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Everything posted by ccw

  1. ccw

    Banned Serial

    You will have to contact the SAES. Try their forum http://saesrpg.net/
  2. ccw

    MTA Crash when I play.

    Try this: Settings->Advanced->Fullscreen mode->Borderless window
  3. To use modules, you need the 32 bit MTA server.
  4. ccw

    Help MTA Crashing

    Make another MTADiag log please, as the old one has expired.
  5. ccw

    MTA Crash when I play.

    Try this: 1) Start MTA 2) Settings->Advanced->Debug setting->#0000 Lua Trace 3) Join server 4) When MTA freezes, hold both left CTRL AND right CTRL keys 5) MTA should crash and make a dump file. Zip up MTA\dumps\ and upload to: http://upload.mtasa.com/
  6. Your MTADiag log as expired. Please do another one: Download and run MTADiag and follow the instructions. If MTADiag doesn't launch, please install Visual C++ 2012 runtimes (download and install vcredist_x86.exe) and try again. Press 'n' when asked. Post any Pastebin URL MTADiag gives you.
  7. ccw

    Crash Selected Server.

    Great. Thanks for fixing the translation.
  8. ccw

    Crash Selected Server.

    Please try the latest patch: https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/?mtasa-1.4.1-rc-latest
  9. I think this is a bug in MTA: https://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=8765 You can try to avoid the bug by checking the events in your scripts.
  10. Is this on your server? Give me the list of running resources.
  11. Please download and run MTADiag and follow the instructions. If MTADiag doesn't launch, please install Visual C++ 2012 runtimes (download and install vcredist_x86.exe) and try again. Press 'n' when asked. Post any Pastebin URL MTADiag gives you.
  12. ccw

    Crash Selected Server.

    How did you get that file? The translations are different.
  13. ccw

    MTA Crash when I play.

    Check if you get the problem with 344 graphic driver: http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverRe ... 9099/en-us
  14. ccw

    MTA Crash when I play.

    What do you mean by crash? Does MTA freeze?
  15. ccw

    Crash Selected Server.

    This is caused by an error in the Japanese translation. We'll fix it shortly.
  16. CentOS has been a problem for MTA. Sorry about that.
  17. ccw


    Try applying this patch: https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/?mtasa-1.4.1-rc-latest
  18. What steps did you exactly follow?
  19. ccw

    MTA crash's all tha time

    Two of those crashes are because of memory problems. 64 bit Windows is one solution.
  20. ccw


    Find MTA\dumps\ in the MTA install dir, zip 'em up, and upload here: http://upload.mtasa.com/
  21. Post here for help and put 'Cylus Gaming script' in the topic name: viewforum.php?f=91
  22. It is possible to install 32 bit MTA server in 64 bit OS
  23. There is a CentOS guide here: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?f=106&t=71159 However, I'm not sure that will help you. A solution would be to change to Debian.
  24. 1) Tell your ISP the server IP and port you connect to. 2) In the latest update, set this option: Settings->Advanced->Packet tag->On That will prepend all network packets with the word 'mtasa' - You can tell your ISP that as well.
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