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Everything posted by gubi

  1. Are you sure you have the car in the database? Add something like that to check whether the databse is empty or not: if #results > 0 then -- #results means how many rows are in the table, if rows are more then 0 then... -- code if the database IS NOT empty else outputDebugString("Vehicles database is EMPTY") -- outputs warning in debugmode (/debugscript 3) end
  2. 1. Yes: setLowLODElement 2. EngineSetModelLODDistance
  3. It happens in loadAllVehicles or in createVehicleForPlayer?
  4. You need to replace the in-game gun model and textures with invibisble one, considering it is an DayZ gamemode i think this files should be inside, if no google it, this thread were few times on forum.
  5. Make an island on the water like an Alcatraz
  6. You want peds to drive across the LS in bus? That's what you mean? I would really not recommend that because of optimalization, and im not sure if it is even possible to make.
  7. Of course it changes the size. Original file size: 3.07 MB (random generated text) encodeString: 3.07 MB encodeString with base64: 4.10 MB teaEncode: 4.10 MB teaEncode with base64: 5.46 MB
  8. gubi

    Cant join any server

    Find out the installation folder of NetLimiter 4 on your computer, you are looking for uninstall.exe or unins000.exe, run it and restart your computer. If the problem is not resolved you will have to clear the register of this program.
  9. Works for me, show your meta.xml file.
  10. gubi

    Help pls D:

    if isObjectInACLGroup(aclGetGroup("Admin,Moderator,Owner")) then change it to: if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)), aclGetGroup("Owner")) or isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)), aclGetGroup("Admin")) or isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)), aclGetGroup("Moderator")) then
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