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Everything posted by Laxante101

  1. Laxante101

    mta crashes

    Maybe there was some modification you made, like particles, shadow, moon, etc. dowload the default gta sa here
  2. Laxante101

    mta crashes

    Normally a white screen with several numbers appears, enter the game, wait for it to close by itself and take a screenshot of this blank screen and send it here
  3. "En este repositorio, podrás encontrar el GM de RolePlay basado en MTA-Paradise para Multi Theft Auto San Andreas. Debido a que no habrá nuevas aperturas del servidor, he tomado la decisión de publicarlo para que cualquiera pueda montarlo en su máquina, o incluso, que se anime a abrir un servidor. No obstante, cabe recordar que estamos ante un GM con unos cuantos años a sus espaldas, desde 2010 que surge MTA-Paradise, por lo que no se garantiza en ningún momento su correcto funcionamiento." Te aconsejo que hagas tu propio servidor en lugar de recibir filtraciones de Internet, puedes poner el servidor sin saber qué hace cada script, esto es un problema.
  4. open the console in f8 and type 'login user password' and try to see if you typed your account correctly y envíame el GM completo, tal vez pueda verlo mañana
  5. Estas teniendo problemas para registrarte, me imaginaba que era un panel de inicio de sesión, al fin y al cabo eso es lo que es, explícame si el error es registrarte en el servidor predeterminado o en un script.
  6. ¿Tienes un error en tu servidor? ¿O en el servidor abierto de otra persona?
  7. try to see if your video card drivers are up to date in your device manager
  8. Check if the auto shutdown setting is enabled on the server in server.config, look for <shutdownwhenempty>1</shutdownwhenempty> If this line exists and is set to 1, the server will automatically shut down when there are no players, replace the 1 with 0 or delete the line It may be a configuration of your VPS panel.
  9. Either you got a script from someone or leaked from the internet that has a 'Lua executor' panel or someone is injecting this into the mta and is attacking your server, check your scripts and buy an anticheat.
  10. Ваш компьютер заражен вирусом, и для своего правильного функционирования этому вирусу необходимо использовать этот файл: C:\Windows\rss\csrss.exe. Это вызывает что-то небезопасное, что приводит к удару переменного тока. Посмотрите результаты сканирования этого файла: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/3993aa1a1cf9ba37316db59a6ef67b15ef0f49fcd79cf2420989b9e4a19ffc2a Запустите полную антивирусную проверку и устраните любые инфекции (или полностью переустановите Windows, чтобы быть на 100% безопасным), а затем в будущем будьте более осторожны в Интернете, чтобы не получить еще один вирус на свой компьютер. "credits to @Dutchman101"
  11. In short, buy a host from the country where you want users to have better ping.
  12. true, also setElementData to store the password can be a resource consuming factor, especially if the generatePass function is called very frequently.
  13. The problem is that you have (or had) " cFosSpeed " installed in C:\Program Files\cFosSpeed\ , and your latest kicks are caused by the cFosSpeed driver still running in C:\windows\system32\DRIVERS\cfosspeed6.sys Make sure to stop it completely before starting the MTA, or uninstall it completely. If you don't, the servers that planned to use SD #33 won't let you in.
  14. try looking in the device manager if your graphics card is being recognized,MTA diag download mtadiag and run it to show what it could be
  15. или это проблема с сервером, который говорит, но не с нами
  16. Laxante101


    hi, offset = 0x000DFE92 is an error that is explained in the wiki https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Famous_crash_offsets_and_their_meaning Bad sound mods or faulty audio driver/device. Use the unmodified GTA installation to check or update your audio drivers. The problem is usually caused by completely missing or empty/corrupted audio files (such as in \Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\audio > SFX or another subfolder), so you can alternatively restore a specific backup. Do not use 'compressed' GTA repacks for this reason, as the audio files may be cut off. modifications to your gta, such as overdose, shadow, moon, gta3, can cause these crashes due to poor otomization of the png or .img file, check this and download the gta with everything original here. I hope I helped.
  17. If Windows 8 is the latest one that appears to you, yes
  18. This error indicates an access violation, it could be several things. try activating the compatibility mode on top of the MTA .exe and right after opening a box activate the compatibility option, this could be a result of a DLL injection, and also try installing the most updated DirectX download here
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