Congrats've come a long way... and you have tons of time make this new update the best it could be...i'll be here waiting until next year if i have to. You all should also wait...Don't rush them, they do need that kinda stuff.
BTW: GO HOLLAND GO!!!! (euro2004)
ya....i only downloaded this mod cuz u can store more cars in ur garage, but it crashes a lot...after 3-4 mins playing..and it do u think u can make a seprate mod where u can store more than 3 cars in a garage? thx
sweet vid dude...u let the text go on for a lil too much..i know u wanted to match the music...but u should filled it in with some more clips....great music tho...
Some of the feature :
96 Players
All Animations synched
70+ Player Models ingame choosable
Choose **** * ***** (***** **** *** ***** ***********/*******)
**** **** * **** *****
Ingame menu
Ingamechat (10Lines+LOG)
ingame console
Menu in more than 9 languages
Scoreboard (+Extra Informations)
New speedometer
Ingame serverlist + WebServerlist
Server [Pasword protected + Remote server Access with WebInterface]
Synched Weather/Time choosable
more than one guy in one car
this might be more than we expacted from that guy still working
nope 96 player support....thats freaky...if u think about ...ur playing with 5 % gay men, 10 % old geeks, 20 % pure geeks, 2% girls, and the rest are cool guys!
lol...he dousnt wanna show his face anymore around here...which kinda good cuz we dun bs spreading around...i think he was just trying to get some attantion....on other thoughts : maybe he died in a car accadient!
hey dealer...since u came in here...u been making complaiments over and over again...u better get urself togther man...and stop creating 20 topics for every post....jeez man..u annoy me so much