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Posts posted by njr1489

  1. They're not synced? I haven't noticed it. There is a lot of desync in stunt mode. Maybe they'll fix it if they have time it will happen in 0.5.1 but I think the other answer will be wait for blue or blue, blue, blue.

  2. Was it some guy named "Fire", he was in the SSV serv i run with his mods :\

    mmm !ban

    I knew it. I saw this guy play too. He walked through the building when I chased him. So to set this straight, walking through buildings = hacks not glitches or bugs right?

  3. The bugs didn't matter to me at that time. The only thing I cared about was the fun. People always killed and never backed down, there were fun chases and not as much teaming which I liked at that time I was a noob. Everything was used fairly and wasn't abused much. That spaz, mp5, stubby, and flamethrower pickups were greatly hidden and wasn't abused a lot when I played. I guess the old people will come back when mta is at the full version.

  4. Well to answer your question, there are a few reasons.

    1. People are dissapointed at 0.5 and waiting for 0.5.1

    2. People live in different times (EX:In days of no school, I usually have to play at 2:00 to play with my friends when its about 8:00 or 12:00 over there)

    3. People might prefer other servers than the ones you play on. Thats why I refresh and sort by the quantity of players.

  5. Here's an idea:

    All accounts are free, BUT, if an account has been suspended due to proven cheating, one must pay FIVE, yes FIVE dollars to play again.. So no one has to worry about paying becaues its free to sign up and play, but if you wan't to save yourself money, you won't cheat in the first place.. and if you are an honest player, you don't even have to think about paying to get your account back.

    Some people might think $5 is good enough to play and have fun getting other people mad. I think its crazy but it can happen.

  6. So you're saying have icons on the map or pink markers and blips for places like the bank? I think the rpg mode won't be made by mta. People will have to do it themselves when blue is out.

  7. Its great for you to be back now the rest of the old players need to come back too. There will be good updates in 0.5.1 so everyone will like vc and gta 3 even more. You will notice a lot of changes.

  8. Making people pay to play would bring the numbers down a lot even if it was a dollar. Not many people would do this because they would have to get paypal or make a money order. Also, most of the players are teens from 13 - 18, why would they want to pay? Money order isn't that fast but paypal is but you need a credit card. I have a credit card and I am a teen but even though I have the requirements, I wouldn't pay. Maybe on the perfect version but not now. MTA isn't ready for this yet.

  9. This isn't a big thing but can mini games and ammunation be enabled at the same time but the mini game is disabled? Lets say someone bought speed. What should happen is the ammunation is still open but you can't but another game until the other game is over. When people play mini games, only a few people want to play. Some people need ammunation on because when they are in a good fight, they kill the opponent but barely has enough health to surivive or no weapons and someone just bought a mini game. Not everyone wants to play.

  10. I used to have a pentium 4 2.53 ghz but had to downgrade to a celeron d 2.40 ghz because it got messed up. Mine runs fast but I want to upgrade soon to AMD. For those of you who can't afford or don't want to pay a lot for a computer you should go to computer fairs. They have very cheap prices and are usually half the price you see at your local computer store. I saw a 2.0 ghz laptop with a 64 MB video card 512 MB of ram and a 40 gb HD for 575 dollars.

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