local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize() local rt = dxCreateRenderTarget(290, 175) local xFactor, yFactor = sx/1366, sy/768 local yFactor = xFactor function findRotation(x1,y1,x2,y2) local t = -math.deg(math.atan2(x2-x1,y2-y1)) if t < 0 then t = t + 360 end; return t; end function getPointFromDistanceRotation(x, y, dist, angle) local a = math.rad(90 - angle); local dx = math.cos(a) * dist; local dy = math.sin(a) * dist; return x+dx, y+dy; end function drawRadar() showPlayerHudComponent("radar", false) if disableGTASAhealth then showPlayerHudComponent("health", false) end if disableGTASAarmor then showPlayerHudComponent("armour", false) end if disableGTASAoxygen then showPlayerHudComponent("breath", false) end if (not isPlayerMapVisible()) then local mW, mH = dxGetMaterialSize(rt) local x, y = getElementPosition(localPlayer) local X, Y = mW/2 -(x/(6000/worldW)), mH/2 +(y/(6000/worldH)) local camX,camY,camZ = getElementRotation(getCamera()) dxSetRenderTarget(rt, true) if alwaysRenderMap or getElementInterior(localPlayer) == 0 then dxDrawRectangle(0, 0, mW, mH, 0xFF5E656B) dxDrawImage(X - worldW/2, mH/5 + (Y - worldH/2), worldW, worldH, "image/world.jpg", camZ, (x/(6000/worldW)), -(y/(6000/worldH)), tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255)) end dxSetRenderTarget() -- dxDrawRectangle((10)*xFactor, sy-((200+10))*yFactor, (300)*xFactor, (200)*yFactor, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 175)) dxDrawImage((10+5)*xFactor, sy-((200+5))*yFactor, (300-10)*xFactor, (175)*yFactor, rt, 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255)) (this not the full code)
  7. The resolution for everything is offset unless I turn it up all the way. I dunno if the fix would b a complicated code or not, but if anybody can provide the small edit or helpful explanation I can re position everything myself sX,sY = guiGetScreenSize() function dxDrawLinedRectangle(posX,posY, sizeX,sizeY, color) dxDrawLine(posX,posY, posX,posY+sizeY, color) -- Izquierda dxDrawLine(posX,posY, posX+sizeX,posY, color) -- Arriba dxDrawLine(posX+sizeX,posY, posX+sizeX,posY+sizeY, color) -- Derecha dxDrawLine(posX,posY+sizeY, posX+sizeX,posY+sizeY, color) -- Abajo end function calculateScale() if sX <= 800 and sY <=600 then return 0.25 elseif sX<=1024 and sY <=768 then return 0.3 elseif sX<=1280 and sY <=720 then return 0.35 elseif sX<=1400 and sY <=900 then return 0.4 elseif sX<=1650 and sY <=1000 then return 0.45 else return 0.5 end end scale = calculateScale() raceInterface = { font = false, fontScale = 0, mapname = "", nextmap = "", fps = 0, spectators = 0, alpha = 0, tick = 0, state = false, positionX = sX, colors = {255,0,0}, timeleft = "0:00:00", timepassed = "0:00:00", mapInfo = { tick = 0, state = true, positionX = sX, timer = false, } } function renderMapinfoInterface() if getElementData(localPlayer,"loginState") then return end local tick = getTickCount() - raceInterface.mapInfo.tick local progress = math.min(tick/500,1) if raceInterface.mapInfo.state then raceInterface.mapInfo.positionX = interpolateBetween(raceInterface.mapInfo.positionX,0,0,sX*0.75,0,0,progress,"OutQuad") else raceInterface.mapInfo.positionX = interpolateBetween(raceInterface.mapInfo.positionX,0,0,sX,0,0,progress,"Linear") if progress == 1 then return end end local posX = raceInterface.mapInfo.positionX if g_MapInfo then local alpha = raceInterface.alpha/255 local red,green,blue = unpack(raceInterface.colors) local posY = sY*0.7 dxDrawRectangle(posX+200,posY-4,sX*0.22,sY*0.16,tocolor(0,0,0,100*alpha)) dxDrawLinedRectangle(posX+200,posY-4,sX*0.22,sY*0.16,tocolor(255,0,0)) dxDrawRectangle(posX+200,posY-4,sX*0.15,sY*0.03,tocolor(0,0,0)) dxDrawLinedRectangle(posX+200,posY-4,sX*0.15,sY*0.03,tocolor(255,0,0)) local mapname = g_MapInfo.name or "Undefinied" local author = g_MapInfo.author or "No author" local lastTime = g_MapInfo.lastTimePlayedText or "Never played yet!" local playedCount = g_MapInfo.playedCount or 0 local hunters = g_MapInfo.huntersReached or 0 local toptimes = g_MapInfo.toptimesReached or 0 local posX = posX+sX*0.035 dxDrawText(mapname..author,posX+140,posY-9,posX+sX*0.2,posY+sY*0.03,tocolor(255,0,0*alpha),raceInterface.fontScale*0.109,raceInterface.font,"left","Center",true,false,false,true) dxDrawText("#ff0000Author #ffffff- "..author,posX+139,posY+60,posX+sX*0.25,posY+sY*0.025,tocolor(red,green,blue,255*alpha),raceInterface.fontScale*0.1,raceInterface.font,"left","Center",true,false,false,true) local posY = posY+sY*0.025 dxDrawText("#ff0000Last time played #ffffff- "..lastTime,posX+139,posY+60,posX+sX*0.25,posY+sY*0.025,tocolor(red,green,blue,255*alpha),raceInterface.fontScale*0.1,raceInterface.font,"left","Center",true,false,false,true) local posY = posY+sY*0.025 dxDrawText("#ff0000Played count #ffffff- "..playedCount,posX+139,posY+60,posX+sX*0.25,posY+sY*0.025,tocolor(red,green,blue,255*alpha),raceInterface.fontScale*0.1,raceInterface.font,"left","Center",true,false,false,true) local posY = posY+sY*0.025 dxDrawText("#ff0000Hunters #ffffff- "..hunters,posX+139,posY+60,posX+sX*0.25,posY+sY*0.025,tocolor(red,green,blue,255*alpha),raceInterface.fontScale*0.1,raceInterface.font,"left","Center",true,false,false,true) local posY = posY+sY*0.025 dxDrawText("#ff0000Toptimes #ffffff- "..toptimes,posX+139,posY+60,posX+sX*0.25,posY+sY*0.025,tocolor(red,green,blue,255*alpha),raceInterface.fontScale*0.1,raceInterface.font,"left","Center",true,false,false,true) end end function toggleMapInfo() if isTimer(raceInterface.mapInfo.timer) then killTimer(raceInterface.mapInfo.timer) end if raceInterface.mapInfo.state then closeInfo() else openInfo() end end bindKey("f6","up",toggleMapInfo) function closeInfo() raceInterface.mapInfo.state = false raceInterface.mapInfo.tick = getTickCount() end function openInfo() raceInterface.mapInfo.state = true raceInterface.mapInfo.tick = getTickCount() end function openInfoByManager() openInfo() if isTimer(raceInterface.mapInfo.timer) then killTimer(raceInterface.mapInfo.timer) end raceInterface.mapInfo.timer = setTimer(closeInfo,7000,1) end 900x600: https://prnt.sc/faua1c I can't remember the resolution of this screenshot but I hope you get the point and it helps https://prnt.sc/fauiha The MPH is suppose to be offset I haven't finished positioning that yet. This is how it looks on my screen with max resolution https://prnt.sc/fav2oj https://prnt.sc/fav29a https://prnt.sc/favak2 The radar and speedometer are images. The rest is code generated. I'm using an older racemode made by Apple, maybe from 2013-2014-2015 i dunno. PLEASE somebody explain, inform me, teach me, provide me, with some sort of something ): I think most of the BS code is for the slide effect. I have a bad feeling this is hopeless.. I feel dumb but I'm sure this has happened to hundreds of people after they position stuff..
  8. Heyo, so recently I got an awesome toptimes resource from a friend and today I fixed the positions of all elements drawn with dxDraw so that the toptimes window doesn't go outside of screen boundary on any resolution. So far, so good. But there is one problem, I don't know how to fix the elements' size to be same for all resolutions. I tried with something like " local x_,y_ = x/1680,y/1080 " and put " *y_ " after the size but it still looks ugly, also tried more combinations such as " x/1440,y/900 " and so on, to no success. Below is just the function which draws the F5 tops window, I always had trouble with fixing the size and here i am again, same problem...for the Nth time. Any help is appreciated. sX,sY = guiGetScreenSize() function drawToptimesIntreface() local x,y = guiGetScreenSize() if toptimes.animState == "closed" then local tick = getTickCount() - toptimes.tick local progress = tick/1000 toptimes.anim = interpolateBetween(0,0,0,390,0,0,progress,"OutBack") else local tick = getTickCount() - toptimes.tick local progress = tick/1000 toptimes.anim = interpolateBetween(390,0,0,0,0,0,progress,"InBack") end local clanColor = tocolor(255, 205, 0, 255) -- Clan Color local titleColor = tocolor(0, 255, 255, 255) -- Toptimes Title local displayColor = tocolor(0, 0, 0, 150) -- Toptimes Blackground if toptimes.state then local sY = sY-toptimes.anim*1.2 dxDrawRectangle(sX-x*0.4354166666666667, (sY/2)-y*0.5, x*0.1979166666666667, y*0.0231481481481481, clanColor) dxDrawText("Toptimes - "..toptimes.mapname, sX-x*0.6713541666666667, (sY/2)-y*0.8509259259259259,sX-x*0.0046875, (sY/2)-y*0.1240740740740741, tocolor(0,0,0,255), 1, "default-bold","center","center",true) dxDrawText("Toptimes - "..toptimes.mapname, sX-x*0.671875, (sY/2)-y*0.8518518518518519, sX-x*0.0052083333333333, (sY/2)-y*0.125, titleColor, 1, "default-bold", "center","center",true) dxDrawRectangle(sX-x*0.4354166666666667, (sY/2)-y*0.4768518518518519, x*0.1979166666666667, y*0.1666666666666667, displayColor) for i=1,9 do -- Show when player have toptime in any map dxDrawRectangle(sX-x*0.4354166666666667, (sY/2)+((i-1)*20)-y*0.4759259259259259, x*0.1979166666666667, y*0.017022792022792, tocolor(255,255,255,toptimes.color[i])) end for i=1,9 do -- Shadow dxDrawText(i..". "..removeColorCoding(toptimes.label[i]), sX-x*0.4310416666666667, (sY/2)+((i-1)*20)-y*0.8277777777777778, sX-x*0.0244791666666667, (sY/2)+((i)*20)-y*0.1240740740740741, tocolor(0,0,0,255), 1, "default-bold","left","center",true,false,false,true) dxDrawText(toptimes.time[i], sX-x*0.3132291666666667, (sY/2)+((i-1)*20)-y*0.8277777777777778, sX-x*0.0244791666666667, (sY/2)+((i)*20)-y*0.1240740740740741, tocolor(0,0,0,255), 1, "default-bold","left","center",true,false,false,true) dxDrawText(toptimes.data[i], sX-x*0.2744791666666667, (sY/2)+((i-1)*20)-y*0.8277777777777778, sX-x*0.0244791666666667, (sY/2)+((i)*20)-y*0.1240740740740741, tocolor(0,0,0,255), 1, "default-bold","left","center",true,false,false,true) -- dxDrawText(i..". "..toptimes.label[i], sX-x*0.4315625, (sY/2)+((i-1)*20)-y*0.8287037037037037, sX-x*0.025, (sY/2)+((i)*20)-y*0.125, tocolor(255,255,255,255), 1, "default-bold","left","center",true,false,false,true) dxDrawText(toptimes.time[i], sX-x*0.31375, (sY/2)+((i-1)*20)-y*0.8287037037037037, sX-x*0.025, (sY/2)+((i)*20)-y*0.125, tocolor(255,255,255,255), 1, "default-bold","left","center",true,false,false,true) dxDrawText(toptimes.data[i], sX-x*0.275, (sY/2)+((i-1)*20)-y*0.8287037037037037, sX-x*0.025, (sY/2)+((i)*20)-y*0.125, tocolor(255,255,255,255), 1, "default-bold","left","center",true,false,false,true) if toptimes.country[i] ~= "" then if fileExists(":admin/client/images/flags/"..toptimes.country[i]..".png") then dxDrawImage(sX-x*0.4227083333333333, (sY/2)+((i-1)*20)-y*0.4731481481481481, x*0.0083333333333333, y*0.0101851851851852, ":admin/client/images/flags/"..toptimes.country[i]..".png", tocolor(255,255,255,255)) end else if fileExists(":admin/client/images/flags/gtasa.png") then dxDrawImage(sX-x*0.4227083333333333, (sY/2)+((i-1)*20)-y*0.4731481481481481, x*0.0083333333333333, y*0.0101851851851852, ":admin/client/images/flags/gtasa.png", tocolor(255,255,255,255)) end end end if toptimes.personal[1] then dxDrawRectangle(sX-x*0.4354166666666667, (sY/2)-y*0.3101851851851852, x*0.1979166666666667, y*0.017592592592596, displayColor) dxDrawRectangle(sX-x*0.4354166666666667, (sY/2)-y*0.3089506172839506, x*0.1979166666666667, y*0.0166666666666667, tocolor(255,255,255,100)) -- Shadow dxDrawText(""..toptimes.personal.pos..". "..toptimes.personal.spacement..removeColorCoding(toptimes.personal.name), sX-x*0.4341666666666667, (sY/2)-y*0.6673611111111111, sX-x*0.0244791666666667, (sY/2)+y*0.0668981481481481, tocolor(0,0,0,255), 1, "default-bold","left","center",true,false,false,true) dxDrawText(toptimes.personal.time, sX-x*0.3132291666666667, (sY/2)-y*0.6645833333333333, sX-x*0.0244791666666667, (sY/2)+y*0.0641203703703704, tocolor(0,0,0,255), 1, "default-bold","left","center",true,false,false,true) dxDrawText(toptimes.personal.data, sX-x*0.2744791666666667, (sY/2)-y*0.6645833333333333, sX-x*0.0244791666666667, (sY/2)+y*0.0641203703703704, tocolor(0,0,0,255), 1, "default-bold","left","center",true,false,false,true) -- dxDrawText(""..toptimes.personal.pos..". "..toptimes.personal.spacement..toptimes.personal.name, sX-x*0.4346875, (sY/2)-y*0.668287037037037, sX-x*0.025, (sY/2)+y*0.0659722222222222, tocolor(255,255,255,255), 1, "default-bold","left","center",true,false,false,true) dxDrawText(toptimes.personal.time, sX-x*0.31375, (sY/2)-y*0.6655092592592593, sX-x*0.025, (sY/2)+y*0.0631944444444444, tocolor(255,255,255,255), 1, "default-bold","left","center",true,false,false,true) dxDrawText(toptimes.personal.data, sX-x*0.275, (sY/2)-y*0.6655092592592593, sX-x*0.025, (sY/2)+y*0.0631944444444444, tocolor(255,255,255,255), 1, "default-bold","left","center",true,false,false,true) if toptimes.personal.country ~= "" then if fileExists(":admin/client/images/flags/"..toptimes.personal.country..".png") then dxDrawImage(sX-x*0.4227083333333333, (sY/2)-y*0.30625, x*0.0083333333333333, y*0.0101851851851852, ":admin/client/images/flags/"..toptimes.personal.country..".png", tocolor(255,255,255,255)) end else if fileExists(":admin/client/images/flags/gtasa.png") then dxDrawImage(sX-x*0.4227083333333333, (sY/2)-y*0.30625, x*0.0083333333333333, y*0.0101851851851852, ":admin/client/images/flags/gtasa.png", tocolor(255,255,255,255)) end end end end end addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),drawToptimesIntreface) This is how it should look like, on any screen :
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