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Everything posted by Bladexen

  1. Water Caprute the Flag ---------------------------- 2 islands 2 teams 2 flags boats and water. take a boat and capture the enemies flag on the other island and bring it back to ur base. Big Kahuna ----------------------------- one person who is really strong and gets and weapons he wants and every one else can pick a m16 pistol and a stuby shot gun and u need to kill the guy who is really strong. No Name ----------------------------- one team at army base and another team at airport the team at airport needs to infaltreate the army base and kill every one there. also u should ad the smoke bomb mod so the army base ppl can throw the smoke bombs and the other ppl can't see Hiding Devel ------------------------------ There is a maze like map and one person is "it" he starts at the beginging of the maze. other ppl start in a hiding place. there might be 32 random spawn places so 1/2 of them or less will be empty. "it" will have granades, Smoke bombs , M60 , and molotove and pistol and 2x the health. the oTHEr ppl will have SMG's. so "it" needs to get to the end of the maze with out dieing ( if it is to hard then make it they try 2x - 4x). Sniper Land ------------------------------- JUst a hole bunch of sniper posts and ppl and u must kill the other ppl and u only have a sniper. Sniper Land Teams ------------------------------- JUst a hole bunch of sniper posts and ppl and u must kill the other ppl and u only have a sniper. But other ppl will be in ur post wich will be ur team so ur team needs to snipe other teams. Bridge War --------------------------------- On one of the bridges there is a hole bunch of humers on each side of the bridge. ppl and guns so ppl need to rush to the middle and kill eachother. Well those are my modes
  2. Water Caprute the Flag ---------------------------- 2 islands 2 teams 2 flags boats and water. take a boat and capture the enemies flag on the other island and bring it back to ur base. Big Kahuna ----------------------------- one person who is really strong and gets and weapons he wants and every one else can pick a m16 pistol and a stuby shot gun and u need to kill the guy who is really strong. No Name ----------------------------- one team at army base and another team at airport the team at airport needs to infaltreate the army base and kill every one there. also u should ad the smoke bomb mod so the army base ppl can throw the smoke bombs and the other ppl can't see Hiding Devel ------------------------------ There is a maze like map and one person is "it" he starts at the beginging of the maze. other ppl start in a hiding place. there might be 32 random spawn places so 1/2 of them or less will be empty. "it" will have granades, Smoke bombs , M60 , and molotove and pistol and 2x the health. the oTHEr ppl will have SMG's. so "it" needs to get to the end of the maze with out dieing ( if it is to hard then make it they try 2x - 4x). Sniper Land ------------------------------- JUst a hole bunch of sniper posts and ppl and u must kill the other ppl and u only have a sniper. Sniper Land Teams ------------------------------- JUst a hole bunch of sniper posts and ppl and u must kill the other ppl and u only have a sniper. But other ppl will be in ur post wich will be ur team so ur team needs to snipe other teams. Bridge War --------------------------------- On one of the bridges there is a hole bunch of humers on each side of the bridge. ppl and guns so ppl need to rush to the middle and kill eachother. Well those are my modes
  3. I think if i understood what u said That it is impossible!
  4. and can u do that in all servers ? or is that just in some ?
  5. Is MTA revolution different then blue ? is it the same thing ? or doese it just have more names? what is the real NAME?
  6. when did u start making the core to assum how much time it will take to finish
  7. what you mean drivebys? you know where u are driving and u stick ur gun out the window and shoot? wtf i ment was it you shootin or could it be a passenger oh ok calm the fuck down.
  8. what you mean drivebys? you know where u are driving and u stick ur gun out the window and shoot?
  9. well u know what reall be messed up if they added the GTA NEW VC mod witch is a mod to change all the missions and unlocks all of them.
  10. OMG u should make a thing like VCM in the menue and u add your mods in a folder and in the menue of MTA Blue u but mods and it shows all the mods in that folder and u can easly install and unistall the mods. and also i think i am not sure u got some suggestions from me and u added them but not sure notg sure at all. probaply not but u know maybe maybe.
  11. well when u have a mod on the server it checks other ppl to make sure they have the same mod.
  12. in the blue page u had this line doese that mean missions ???
  13. OMG u should make a thing like VCM in the menue and u add your mods in a folder and in the menue of MTA Blue u but mods and it shows all the mods in that folder and u can easly install and unistall the mods. and also i think i am not sure u got some suggestions from me and u added them but not sure notg sure at all. probaply not but u know maybe maybe.
  14. well maybe have sum1 help u on IM so u can talk back to back or i think u might be a noob ( maybe ) so i sugjest onece u know alot more try it again. well i think u should wait a while or not even make a server. well u can do what u want. but the server is probably gonna lag and also u r gonna have to run it and stuff.
  15. If u go in a UA server u will here ALOT of this CHEATER U CHEAT and BAN HIM and PAUSER. so if u like being acused by noobs that u cheat that is a server for u . The clan UA is old (I think) but the players are Noobs.
  16. Yeah UA are Noobs there was this dude i just got in the server and then i kill him with a stuby and when u r close enough u can kill with stuby in 1 shot then i kill this dude like that and he sais like u can't kill with stuby in one shot. U cheat. Then i am like WTF noob. so he is like Ban him because he cheats he killed me with a stuby in 1 shot. and then a dumb dumb admin ban me. yep well what i am trying to say is UA = Noob UA also sounds kinda newbish. Well if u go into UA server don't kill anyone or else u r banned and neber have a fight with ua or else u will be yelled at by some baby noobs.
  17. Bladexen

    help please

    i think sum other dude said the same thing like yesterday well yeah Mr.Bump said
  18. Bladexen


    Well what i ment was is like u can spawn as mexican robber or sailor ect. and there are just bots because if u do the thing with Pedistrain where u give weopons and either Peds hate tommy or riot cheat well the peds are to easy to kill and also it would be much funner if u could have the same feeling as MTA offline. Because i beat the game almost got hidden packages and other stuff so it is not so fun just to play vs peds because u shoot they die also with the peds they die with one shot. and also just like add AI while like lets say u have 12 or less or more ppl in a server but not full u can have bots to replace or u might want to keep score of ur enemies or urself. it would be kinda hard in stunt server because of races but since there are no cars u could add sum thing like a macro because there would be no cars to crash into but it would still be bad because u can get in there way and they will still crash into ur car.
  19. Bladexen


    Maybe u could make a mod wich is MTA the same thing execpt it is offline mode so u just have a whole bunch a bots so u don't have to connect to the internet to play the [/b]best mod in the world. (for the ppl who r dumbasses i meen MTA)
  20. Well I voted yes because the "instant kill" is realy cheap. Also u don't even get the score when u kill them with a car the last person to shoot him doese.So yes is what i say also it is if u suck i at kiling with a gun u kill with your car this isn't Twisted Metal.
  21. When i click on New Game to start MTA i crash ?? I have tried changing version i think i have 1.1 version because when i install it it sais unknown version of Gta3.exe well plz help and when i click on 1.0 it sais plz downliad a patch at ....
  22. i don't know if this is possible but i calll it paraSHOOTING well lets say the spot is the army base. one team is on the ground and one team spawn from the sky on top of the army base and that team gets lets say from where u drop u lose 56 health they get 56 armor plus 100 health so one team falls out of the sky and the other team tryies to kill them
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