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Everything posted by Gravestone

  1. Trying to steal compiled client files, eh?
  2. Gravestone


    This is how the colors are chosen in the admin resource: <group action="mute" r="255" g="0" b="0"> <all>$player has been muted$by_admin_4all. $data2</all> <log>ADMIN: $admin has muted $player $data $data2</log> </group> I don't think this can be edited, or maybe you can remove this above code and add custom messages in the admin resource where the muting player action is triggered.
  3. Gravestone


    The message HurT muted HurT(2mins) is by default from the admin resource. You can create your own punishment system and output the text like you want it to be.
  4. Why can't the weapons players have can be made an element too? The functions for custom weapons, can't they be used for player weapons too?
  5. UPDATES: - Combined multiple functions into one. - Fixed a bug where the opponent wasn't removed when the clan war stopped. - Added a feature to end the clan war when the players of a team quit and there were less than 3 players. Updated download link is in the main post.
  6. Gravestone


    If you're the owner of this code, then you'll obviously know how to fix it yourself.
  7. The first point is obvious, I'm doing that. Second point, it replaces models successfully when the client downloads the files via a command. The weapon models are download so they have to be replace when the client re joins. Or the resource restarts. That's what I'm tried to do.
  8. For making an object infront of them player I guess you'd need to make some calculations and for the second thing, what is sapling?
  9. The function will not work if it is not triggered. I need to replace models when the resource starts for the clients.
  10. function setWarpLocked(player) outputChatBox("Nem tudnak rád warpolni", source, r, g, b) setElementData(player, "IsWarpLocked", true) end addCommandHandler("warpki", setWarpLocked) function setWarpUnlocked(player) outputChatBox("Mostmár rád tudnak warpolni", source, r, g, b) setElementData(player, "IsWarpLocked", false) end addCommandHandler("warpbe", setWarpUnlocked) Use these functions ^
  11. That is an element data which is being set, it's not a function which can be called by the client. WarpMe is the function.
  12. I don't see any IsWarpLocked function server sided.
  13. This function is not being handled. Add an event handler to it or try this: function omg_plat1() plat1 = createObject(3095, 3052.1999511719, -973.59997558594, 1.6000000238419, 0, 0, 0) plat1Attach1 = createObject(3498, 3044, -973.40002441406, 1.5, 0, 90, 0) attachElements(plat1Attach1, plat1, -8.1999511719, 0.1999511718775, -0.1000000238419, 0, 90, 0) plat1Attach2 = createObject(3095, 3056.1999511719, -973.59997558594, -2.4000000953674, 0, 90, 0) attachElements(plat1Attach2, plat1, 3.999999999975, 2.5011104298756e-012, -4.0000001192093, 0, 90, 0) plat1Attach3 = createObject(3095, 3052.1999511719, -977.59997558594, -2.4000000953674, 90, 0, 0) attachElements(plat1Attach3, plat1, -2.5011104298756e-011, -3.9999999999975, -4.0000001192093, 90, 0, 0) plat1Attach4 = createObject(3095, 3052.1999511719, -969.59997558594, -2.4000000953674, 270, 0, 0) attachElements(plat1Attach4, plat1, -2.5011104298756e-011, 4.0000000000025, -4.0000001192093, -90, 0, 0) omgMoveplat1(1) end setTimer(omg_plat1, 1000, 1)
  14. I'm trying to make a option for players to download mods. The files are downloaded but if I restart the resource or the player joins then it spams the debug with 'attempt to load '..file name..' before 'onClientFileDownloadComplete' event. Is there anyway I can prevent my debug from getting spammed? weapons= { { file = "335" }, { file = "346" }, { file = "347" }, { file = "348" }, { file = "349" }, { file = "350" }, { file = "351" }, { file = "352" }, { file = "353" }, { file = "355" }, { file = "356" }, { file = "357" }, { file = "358" }, { file = "359" }, { file = "360" }, { file = "362" }, { file = "363" }, { file = "372" }} function downloadComplete(file, success) if (source == getResourceRootElement(getThisResource())) then for index, weapon in pairs(weapons) do if file == "weapons/"..weapon.file..".txd" or file == "weapons/"..weapon.file..".dff" then setTimer(replaceModels, 1000, 1) end end end end addEventHandler("onClientFileDownloadComplete", root, downloadComplete) function replaceModels() for index, weapon in pairs(weapons) do if fileExists("weapons/"..weapon.file..".txd") and fileExists("weapons/"..weapon.file..".dff") then txd = engineLoadTXD("weapons/"..weapon.file..".txd") engineImportTXD(txd, weapon.file) dff = engineLoadDFF("weapons/"..weapon.file..".dff") engineReplaceModel(dff, weapon.file) else outputDebugString("Weapon file do not not exist for client "..getPlayerName(localPlayer)) end end end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), replaceModels)
  15. Tell us what errors you're facing.
  16. Gravestone


    It's hard for me to read your code like this xd. Since you're new to the forums, you can post your code by clicking on the '<>' option in the taskbar and then select 'lua' and paste your code.
  17. outputChatBox ('#FF5100* #ffffffVocê tem #FF510010 #ffffffsegundos parar voltar para o Carro.', source, 255, 255, 255, true) T11 = setTimer (destroyElement, 10000,1, blipxxx[source]) T22 = setTimer (destroyElement, 10000,1, cam[source]) T33 = setTimer (setElementData, 10000,1, source, "Trab", false) T44 = setTimer (function() Trabalho = false if getElementData(source, "Trab") then setPedSkin (source,0) outputChatBox ('#FF5100* #ffffffVocê ficou muito tempo fora do veiculo e fracasso a missao!.', source, 255, 255, 255, true) setElementData(source, "Trab", false) end end, 10000, 1) end end addEventHandler ("onVehicleExit", root, NSPode) function SNPode (source) if (cam[source]) and isElement(cam[source]) then killTimer (T11) killTimer (T22) killTimer (T33) killTimer (T44) end end addEventHandler ("onVehicleEnter", root, SNPode) Try this ^, not tested tho
  18. Explained in English and some other languages as well.
  19. Let's make a cake and let you have the bigger piece, shall we?
  20. Create a simple code with a command which sets your armor to the required amount.
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