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Everything posted by VenomOG
onColShapeHit use that Event
[RPG Realistic 1.2V] UGN : RPG [ Arabic , Polish , English , Others]
VenomOG replied to VenomOG's topic in Servers to play on
~~~~ Announcement ~~~~ We are back once again, way better ~~~~ Updates ~~~~ _ Screenshots _ -
SQLite will be better, sms me if you need help making a table with SQLite
"Hey! I am new on Lua and I was wondering if someone can help me with this" he said this mabye hes just testing
Its a job so setElementVisibleTo will be best, just remove the marker until the job is ready for it again
Explain the script. @IvanAkaSick local act1Marker1 = createMarker(2445.3193359375,2376.3627929688,12.163512229919, "cylinder", 1.0,0,246,255,50) createBlipAttachedTo(act1Marker1,60) local act1Marker2 = createMarker(2435.3193359375,2376.3627929688,12.163512229919, "cylinder", 1.0,0,246,255,50) setElementVisibleTo ( act1Marker2, root, false ) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit",act1Marker1, function(hitElement,matchingDimension) triggerClientEvent("showGui", hitElement, hitElement) end) function startact1Job(thePlayer) outputChatBox("Anda al siguiente marker!", hitElement,100,100,100) setElementVisibleTo ( act1Marker1, thePlayer, false ) setElementVisibleTo ( act1Marker2, thePlayer, true ) end addEvent("giveact1Job",true) addEventHandler("giveact1Job", root, startact1Job) function MarkerHit54( hitElement, matchingDimension ) outputChatBox("Ganaste!", hitElement,100,100,100) setElementVisibleTo ( act1Marker1, hitElement, true) setElementVisibleTo ( act1Marker2, hitElement, false) end addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", act1Marker2, MarkerHit54 )
local myMarker = createMarker( -2596.6259765625, 579.3583984375, 15.626741409302, 'cylinder', 2.0, 255, 0, 0, 150 ) local myMarker2 = createMarker( -2596.6259765625, 579.3583984375, 15.626741409302, 'cylinder', 2.0, 255, 0, 0, 150 ) function MarkerHit( hitPlayer, matchingDimension ) setElementPosition ( hitPlayer, posX, posY, posZ ) end function MarkerHit2( hitPlayer, matchingDimension ) setElementPosition ( hitPlayer, posX, posY, posZ ) end addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", myMarker, MarkerHit ) addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", myMarker2, MarkerHit ) @Yang
~~~~ Basic Information about our scripts ~~~~ Our scripts run on pHpMyAdmin aka MYSQL, So each scripts has its own tables, and settings Our scripts are based on GTA 5 , Still developing, Our systems are being re worked. ~~~~ ~~~~ Requirements ~~~~ Must know LUA Ofcource. Must understand some MYSQL, not alot Must be programming for 10+ Months Must Understand English, Of cource Must can send in works when requested Must have Discord, Facebook to contact Must follow rules and act normal ~~~~ ~~~~ Payment Information ~~~~ IF We get donations obviously we will play you sometimes. ~~~~ ~~~~ Some of our Basic Scripts ~~~~ Bank Robbery - Heist ATM Robbery - Heist Store Robbery - Heist User Panel - UCP Login Window - Introductions ~~~~ Contact my FB : Itz Ally ~ Spondge Bob Photo
Territorie Script Help, So i got an territorie system that u can take areas and get money every 1hour but 1 small bug the player must be in-game to get the money, anything to fix? CODE, function sendTurfPayout ( ) local groupTurfs = { } for i, v in pairs ( turfLocs ) do if ( not groupTurfs [ v.owner ] ) then groupTurfs [ v.owner ] = 0 end if ( not v.attackers ) then groupTurfs [ v.owner ] = groupTurfs [ v.owner ] + 1 end end for i, v in pairs ( getElementsByType ( 'turfs' ) ) do local g = exports.Groups:getPlayerGroup ( v ) if ( g and groupTurfs [ g ] and groupTurfs [ g ] > 0 ) then local c = groupTurfs [ g ] * tonumber ( get ( "*PAYOUT_CASH" ) ) exports["Groups"]:setGroupBank ( g, exports["Groups"]:getGroupBank ( g ) + c ) exports.Groups:outputGroupLog ( g,"Get Turfing Price: "..tostring ( groupTurfs [ g ] ).."Turf "..tostring(c).."$", v) exports.Messages:sendClientMessage ( "Turfing: Here is $"..tostring(c).." for having "..tostring ( groupTurfs [ g ] ).." in your clan bank", v, 0, 255, 0 ) end end end
im selling
addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function ( resource ) handler = dbConnect ( "sqlite", "database.db" ) if ( handler ) then outputDebugString ( getResourceName ( resource ) ..": Successfully connected to SQLite database." ) dbExec ( handler, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'elections' ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, votername TEXT, elected TEXT )" ) else outputDebugString ( getResourceName ( resource ) ..": Connection to SQLite database failed.", 1 ) cancelEvent ( ) end end ) @WeCan
Put them on serverside
local policeVehicles = { {597, 1531.6806640625, -1668.15234375, 13.3828125}, } local police = "Police" addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot,function() for _, v in ipairs(policeVehicles) do local veh = createVehicle(v[1],v[2],v[3],v[4],0,0,v[5]) setElementData(veh,"carFaction",police) end end) function vh ( player, seat ) if seat == 0 then if getElementData(source,"carFaction") == police then if getElementData(player,"Faction" ~= "Police") then cancelEvent() outputChatBox ( "#ffff00your are not in police department faction", player,240,155,15,true) end end end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleStartEnter", getRootElement(), vh ) try adding onVehicleEnter to the script i sent
local vehicles = createVehicle(ID,x,y,z,rot) ---- put your position function onDamageProof(seat,jacked) setVehicleDamageProof(vehicles,true) end addEventHandler("onPlayerVehicleEnter",vehicles,onDamageProof) vehicle
this will work 100% xd ----------------- DELIVERY SCRIPT BY XXXGHOSTXXX ---------------- local vehicles = createVehicle(ID,x,y,z,rot) ---- put your position local deliverymarker = createMarker(x,y,z,"cylinder",1.2,255,0,0,255,root) del = getAccountData(source,"Deliveries") or 0 function onDamageProof(seat,jacked) setVehicleDamageProof(vehicles,true) outputChatBox("Delivery Mission started" ,root) end addEventHandler("onPlayerVehicleEnter",vehicles,onDamageProof) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit",deliverymarker,function(player) setAccountData(player,"Deliveries",1) givePlayerMoney(player,50000) outputChatBox("You have been given 1 perk and 50k for delivery",player) end) function requestdeliveries(pl) outputChatBox("You have "..del.." deliveries",pl) end addCommandHandler("deliveries",requestdeliveries) --------------------- END OF SCRIPT BY KNUCK/PREACHER --------------------- put the xy,z
@xXGhostXx ----------------- DELIVERY SCRIPT BY XXXGHOSTXXX ---------------- local vehicles = createVehicle(ID,x,y,z,rot) ---- put your position local deliverymarker = createMarker(x,y,z,"cylinder",1.2,255,0,0,255,root) del = getAccountData(source,"Deliveries") or 0 function onDamageProof(seat,jacked) setVehicleDamageProof(vehicles,false) outputChatBox("Delivery Mission started" ,root) end addEventHandler("onPlayerVehicleEnter",vehicles,onDamageProof) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit",deliverymarker,function(player) setAccountData(player,"Deliveries",1) givePlayerMoney(player,50000) outputChatBox("You have been given 1 perk and 50k for delivery",player) end) function requestdeliveries(pl) outputChatBox("You have "..del.." deliveries",pl) end addCommandHandler("deliveries",requestdeliveries) --------------------- END OF SCRIPT BY KNUCK/PREACHER ---------------------
use this ---- local vehicles = createVehicle(ID,x,y,z,rot) function onDamageProof(seat,jacked) setVehicleDamageProof(vehicles,false) end addEventHandler("onPlayerVehicleEnter",vehicles,onDamageProof) serverside
local vehicles = createVehicle(ID,x,y,z,rot) function onDamageProof(seat,jacked) setVehicleDamageProof(vehicles,false) end addEventHandler("onPlayerVehicleEnter",vehicles,onDamageProof)
Code broken 100% put vehicles not vehicle
Skype is dead i have discord Lua#3190
Thank you omg xd,finally someone understands