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  1. Hope it will be like in Half-life and Counter-strike... That there will be somekind security file download from the server or homepage and that it will be loaded....so the cheating will be basicly updated without releasing new versions everytime.
  2. how is the cheating handle in the game? Nicely done with the new upcomming MTA.
  3. I think you prevent big part of the cheating by send the client the MD5 of the MTAClient.exe to the Server. The server will check if the client MD5 with his own MD5 and if it's not correct the Server while simply just disconnect with a message that he is running a wrong MTA client that can be possibly hacked or something like that.
  4. Mostly because I never used Adobe Premiere Pro
  5. Yeah so? If you read my first post I sad I did teh stunt two times.
  6. I get scrambled movie If I use Divx in Adobe Premiere.
  7. There are currently 4878 user registred on this forum. But you could look this by your self by clicking MemberList on top this page and going to last page.
  8. I tryed Adobe Premiere Pro and made this small 10 seconds stunt movie. I did the stunt two times and overlap them so they almost look the same. It's made XviD Codec but Divx can handle it to. If you got DivX 5 and it doesnt work Try using XviD. http://dutchtux.decksix.com/video/stunttest.zip (1.04 MB) Here is some Video Information: - Used XviD Codec - Works with DivX - Screensize: 320X240 - Original screensize: 640x480 - Compiled with VirtualDub - Movie created with Adobe Premiere Pro - Create time about 30 minutes
  9. Fraps uses the codec MS H.263....Well that says the properties of the file. in Media Player the it says that it's a unkown codec. Try opening the file with media player classic.
  10. DutchTux


    I could make a DB with all banned ips and even generate banned.lst files so you get the whole list. And somekind of rate system, so It can generate the list based on the many times the cheater is submitted.
  11. You can test if your ASE is working with my query script. here is the link: http://dutchtux.decksix.com/mtaquery/query.php If you can query your own server it mostly sure that ASE can do that to.
  12. YOu actualy dont mess with the mod...It's ment to make kick-system or stats system...or something like that.
  13. What about somekind Scripting system for MTA server. With simple commands like: SAY "Hello World?" And make it possible to have function like: On Join { PSay "Hello " . $Nick } It dont have to be advance but limited...
  14. I think it should work only in names not in chat messages.
  15. Nice Stunt. I can do that....But mostly of the time I hit lightpole... You can pratice good with signs at the airport....you can pratice on those very good.
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