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Posts posted by njr1489

  1. It is possible. We only need about 606 more members. What we should do is tell everyone playing to join the forums and also tell them you get a lot of help. Most people who don't register to the forums are noobies so we can help them. From now on when there is someone asking for help I will help them and tell them to join the forums. Right now I got a few people to join.

  2. Carkilling in gta vc should be left the way it is. We don't want these carkillers to destroy vc like they did to gta 3. Also I always have to hunt them down when I chase them and they almost never get out of the car. What is funy sometimes is that a few people ask for it and stop when I am far away and then leave once I get there and it keeps going on.

  3. Maybe what we can do for now is put a spray can in the game that only gang members can use and only the major gangs. Ex: KFC asks to put there gang tag in the game, they find a spray can somewhere in the map and use it but you can only pick it up if you have KFC in your name or if your ip matches the one registered.

  4. You have some funny screens legend killer. You should start doing your own comics and post them. The only thing you need to work on is the writing. You put a white box which takes out some of the picture. I know you use microst paint but there is and option where you can write on top of the picture. But you should try photoshop. Other than that its perfect.

  5. car killing is the only reason I don't play gta 3.

    off topic

    Thinking about that mad_boy, it would be funny to land a skimmer on someone.

    The thing I hate about that is that once you don't have a car and you are far away from one the carkillers won't give up.

  6. I think that when an update or release is posted, people should know right away. They should be emailed about any major update. I started playing MTA since janurary of last year but never regisered to the forums until march. That time I nver knew that updates and releases were being posted. Also I took a break around the time 0.4.1 was going to be released. I never knew what was going on. This idea will also help the amount of users being active and bringing back the old players of mta who decided that mta got boring.

  7. I guess some people rather have an easy kill than a challenge. I prefer the challenge. Maybe my stats are low because of the stubby but I ask for it sometimes. When most of the people on the server are having a stubby war I interrupt as a mexican kill a few people and then they go after me. I like people who can make a good fight without having to do the same thing over again. I also think the stubby won't get boring to some people because they just care about killing people and not how they did it.

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