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Everything posted by JeViCo

  1. Hello everyone! How can i make a vehicle turnin right or left without turning wheels? Is that possible?
  2. wtf why this always happens to me? Sorry million times! I solved this problem. (Still a big fan of yours)
  3. i think i didn't help you i'm sorry. This guy helped you at the beginning
  4. Hello, @thisdp, could you help me? I used object_preview resource + DGS and got this It doesn't affect on my script at all but gives warnings anyway. Using setTimer does nothing(
  5. i added missing '1,' I'm not sure that i can help a lot. If it didn't help at all, try to paste print or outputChatBox in your functions to detect broken parts of code
  6. wtf by the way, you hide window and shot it again at line 15,16 guiSetVisible(window[1], false) guiSetVisible(window[2], true) maybe you want this? guiSetVisible(window[1], false) showCursor(false) Also, check script for errors (use '/debugscript 3' command)
  7. Uhh minor problem. replace this math.random (#endmusic) with this math.random (1, #endmusic) @#Heshan||eUNLOCK||
  8. solved. I didn't need any map
  9. JeViCo

    Mirror shader

    i didn't ask to give me one. I asked for help with finding a point where i can start off
  10. Вопросы такого духа задавайте в следующий раз в разделе по скриптингу) Если у вас уже есть система id, то это в разы упрощает задачу. Для начала вам нужно как за какими данными закрепляются id ( ElementData ) Допустим getElementData(player,"id") даёт то самое заветное число, где player - нужный нам игрок. Тогда по этим данным сделаем следующий скрипт: local idname = "id" -- название данных function findById(id) -- получаем игрока по Id for _, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) local curpl = getElementData(v,idname) if curpl then if tonumber(curpl) == id then return v break end end end return false end addCommandHandler("banid",function(pls,cmd,id,seconds,reason) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( pls ) ), aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then local pl = findById(id) if not seconds then local seconds = 0 end if not reason then local reason = "Вы были забанены навсегда" if pl then banPlayer(pl,true,false,true,pls,reason,seconds) end end end) addCommandHandler("kickid",function(pls,cmd,id,reason) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( pls ) ), aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then local pl = findById(id) if not reason then local reason = "Не веди себя плохо :3" if pl then kickPlayer(pl,pls,reason) end end end) addCommandHandler("muteid",function(pls,cmd,id) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( pls ) ), aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then local pl = findById(id) if pl then if isPlayerMuted(pl) then setPlayerMuted(pl,false) else setPlayerMuted(pl,true) end end end end)
  11. you can use setAccountData and getAccountData. It will be mush easier than databases for you :3
  12. replace local s = playSound3D("sound/backfire2.wav", x,y,z, false) with local s = playSound3D("sound/backfire2.wav", x,y,z, true) but it will play until you stop it with stopSound or destroyElement
  13. JeViCo

    Mirror shader

    Hello everyone. How can i make mirror effect with shaders without perfomance reducing? For example i want to make mirrors in houses
  14. Thanks. I tested it. It really helps a lot
  15. Hello everyone! How can i protect my fetchremote function from possible bypasses? variable replacement etc?
  16. i had limilar idea but i don't think that's a good idea with having more than 1k objects per map unit. Lesser object size = more of them per map unit = lesser perfomance.I really don't know what to do :с
  17. nope example: this guy shared his terrain editor. I tested it and i can stand on the ground without any col files
  18. Hello everyone! I saw on youtube video where people were creating collisions with different shapes. The main question - HOW ? Shaders?
  19. i'm not That's why i asked. It can cause a lot of problems
  20. try this addEventHandler("onClientElementStreamIn", getRootElement(), function() if getElementType(source) == "vehicle" then #getVehicleOccupants(source) == 0 then setElementFrozen(source,true) end end end) addEventHandler("onClientVehicleEnter", getRootElement(),function() if #getVehicleOccupants(source) == 1 then -- not sure right here (check if car empty) setElementFrozen(source,false) end end) @overlocus
  21. removePedFromVehicle is a shared function. Make sure you put it server-side @Fabioxps
  22. this guy replaced a variable vehicles to use it below. If i write like this setElementPosition(vehicles[i], 0, 0, 10) -- position setElementRotation(vehicles[i], 90, 180, 0, "ZYX") -- orientation/rotation it won't affect the result at all
  23. ok come on, we've just finished talking about that
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