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Everything posted by Laxante101
Это значит что ваша гта3 модифицирована, модели не оригинальные от мта это блок античитом "DS#20" (Не разрешать нестандартный gta3.img или gta_int.img для серверов не использующих onPlayerModInfo) Эта блокировка перестанет происходить только в том случае, если вы используете оригинал, загрузите его здесь.
First, make sure your DirectX is up to date. You can download the latest version from Microsoft's official website. Next, make sure your graphics card drivers are up to date, as older drivers can cause crashes, especially when dealing with more intensive graphics. If the issue occurs in a game like MTA: San Andreas, try verifying the integrity of the game files on the platform you installed it on, like Steam, or consider reinstalling it. Additionally, if you are using any mods or custom shaders, like the ENB series, disable them to see if any of them are causing conflicts with Direct3D. Another option is to run the command sfc /scannow You will right-click on the Windows window in the lower left corner of your screen and then click on Windows PowerShell (ADMIN). After you reach that black screen, just type the command I left above, This will check for any commented files on your system that may be causing the issue. or try to solve it the classic way by uninstalling the mta and installing it again. If it doesn't work, please contact us.
About the loss of players on general mta
Laxante101 replied to BaranCirak's topic in Turkish / Türkçe
Oyuncu sayısındaki düşüş birçok faktöre bağlı olabilir. Birincisi, GTA V Online ve diğer popüler oyunlar gibi daha modern oyunlarla rekabet, birçok oyuncunun hem grafik hem de oyun mekaniği açısından daha güncel deneyimlere geçmesine neden oluyor. Üstelik MTA'da büyük güncellemelerin veya haberlerin olmayışı, oyuncuların zamanla ilgilerinin kaybolmasına neden oluyor. MTA'yı ilk yıllarında takip eden paydaşların çoğu zamanla önceliklerini değiştirmiş olabilir. Yaş, iş veya zaman yetersizliği nedeniyle birçok deneyimli oyuncu oynamayı bıraktı ve ne yazık ki yeni oyuncuları çekecek kampanyaların olmaması nedeniyle kullanıcı sayısı giderek azalıyor, üzücü; -
Vejo que tem muita gente com problemas usando createVehicle e quando o carro é criado o jogador não consegue entrar nele. Isso é uma coisa idiota de se falar aqui, mas vejo muitos casos de pessoas usando isso incorretamente. Geralmente quando procuram ajuda com isso, é porque criaram o carro e não conseguem entrar nele. Isso acontece porque seu arquivo lua está no lado do cliente, fazendo com que ele apareça apenas para você e limitando a funcionalidade e interação. Como o veículo não é registrado no servidor, ele não pode ser usado em nenhuma mecânica de jogo, como dirigir, ser destruído ou estar envolvido em eventos. Resumindo, basta usar createVehicle no lado do serviço. Espero ter ajudado as pessoas que não sabiam o porquê desses erros estarem ocorrendo.
Really cool, this is very different
You can use a strong encryption algorithm like AES. First, choose a programming language, like Python, and use a library that supports encryption, like pycryptodome You can create a script that reads the file to be encrypted, generates a 16-byte (128-bit) key, and uses CBC mode to encrypt the content. The Python code would look like this: from Crypto.Cipher import AES from Crypto.Util.Padding import pad import os def encrypt_file(file_name, key): cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC) iv = cipher.iv with open(file_name, 'rb') as f: plaintext = f.read() ciphertext = iv + cipher.encrypt(pad(plaintext, AES.block_size)) with open(file_name + '.enc', 'wb') as f: f.write(ciphertext) key = os.urandom(16) encrypt_file('gta3.img', key) Use programs like Visual Code Studio to better handle it. Then, on the client, you need to implement decryption. This involves reading the encrypted file, extracting the initialization vector (IV), and decrypting the contents with the same key that was used for encryption. The code for decryption would look like this: from Crypto.Cipher import AES from Crypto.Util.Padding import unpad def decrypt_file(file_name, key): with open(file_name, 'rb') as f: iv = f.read(16) ciphertext = f.read() cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv) plaintext = unpad(cipher.decrypt(ciphertext), AES.block_size) with open('gta3_decrypted.img', 'wb') as f: f.write(plaintext) decrypt_file('gta3.img.enc', key) Make sure to store the key securely on the client, as it is required for decryption if needed. Once you have implemented encryption and decryption, test the client to ensure that it can access the models without issues.
I didn't understand your question, please explain your problem or question better.
Hi Gulk! Thank you for the incredible work you are doing to revitalize and improve the MTA community with your project. I had no idea this game mode existed; it is truly something different and interesting! It is inspiring to see someone so dedicated to bringing back the essence of MTA 0.5, converting vehicles, weapons, skins, and more. Your efforts in recreating the game mode from scratch and implementing new features like the admin panel and boat support are exactly what the community needs. Thank you for keeping the spirit of MTA alive and for providing a space where old and new players can come together and enjoy the game. Keep up the great work! I look forward to seeing the updates and new features you implement. Thank you very much!
So that means there is something wrong with your source but you can't find where it is? The last thing I think might be wrong is your meta.xml, <meta> <info author="your name" version="1.0" name="hshshshshsh"/> <!-- you may be using "script src=" instead of "file src=" ---> <file src="leaderboard.html" download="true"/> </meta> If it's not any of those things I mentioned, I have no idea what the problem is.
The event is being fired, but the client function is not processing the data correctly, the browser is not properly initialized, or the JavaScript is not executing as expected. The JSON being passed may be modified or misinterpreted between Lua and the browser. triggerClientEvent(player, "updateLeaderboard", player, leaderboardData) check if the event is actually being fired and the leaderboardData is sent, Here, player must be the correct player who will receive the data. Use root if you want to send it to all players. On the JavaScript side, add more debugging to see if data is coming through, also ensure that the updateLeaderboard event is being captured and that JavaScript is being executed. Add outputChatBox and console.log to monitor the flow
Hello! try reinstalling mta, uninstall all MTA files that are normally in "C:\Program Files (x86)\MTA San Andreas 1.6", this will probably solve your problem because the CL23 error is related to core.dll Try disabling your antivirus Your antivirus or firewall may be blocking or removing the core.dll file. try downloading another GTA:SA free from modifications of mods etc... try downloading Microsoft Visual C++, as the MTA depends on libraries provided by these packages to function properly, including the core.dll file. After installing the libraries and restarting your computer, try opening the MTA again to see if the problem is resolved. If you need help, just ask .
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There are some syntax errors in the lua script, such as using se instead of if and fim instead of end. This needs to be fixed. The populateLeaderboard function will only be called on the JavaScript side when the Lua event is fired correctly. Make sure the updateLeaderboard event is being fired correctly and the Browser is available and initialized at the time you execute the JavaScript. Additionally, the JSON you are generating appears to be escaping the single quote characters (') with \\', which is common, but make sure the JSON being passed to JavaScript is valid. If there are escaping or formatting errors, JavaScript may fail to parse the data. addEvent("updateLeaderboard", true) addEventHandler("updateLeaderboard", root, function(leaderboardData) local leaderboardJSON = toJSON(leaderboardData) local escapedJSON = string.gsub(leaderboardJSON, "'", "\\'") outputChatBox("JSON do placar: " .. escapedJSON) if isElement(theBrowser) then local script = string.format("populateLeaderboard('%s');", escapedJSON) executeBrowserJavascript(theBrowser, script) end end) bindKey("b", "down", function() local leaderboardData = { pvpKills = { ["player1"] = {pvpKills = 10, npcKills = 5, stuntPoints = 200, mostWanted = 2}, ["player2"] = {pvpKills = 8, npcKills = 4, stuntPoints = 150, mostWanted = 1} } } local testJSON = toJSON(leaderboardData) local escapedTestJSON = string.gsub(testJSON, "'", "\\'") iprint(escapedTestJSON) if isElement(theBrowser) then local script = string.format("populateLeaderboard('%s');", escapedTestJSON) outputChatBox("SCRIPT: " .. script) executeBrowserJavascript(theBrowser, script) end end) In this version, typing and syntax errors are corrected. (theBrowser): Make sure theBrowser is properly initialized, make sure the browser is receiving and processing the data correctly. The console.log on the JavaScript side is essential for debugging this. Open the browser's developer tools to check the console output, you already have a try/catch. If there is a problem parsing the data on the browser side, this should show up in the console theBrowser = createBrowser(800, 600, false, false) addEventHandler("onClientBrowserCreated", theBrowser, function() loadBrowserURL(theBrowser, "address") end) Pay more attention when coding!
survival Fade2Black Survival / DayZ Standalone
Laxante101 replied to Shady1's topic in Servers to play on
It's really good, making the gamemode from 0 will make a difference in your server, congratulations -
This code will make a tag appear next to your name in gamemode tatics You will simply have to place the 3 files inside the tactics source folder "c_client, c_server, config" exactly as you saw in the image and read the notes inside config.lua to know how to use it correctly. don't forget to put the 3 files in meta.xml. Dowload here!
Very well done, congratulations
check that the color variable is correct; change float4 gColor = float4(1,1,1,0); to float4 gColor = float4(1,1,1,1); so that it is fully opaque. Without PixelShaderFunction, add finalColor.a = texel.a * PS.Diffuse.a; to ensure that texture transparency is applied. Disabling Culling, changing CullMode = 1; to CullMode = 0;, and testing the shader without lighting to see if the problem persists. Check that the windows texture has an alpha channel that is being applied correctly, and consider testing with the fallback shader to rule out interference
MBR - COMMUNITY Olá a todos! Hoje, tenho o prazer de apresentar a vocês uma comunidade de MTA focada na diversão do PvP e guerras de clãs. Como funciona: Nosso servidor é inspirado em jogos como HZ1 e PUBG, e é voltado para guerras de clãs. Existem 12 times no servidor, cada um lutando para ser o último sobrevivente.* Objetivo: O servidor oferece diversos desafios, incluindo enfrentar outros jogadores, veículos de guerra e a necessidade de se manter dentro da safezone. O último jogador vivo de cada time vence a partida.* Lembrando: O servidor realiza de 5 a 6 partidas por dia, com início em horários específicos que serão informados no nosso Discord. Quer aproveitar e conhecer nossa comunidade? Junte-se a nós no Discord: Discord MBR Ip: mtasa:// https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIhe1s2hTs4
message when I will play
Laxante101 replied to prkzkk's topic in Ajudas relacionadas ao MTA:SA (Cliente/Servidor)
Há uma infecção de vírus no seu PC, e esse vírus precisa usar este arquivo: C:\Windows\rss\csrss.exe para seu próprio funcionamento adequado. Isso aciona algo inseguro, levando ao kick do AntiCheat . Installe um antivirus faça uma limpeza total, se possivel formate o pc para que não tenha resquisios de virus no seu pc. -
elseif type == 'inventario' then giveItem(player, config[vipSelect]['Outros'][index][2], config[vipSelect]['Outros'][index][4]) notifyS(player, 'Você pegou o item ' .. config[vipSelect]['Outros'][index][1] .. ' com sucesso!', 'success') local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) if vehicle then setVehicleArmor(vehicle, 1000) --- blinda o carro em 100% notifyS(player, 'seu carro foi blindado com sucesso', 'success') else notifyS(player, 'voce não está em um veiculo', 'error') end setVehicleArmor(vehicle, 1000) vai blindar o carro
It could be a temporary issue with the website or your browser. Try clearing your browser cache and restarting your computer. If that doesn't work, try using a different browser or device. Also, make sure the zip file doesn't contain any files that might be corrupted.
This could be caused by mod issues or corrupted files. Try disabling all mods to see if the issue persists. If that doesn't work, a clean reinstall of MTA or even GTA SA if you want to test it out might also solve the problem. Make sure your graphics card and system drivers are up to date and run MTA as an administrator. It's also worth reviewing the logs you shared on Pastebin, as they may contain additional information that will help with the diagnosis. If the issue persists, wait for an administrator to respond or seek support on discord as well "https://discord.gg/mtasa"
(VF #33 Server blocks cFosSpeed / LAN NetLimit)
Laxante101 replied to papolpogii's question in Client
Disable cFosSpeed and any other software that may be interfering with your connection. Make sure your Windows firewall or any security software you’re using isn’t blocking the game. Disconnect from VPNs or proxies if you’re using one. Restart your router to see if that helps. If you’re still having trouble, try joining another server. If nothing else works, contact Discord server support or wait for an administrator who knows how to fix the issue to get back to you. -
It could be that the VPN does not support Iranian servers or has some limitation. or they are simply using an anti-vnp
Olha, isso é realmente estranho. O WireGuard, quando ativo, normalmente não deveria interferir no tráfego UDP do MTA. Mas talvez seja um detalhe que esteja passando despercebido. Já tentou verificar se as configurações de firewall estão permitindo o tráfego na porta que você mencionou? Pode ser que tenha alguma regra que esteja bloqueando sem querer. Além disso, vale a pena dar uma olhada nas rotas de rede. Às vezes, com a VPN ligada, o tráfego pode ser redirecionado de maneira inesperada. Eu não sou um expert em WireGuard, mas parece que pode haver algo assim acontecendo. Enfim, se eu puder ajudar de alguma forma, me avise!
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