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Everything posted by Brophy

  1. A: No, u need a beaver Q: Anyone seen a beaver?
  2. Talidan, shouldnt the title be changed considering it does more than patch the german version now?
  3. Interesting idea, but people would get bored if they can only play at certain times of the day
  4. Brophy

    Beta testing?

    Well posting on a forum asking to be on the team like countless others before you wont get you on team BTW, dont think going onto irc for a week will get you on the team either
  5. The 'flaming' comments were directed at robix
  6. You cant compare SA-MP with MTASA: Race and MTASA: DM is in development, as vicer said, its so people can prepare for dm P.S. You shouldnt be using modded cars on MTA / SA-MP
  7. At the end of the day, it isnt official, its just fan base stuff you can choose if u wanna be part of it or not
  8. And what makes you think mtadm is the same as race? have you played it yourself? ....no
  9. Its their forum at the end of the day, they can do what they want
  10. A: No, put it away before i gets stabbed with a fork Q: Should cock stabbing be permitted on the ship?
  11. A: Sorry, we put them in a sock pie Q: Do you want some?
  12. A: I belive dtneter has semen in his eye Q: Should we kick him off the ship?
  13. You highlight one of the servers that show up on the list and press connect
  14. It was only enabled because people like yourself with a more powerful computer has an advantage over players with poor ones
  15. A: No, all is fine, the monkeys just wanted to know where we got our pies Q: Should we murder the monkeys now they know where we get out pies?
  16. A: Yes, only if im allowed to do it Q: Stab to the face?
  17. They are waiting until the proper release
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