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Everything posted by MAD_BOY

  1. the system sounds great, though it'll work like a bucket with a hole
  2. both games suck, rugby sucks.
  3. A: only if we can eat the actual ham Q: wouldn't the ship recognise brophy as ham?
  4. you don't need hands to drive a car you know
  5. LEARN TOF REAKING READ both JHXP and Gamefreek told you about an INVISIBLE CHAR
  6. A: i don't care, PAGE 150!!!! Q: aren't we awesome?
  7. which is impossible, he probably had some character that looks the same in some nick (i.e. I and L look alike in some fonts)
  8. A: that's nasty Q: why are there people that like pumpkins?
  9. The Vice City Police Welcome, we are the Vice City Police. We proudly claim the title of being one of MTA's oldest gangs and the undefeated winner of the only official MTA tournament. The precise start date was Monday, September 08, 2003 (credit MAD_BOY for saving this info). VCP has had a long MTA history which was started by Iggy. We have had many ups and downs. Today MAD_BOY, JHXP, and Talidan share the duty of leading VCP. We are certainly in need of members. If you join, you will not be a reserve player, you will be used. Many great players have come and gone through our doors for over 4 years, will you be another one? We're active in all version of MTA. That means GTA3, Vice City and San Andreas. We currently have no website, but you can always contact us at IRC. IRC Channel: irc://irc.multitheftauto.com/vcp ^connects you to #mta (community channel) and #vcp (our official channel)
  10. learn to drive, so you won't fall behind
  11. it's GTA, it isn't supposed to be realisitc
  12. what's with all the 3d games, i'm dissapointed that not many people are naming the classics
  13. How can you say that? San Andreas is crap. It's boring as :~ once you finish the story. Sure you can run around like an idiot from the cops, but the AI sucks so bad. The game is already out of popularity. If anyone's still playing it (on the PS2 of all things with no mob abilities at all) it's all just a buncha dumbasses that can't see a good game if it bites them on the nose. San Andreas is done once you get all the explosions, headshots, and the story out of the way. There's nothing left to it. erm, the power of gta has always been the free-roam, which is there and with all the extra crap such as car "tuning" and all the sidegames, it doesn't get boring, specially cause of the big arse map now vc, that got boring
  14. you ould make a script for mta:ma that would let you save coordinates and specify areas
  15. there is no normal mp in the pc version
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