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Everything posted by VenomOG
Don't help him staffs he is using smug resources stolen
function lsjobser () car = createVehicle (440, 2460.52, -2004.38, 13.54) warpPedIntoVehicle(source, car) markerLS = createMarker (1784.78, -1702.06, 12.50, "cylinder", 2, 255, 0, 0, 255) blipLS = createBlipAttachedTo (markerLS, 40) end addEvent ("givePlayerJobLS", true) addEventHandler ("givePlayerJobLS", root, lsjobser) function moneyLS (attacker) if (attacker) and (attacker ~= source) then givePlayerMoney(attacker, 3000) setPlayerWantedLevel(attacker, getPlayerWantedLevel(attacker)+2) destroyElement(markerLS) destroyElement(blipLS) destroyElement(car) end end addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", root, moneyLS ) function lvjobser () carlv = createVehicle (440, 2460.52, -2004.38, 13.54) warpPedIntoVehicle(source, carlv) markerLV = createMarker (1074.43, 1292.71, 9.82, "cylinder", 2, 255, 0, 0, 255) blipLV = createBlipAttachedTo (markerLV, 40) end addEvent ("givePlayerJobLV", true) addEventHandler ("givePlayerJobLV", root, lvjobser) function moneyLV (attacker) if (attacker) and (attacker ~= source) then givePlayerMoney(attacker, 6000) setPlayerWantedLevel(attacker, getPlayerWantedLevel(attacker)+4) destroyElement(markerLV) destroyElement(blipLV) destroyElement(carlv) end end addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", root, moneyLV ) function sfjobser () carSF = createVehicle (440, 2460.52, -2004.38, 13.54) warpPedIntoVehicle(source, carSF) markerSF = createMarker (-2052.80, 144.87, 27.83, "cylinder", 2, 255, 0, 0, 255) blipSF = createBlipAttachedTo (markerSF, 40) end addEvent ("givePlayerJobSF", true) addEventHandler ("givePlayerJobSF", root, sfjobser) function moneySF (attacker) if (attacker) and (attacker ~= source) then givePlayerMoney(attacker, 10000) setPlayerWantedLevel(attacker, getPlayerWantedLevel(attacker)+6) destroyElement(markerSF) destroyElement(blipSF) destroyElement(carSF) end end addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", root, moneySF )
Hey I need help When I do addeventhandler(onmarkerhit", job marker, moneyls) when anyone enters any marker it gives them $
I want create a zone and if coo teams enter the PEDs shoot at them
Read the rules and Regulations first @TarzanBoy @DNL291
Reporter: Venon1 Reason: Clone Servers Explination: Well in 2016 me andmy friend @Tando made a server named SAUG so we closed it 2017 for some developments (still developing) and a couple arabic guys made our server with NG scripts and we madeour own scripts Solution:remove Server
Just client
Uhm @Juuve I did that what u said and still Can u write full script for me please
SERER SIDE! conn = dbConnect( "mysql", "dbname="..tostring(exports["NGSQL"]:getMySQLData()[3])..";host=localhost", tostring(exports["NGSQL"]:getMySQLData()[1]), tostring(exports["NGSQL"]:getMySQLData()[2]), "share=1" ) ---exports.NGSQL:db_exec ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS drugdealers (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT KEY, x TEXT, y TEXT, z TEXT, rot INT)" ); dd = {} col = {} qry = dbQuery(conn, "SELECT * FROM drugdealers") pol, pl = dbPoll(qry, -1) pl = tonumber(pl) dn = {[14] = "LSD", [13] = "Heroine", [12] = "DMT", [15] = "Weed"} dn2 = {["LSD"] = 20, ["Heroine"] = 18, ["DMT"] = 21, ["Weed"] = 19} _createPed = createPed function createPed(a, b, c, d,e,f) local p = _createPed(a, b, c, d,e,f) setElementData(p, "PEDNODMG", true) return p end function tocolor(red, green, blue, alpha) if((red < 0 or red > 255 or green < 0 or green > 255 or blue < 0 or blue > 255) or (alpha and (alpha < 0 or alpha > 255))) then return false end if(alpha ~= nil) then return "0x"..string.format("%.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X",alpha,red,green,blue) else return "0x"..string.format("%.2X%.2X%.2X", red,green,blue) end end function randomize() if pl < 4 then ready = false return end ready = true d1 = math.random(1, pl) d2 = math.random(1, pl) d3 = math.random(1, pl) d4 = math.random(1, pl) end randomize() if ready then while d1 == d2 or d1 == d3 or d1 == d4 or d2 == d3 or d2 == d4 or d3 == d4 do randomize() end for k, row in ipairs(pol) do if(k == d1 or k == d2 or k == d3 or k == d4) then dd[row["id"]] = createPed(29, row["x"], row["y"], row["z"], row["rot"], false) setElementData(dd[row["id"]], "MarketName", "Drug Dealer") col[k] = createColTube(row["x"], row["y"], row["z"]-1, 2, 2) createBlipAttachedTo(dd[row["id"]], 24, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 200) setElementFrozen(dd[row["id"]], true) setElementData(dd[row["id"]], "DrugSelling", dn[math.random(12, 15)]) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", getRootElement(), function () exports["GTGText"]:create3DTextLabel("Drug Dealer", tocolor(255, 255, 0, 255), row["x"], row["y"], row["z"], 20, 0, "default-bold", 2, source) end) exports["GTGText"]:create3DTextLabel("Drug Dealer", tocolor(255, 255, 0, 255), row["x"], row["y"], row["z"], 20, 0, "default-bold", 2, root) addEventHandler("onElementClicked", dd[row["id"]], function (but, state, player) if(but == "left" and state == "down") then if(isElementWithinColShape(player, col[k]) and not isPedInVehicle(player)) then triggerClientEvent(player, "showDrugs", player, getElementData(source, "DrugSelling")) end end end) end end end function hasPlayerDrugSeed(p) if (exports["GTGInventory"]:getPlayerItemCount(p, 18) and exports["GTGInventory"]:getPlayerItemCount(p, 18) > 0) or (exports["GTGInventory"]:getPlayerItemCount(p, 19) and exports["GTGInventory"]:getPlayerItemCount(p, 19) > 0) or (exports["GTGInventory"]:getPlayerItemCount(p, 20) and exports["GTGInventory"]:getPlayerItemCount(p, 20) > 0) or (exports["GTGInventory"]:getPlayerItemCount(p, 21) and exports["GTGInventory"]:getPlayerItemCount(p, 21) > 0) then return true end return false end addEvent("buyDrug", true) addEventHandler("buyDrug", getRootElement(), function (drug) if getPlayerMoney(source) < 8000 then return end if hasPlayerDrugSeed(source) then return exports.GTGMessages:sendClientMessage("Drug Dealer: You already have a drug seed!",source, 255, 0, 0) end takePlayerMoney(source, 8000) exports["GTGInventory"]:addPlayerItem(source, tonumber(dn2[drug]), 1) exports.GTGMessages:sendClientMessage("Drug Dealer: You bough a drug seed for 8,000$",source, 0, 255, 0) end) addCommandHandler("adddrug", function (thePlayer, cnm, rot) if(isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)), aclGetGroup("Owner"))) then x, y, z = getElementPosition(thePlayer) dbExec(conn, "INSERT INTO drugdealers (x, y, z, rot) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", x, y, z, tonumber(rot)) end end) dtimer = setTimer(restartResource, 86400000, 1, getThisResource()) function getDealerTime() if isTimer(dtimer) then local tl = getTimerDetails(dtimer) if tl then return math.floor(tl/1000/60) end return "Already reseted!" end end CLIENT SIDE! local client = getLocalPlayer() local drugdesc = { ["LSD"] = "LSD protects you from Bombs", ["Heroine"] = "Heals you each 10 Seconds", ["DMT"] = "DMT makes you semi-invisible", ["Weed"] = "Weed makes you jump high" } if isElement(window) then return end window = guiCreateWindow(463,188,330,221,"GTG Drug Dealer", false) guiWindowSetSizable(window,false) desc_memo = guiCreateMemo(9, 24, 312, 138, "", false, window) windowbuy = guiCreateButton(19, 172, 104, 40, "Buy Seed plant", false, window) windowclose = guiCreateButton(207, 172, 104, 40, "Close", false, window) guiMemoSetReadOnly(desc_memo,true) guiSetVisible(window,true) guiSetText(desc_memo, drugdesc[drug]) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",windowclose,function() if (source == windowclose) then destroyElement(window) addEvent("showDrugs", true) end end) end) okay so, the problem is it wont trigger clientEvent 2- it keeps giving code '(' expected near ')' 3-Line 11 for 2 problem @DNL291 i tagged you cuz you helped me once
server side addCommandHandler("dude", function(thePlayer) local gunner = createPed(0, 0, 0, 0) giveWeapon(gunner, 31, 999999999, true) local posX, posY, posZ = getElementPosition(thePlayer) setElementPosition(gunner, posX + 2, posY, posZ) triggerClientEvent("onRequestStartBlabla", thePlayer, gunner) outputChatBox("gunner!") end) --client side local theDude = nil function shooter() if(theDude == nil)then return end local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(getLocalPlayer()) if(vehicle == false)then return end local isShooting = getControlState("vehicle_secondary_fire") if(isShooting)then setPedControlState(theDude, "fire", true) outputChatBox("is shooting!") else setPedControlState(theDude, "fire", false) end end addEvent("onRequestStartBlabla", true) addEventHandler("onRequestStartBlabla", getRootElement(), function(gunner) theDude = gunner addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), shooter) end)
Okay, Thanks if i did how can i make the script check for tose teams when player dies
dEventHandler( "onPlayerWasted", getRootElement( ), function() if isPlayerInTeam(player, "SAPD") then setTimer( spawnPlayer, 2000, 1, source, 0, 0, 3 ) local location = getZoneName ( x, y, z ) end ) New to lua so
Help I want when a cop dies a d if there in lv,sf,L's they spawn at a police department can anyone start me off?
Hey gat u need to have a script to connect discord bots to mta
- 3 replies
- discord bot
- mta bot
(and 8 more)
Tagged with:
conn = dbConnect( "mysql", "dbname="..tostring(exports["mysql"]:getMySQLData()[3])..";host=", tostring(exports["mysql"]:getMySQLData()[1]), tostring(exports["mysql"]:getMySQLData()[2]), "share=1" )
I didnt change password its blank
Wellmimmon android
Xamp and phpmyadmin
Hi I have an problem when I start my sql or db it outputs in console Acess denied user '****'@local host using password (YES) Any help with this in mta or something
Well im on android but ill explain Anyway ive scripts long time and im using NGSQL And ive added db to all my scripts to protect them So now ive new ip and want new db I change ip and run scripts But it wont work idk why
Any help that if player leaves the zone it will stop capturing and remove %? or if another team enters it , it stop captures and removes %
u registered St1ckerMan? and restarted the server?
@IRBIS Thanks , checkyour msgs
I think i went wrong somewere, just help me out