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Everything posted by Brophy

  1. A: Yes Q: Should i ride it into the Pie of Doom?
  2. One solution, dont use it
  3. A: Me, im sorry, i needed a poo Q: Shall we use solide's pastry as toilet paper?
  4. check the random picture gallery on the main page http://mtavc.com/picture.php
  5. Brophy


    Andy, how about talking english and if you have nothing to contribute to this thread then dont post [/offtopic] field33, does your game just close or do you get an error code? does it still work in single player? have you selected the right version on the mta console?
  6. A: Only if you hand them a cheese pie Q: You got one?
  7. A: zomg noes! Q: Who has stolen the coffee machine!?
  8. A: No, apparently solide wants it for his mighty meat suprise pie Q: Will anyone be eating solide's pie?
  9. A: Johnline used them for masturbating Q: What should we do with johnline?
  10. A: Yes Q: Anyone know how the 'Anal Drive' works?
  11. the latest verson of MTA race is 1.1.1 and but when you get gta: san andreas tommorow, remember to downgrade the gta-sa.exe to version 1.0
  12. You need Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas installed, and you need to point mta to the gta-sa.exe (make sure its v1.0) Also....
  13. A: Bake parts of it in a pie Q: What should we call this new pie?
  14. Brophy


    MTA:Blue isnt the game itself, its just the core its developed on Make sure your VC is a clean install and you at least play it once in single player before going to multiplayer
  15. A: Yes, also take his wallet Q: Should we slap his teeth too?
  16. A: Me, but willy isnt going no where! Q: Agreed?
  17. Hmm, there is actually a button too that skips mp3 tracks on sa, that could help too? why dont you scan your latest tracks in single player first
  18. Hmm, i suppose, but they dont have that gay 6month exclusive clause anymore
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