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Everything posted by gubi

  1. Can you please describe your problem with more details? Which panel, which accessories?
  2. https://mirror.multitheftauto.com/mtasa/utils/servicing.bat pobierz i uruchom, wykonuj polecenia z konsoli, po zakończeniu zrestartuj komputer i daj znać czy pomogło, to dość ciężki temat bo powodów może być bardzo wiele, i ciężko to zdiagnozować
  3. You can just check if there are any occupants, and if soo just continue to execute rest of the function (i have no clue why the code spacing is soo weird...) for element,exists in pairs(square.list[trtype]) do local occupants = getVehicleOccupants(element) local occupantsCount = 0 for seat, player in pairs(occupants) do occupantsCount = occupantsCount + 1 end if occupantsCount > 0 then local destroy = false for seat,ped in pairs (occupants) do --THATS THE 408 LINE if not population.peds[ped] then destroy = false end end if destroy then destroyElement(element) for seat,ped in pairs(occupants) do destroyElement(ped) end end end end
  4. you need to define it at the top of your .php file require_once(__DIR__ . '/Autoloader.php');
  5. You can just take the example from their GitHub page, the only thing that you need to know is to set query port ASE, you do that by adding 123 to server port, default server port is 22003, then query port will be 22126. $GameQ = new \GameQ\GameQ(); $GameQ->addServer([ 'type' => 'mta', 'host' => '', 'options' => [ 'query_port' => 22126, // SERVER PORT + 123 !IMPORTANT ], ]); $results = $GameQ->process(); //print_r($results); // will return all data recieved thru query print_r($results[""]["gq_numplayers"]); // will return only "gq_numplayers" which is player count, uncomment line above to see more stuff u can put here Feel free to ping me if you need any help
  6. skin Andrzeja Dudy, dodatkowo obiekt długopisa na głowę (pod MTA, wystarczy attachElements) filmik prezentujący skin link do pobrania na desperadosa skin został wykonany przeze mnie, paczka jest na mega więc link na pewno nie wygaśnie, jak robicie reuploady to najlepiej podawajcie ten link
  7. You are using pirated GTA San Andreas version, please get original one from Steam or Rockstar Social Club. Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/12120/
  8. Well, maybe better way is to create logs? When someone kill other player you can create log which is gonna have player ID, SERIAL, IP, account etc. Soo it will be easier to identify him.
  9. Niestety nie ma takiej możliwości
  10. Thats literally what i wrote.
  11. You need to include also .TXD from SA-MP files (gta3.img as far as i remember). For example for object 'MBridge150m1.dff' you need cs_ebridge.txd, you can check which TXD you need by typing model name/id over here. , fe. MBridge150m1
  12. If you don't have textures and model don't use one of the built-in then obviously they are white, can you give me SAMP objects ID's of those models?
  13. Well, if i understood you properly, you want to allow this function to work, only if you have this item with ID 88? If soo then just add it in first IF statement. if not gpsBlips[playerID] and exports.global:hasItem(localPlayer, 88) then Also, you need to change localPlayer to player element.
  14. Did you included all .txd files also?
  15. Well, i wouldn't suggest to do it with rendertargets, because if you have lots of cars players can ran out of memory. Just create an texture with dxCreateTexture and apply it on the vehicle. If you need any help feel free to ask here or at our Discord.
  16. Tutaj masz w sumie gotowy kod oraz opis: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DbConnect Jeśli masz jakieś pytania to pisz tutaj, lub na Discordzie (najszybciej uzyskasz pomoc)
  17. gubi


    Nie, nie dostaniesz bana. Swoją drogą mamy tu polskie działy gdzie możesz zadawać pytania, lub bardziej żywy i szybszy Discord: discord.mtasa.com
  18. Once again, im not really sure source which he stolen and singed as his, but it's for sure made in 2015-2016 Stolen: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=15792 Source (this is reupload, proof in spoiler): https://playmodsmtaoficial.blogspot.com/2019/04/mtasa-painel-animacao.html Hope it's enough to ban him already.
  19. I am not the author of this resource but I feel the need to report. I hope that the he will be punished for it, because this is not the first time as we can see above, he was still going like it's his resource. He is known from stealing (mainly from Russians forums) resources and posting as his. Stolen (he changed all the infos in meta.xml's to his): https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=1579 Original: https://github.com/rivor/pubg-mta/
  20. It's doesn't work anymore as far as i know. If you want to move to MTA you will need to learn Lua, this language is very easy soo shouldn't be a big deal if you have experience with other languages.
  21. Yeah seems like it's working only on root/player, unlucky
  22. Hi, I was testing fetchRemote function and decide to create script that's gonna load map from cloud / URL. I added some settings soo you can create the whole system out of this few lines of code. Also this resource is gonna need access to 'fetchRemote' function, simply add it in ACL and you can use it. There are 2 maps added so you can test it out. local customMapsRawData = { ["Trash on Grove Street"] = { ["active"] = true, -- is map enabled or not ["link"] = "http://www.gubi.studio/tut/mta/trash-on-grove-street.txt", -- link to text file which contain whole data of your .map file ["visibleTo"] = getRootElement(), -- element which should see the map, can be player/getRootElement() ["annoucment"] = true, -- if set to true will annouce on chat that map has been loaded }, ["Shop on Grove Street"] = { ["active"] = false, ["link"] = "http://www.gubi.studio/tut/mta/shop-on-grove-street.txt", ["visibleTo"] = getRootElement(), ["annoucment"] = false, } } local function createMapFromRawData(data, error, mapName, annoucment, visibleTo) if error == 0 then loadMapData(xmlLoadString(data), visibleTo) outputDebugString("Map "..mapName.." has been loaded!") if annoucment == true then outputChatBox("Map "..mapName.." has been loaded!", root, 0,255,0) end else outputDebugString("Map "..mapName.." failed while loading! Check if link is valid!", 3) end end local function loadCustomMaps() if not hasObjectPermissionTo(getThisResource(), "fetchRemote", true) then outputDebugString("This resource needs access to \"fetchRemote\" in ACL!", 1) return end for mapName, mapData in pairs(customMapsRawData) do if mapData["active"] == true then fetchRemote(mapData["link"], createMapFromRawData, "", false, mapName, mapData["annoucment"], mapData["visibleTo"]) end end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), loadCustomMaps)
  23. Take a look at Slothbot i never used it with cars, soo im not sure if it is even possible, if not then you will need to write AI yourself, which is not easy at all, considering that you are posting in a forum, you have no idea about it, it is not worth the final result at all, because making such a resource is very difficult.
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