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Posts posted by njr1489

  1. forgive me for my grand ignorance, but what is MTAMA?

    you can get people to race now by yelling in game---- WHO WANTS TO RACE, then you gota get everyone to the place you wish to race at (the hard part) then have at it.

    See, the stunt mode is not organized enough IMO. The go carts should be placed at race tracks, the nitro cars should be at the airport (with more stunts)

    Getting people to do something different then spawn at funhouse and nitro is quite a challange. :cry:

    Thats what I'm also trying to say. Stunt mode isn't organized. Also we can have the stuff we want in it. Its up to us if we really want to do this and I want to do it. And yelling who wants to race doesn't really work. You can get maybe one or two people. I'm saying we should create a server that is for racing only. Races should happen every week and we can race for championships.

  2. I have a few race maps here. http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=11287

    If this works out we can schedule races, what types of races, types of cars and and what championship its for. You can't forget the championships so I thought of a few. VC cup, east island cup , west island cup and the monthly winner. VC cup is a tournament with 4 races organized by points just like mario kart. East cup is the same thing but on the east island. West is also the same thing. The monthly winner is a bit different. Its once a month and the prize is a spot at the next race. To enter you have to ask for a spot and be there at the time they say. If you think about it, this could be something you're proud of winning. You can put this in your signature saying you are the 5 time VC cup winner.

  3. It would be cool if for blue, someone actually makes MARIO KART 64 tracks\mod for those things. :D

    Someone is making a mod where you have a mario skin and can race at the hotring wit go karts but I forgot where that was.

    can those race ways be pointed out ingame someway, ..or do you have to keep the track in mind?


    btw- stadium to lighthouse is also a good race



    For now we have to memorize it. If someone was able to make a line all around the destination on the radar, it would be even easier. I just don't know if its possible.

  4. Here is a few maps that are good for racing. If you use RC bandits they might take long but its fun.

    1. East to west Laps:1-5


    2. Aroud VC Laps:1-2


    3. North point mall to cortez's ship Sprint


    4. Ammunation to docks Sprint


  5. I would approve of these changes if it was for a gang war mode. I know talidan is trying to make a team deathmatch script or something like that. maybe with these changes and a team deathmatch mode this can work. This is what mta was missing. Most online shooters have FFA TDM and other gamemodes. Everyone will approve if this mode was made.

  6. well, hardly any servers have mtama gamemdoes enabled, just because they get boring. with a map/round system it'll be different, with regular map changes, plus a 'winner' as i suggested could merely be an addition. my main point was the fact that portland and staunton are now a ghost town.

    Thats the problem. People won't like the switch because shoreside vale's gamemodes and features are only for that island. People would accept it if all the island had the same features.

  7. I was there with sloth, dew and flare. We were not cheating. We held back and pressed the jump button repeatedly to get up there. Now to explain the patriot being up there, I did that. You have to drive as fast as you can and turn left or right sometimes to move up I turn right and landed on the dam. That dam is not a vertical wall, its a slope. You can climb the hills if you can drive good.

  8. There is no way he could not know he didn't have a cracked client. Cracks are modified .exe files which this one is. And doesn't the file you download from mta an installation? Cracks are made separately and not in the install.

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