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Everything posted by dalexoxo

  1. in which file? and which line?
  2. no, I mean when I click on the X close button
  3. Hello MTA Community, ich have a problem with the DGS class. if I close the gui with close Button, the mouse pointer does not go away, why? who can help me?
  4. createCustomBlip ( 1523.5888671875, -1469.013671875, 20, 20, "files/MAP/32.png", 200 ) ???
  5. it is the standard https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=960
  6. Hello MTASA Forum, i have a bug with customblips, who can help me? Screen:
  7. Hallo MTASA Forum, ich habe den bug, mit dem customblips, kann mir wer helfen? Screen:
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