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Posts posted by njr1489

  1. I know exactly what you are talking about loendal. The [ACK] or anti carkillers. Technically I think the flamer is allowed but not excessive. I am a level 5 admin there so I will talk to them about it. I know blaze the leader. He just got fed up one day on the partyserver and made ACK because carkilling was big once kungfu announced it was legal. I think they have heard so much of get your own server and put a no carkilling rule there, so they did it. If they allowed carkilling, there clan would be meaningless. Fire should be ok when ill talk to them but not excessive. Also to reply to your post kung about them getting mad about 1 on 1's, they were used to it in the partyserver cause it was happening there. i'm guessing they adopted this idea of 1 on 1's at sight.

  2. Maybe instead of progress bars, you should have a goal to finish at the time you want to but not something like this month. Something like this year. That would leave people only knowing it will come out that year. :twisted:

  3. Yeah, i setup a 0.3r2 server last night, and we had loads of fun...

    the only trouble is that only the people that played 0.3 will know its better (in many ways) and it would be very difficult to get loads of people back into it.

    Lets hope 0.5.1 will be as good, if not, release 0.3r2 as 'MTA 0.6' 8)

    Yeah it should be something like that. If 0.5.1 is a total mess up, bring back 0.3r2 with almost everything fixed especially that 30 minute crash. Or there should be a 0.3.5 so there would be 2 choices to pick. The latest version or the most fun version.

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