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Everything posted by dalexoxo

  1. create a render function with this and a unrender function.
  2. and? it's very simple to scripting, i can script a clone in 1 month
  3. I can script a clone from this, it's very simple.
  4. Hello MTA:SA community, i release now all my Selfmade Gamemodes and Scripts. INFO: You have a error, warning or otherwise? Then write me a DM(Direct Message) or add me on Discord (DorteY#3099) and write a DM there. Hud (Script): https://github.com/DorteY/mtasa-selfmadehud Cops 'n' Robbers (Gamemode): https://github.com/DorteY/mtasa-copsNrobbers (Updated: 10.12.2019) Zombie Apocalypse (Gamemode) https://github.com/DorteY/mtasa-Apocalypse (Updated: 12.12.2019) Lakeside Reallife (German) (Gamemode) https://github.com/DorteY/mtasa-LakesideGER (Updated: 25.12.2019)
  5. Add me on Discord: DorteY#3099 and write me a DM
  6. Hätte Interesse, schreib mir mal ne DM(Direct Message).
  7. Hello MTA:SA Community, i release my old Multi-language system. DL: https://github.com/DorteY/mtasa-languagesystem Have Fun
  8. dalexoxo

    ERROR VF #4 JR9Z

    i have same code
  9. Hello MTA:SA Community, i release my MTA:SA Zombie Apocalypse Script + Controlpanel. Download: http://j.gs/C5Jw
  10. Hallo, da ich ein angefangenes Zombie Apocalypse Script habe und es verkaufe möchte, dachte ich mir, ich biete es hier zum Verkauf an, da ich mit MTA nichtsmehr zutun habe. Das Script ist 100% Selfmade. Testserver: mtasa:// Das Script Beinhaltet: - Autokauf system - Tanksystem - Inventarsystem - Adminsystem - Register/login System - Kills/Tode System - Autorespawnsystem - VIP System - GUNshopsystem - Skinshopsystem - Logsystem - Downloadmanager - Achievmentsystem - Safezonsystem - Damagesystem - Hitmarkersystem - Levelsystem - Spielstundensystem Preis: 60€ PSC/Paypal
  11. Hello MTA Community, i have a Problem with onMarkerHit Here the code: AdminbaseAllowedNames={ ["Lorenzo"]=true,} GoInAdminbaseMarker=createMarker(-2039.7,216.6,34.8,"cylinder",2,255,125,0,140) function TeleportInAdminbase_Func(player) if AdminbaseAllowedNames[getPlayerName(player)]then if isElementWithinMarker(player,GoInAdminbaseMarker)then if getPedOccupiedVehicle(player)==true then setElementFrozen(player,true) setTimer(setElementFrozen,200,1,player,false) setElementPosition(player,-2023.3,295.7,895) else setElementPosition(player,-2023.3,295.7,894.6) end end else outputChatBox("You dont have permissions!",player,255,0,0) end end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit",GoInAdminbaseMarker,TeleportInAdminbase_Func) if a player in vehicle then a problem with: if AdminbaseAllowedNames[getPlayerName(player)]then
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