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Everything posted by raynner

  1. Não vejo erro no seu código mas respondendo a sua pergunta sobre deixar o cara no chão usando um frame da animação é possível usando setPedAnimationProgress
  2. Olá amigos então eu estou com um problema que eu realmente não sou capaz de resolver ! Necessidade : Eu preciso pegar a posição do mundo através do cursor em cima da imagem do meu f11 personalizado Descrição completa: Eu peguei esse roteiro de um amigo mais eu acredito já telo visto pela internet e eu estou fazendo varias modificações nele eu adicionei blips as bordas e outras correções ... eu estou atualmente adicionando sistema de gps do gta v nele bom tudo já funciona porém eu coloquei para usar /gps aparece a imagem e eu clico no local porém eu quero fazer isso direto do mapa F11 eu tentei diversos cálculos mas o mais perto que eu cheguei foi obter a cordenada do mundo do centro em que o mapa esta Nota: vou deixar o código do arquivado de render aqui ele tem outros roteiros necessários para funcionar se precisar do mesmo diga eu irei disponibilizar eu não tenho problema em telo disponível pela internet afinal apenas estou aprimorando para meu servidor mais ainda esta longe de completo. Este é a função que eu fiz que me retorna a posição do mundo em que fica no centro do mapa quando eu movo ele vai pegando a cordenada do que esta no centro do render e seu eu movo o mouse ele apenas tem algumas alterações no floot da postion No codigo estou testando isso na linha 256 function getWorldFromMapPosition(mapX, mapY, posx, posy, x, y, w, h, range) local worldX = posx + ((mapX - (x + w / 2)) / range) / 3000 / (range/180); local worldY = posy - ((mapY - (y + h / 2)) / range) / 3000 / (range/180); return worldX, worldY end Map = {} Map.__index = Map Map.instances = {} Map.damageEfect = {} local sx,sy = guiGetScreenSize() px,py = 1366,768 x,y = (sx/px), (sy/py) font = dxCreateFont("images/myriadproregular.ttf",20,true) local max,min = math.min,math.max function cstrain( value, v1, v2 ) return max(min(value,v1),v2) end function math.map(value, low1, high1, low2, high2) return low2 + (value - low1) * (high2 - low2) / (high1 - low1) end function Map.new(X,Y,W,H) local self = setmetatable({}, Map) self.x = X self.y = Y self.w = W self.h = H local pos = {getElementPosition(localPlayer)} self.posX = pos[1] self.posY = pos[2] self.posZ = pos[3] self.size = 90 self.color = {255,255,255,255} self.blipSize = x*18 self.drawRange = 220 self.map = dxCreateTexture("images/gtasa.png","dxt5") self.map2 = dxCreateTexture("images/gtasa2.png","dxt5") self.renderTarget = dxCreateRenderTarget(W, H, true) self.blips = {} for k=0, 63 do self.blips[k] = dxCreateTexture("images/icons/"..k..".png","dxt3") end if(#Map.instances == 0) then addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), Map.render) end table.insert(Map.instances, self) return self end function Map.render() for k,v in pairs(Map.instances) do if v.visible then if not v.style then v:draw() elseif v.style == 1 then v:draw2() end end end end function Map:setVisible(bool) self.visible = bool if bool == true then self:setPosition(getElementPosition(localPlayer)) end return true end function Map:isVisible() return self.visible end function Map:setPosition(x,y,z) self.posX = x self.posY = y self.posZ = z return true end function Map:getPosition() return self.posX, self.posY, self.posZ end function Map:setColor(r,g,b,a) self.color = {r,g,b,a} return true end function Map:getColor() return self.color end function Map:setSize(value) self.size = value return true end function dxDrawEmptyRec(absX,absY,sizeX,sizeY,color,ancho) dxDrawRectangle ( absX,absY,sizeX,ancho,color ) dxDrawRectangle ( absX,absY+ancho,ancho,sizeY-ancho,color ) dxDrawRectangle ( absX+ancho,absY+sizeY-ancho,sizeX-ancho,ancho,color ) dxDrawRectangle ( absX+sizeX-ancho,absY+ancho,ancho,sizeY-ancho*2,color ) end function Map:draw() dxSetRenderTarget(self.renderTarget, true) local player = getLocalPlayer() local centerX = (self.x) + (self.w/2) local centerY = (self.y) + (self.h/2) local pr = getPedRotation(player) local mapSize = 3000 / (self.drawRange/180) local zoomwert = self.drawRange if getKeyState("=") then if self.drawRange > 120 then self.drawRange = self.drawRange - 8 end elseif getKeyState("-") then if self.drawRange < 660 then self.drawRange = self.drawRange + 8 end elseif getKeyState("arrow_l") then self.posX = self.posX - (self.drawRange/100*10) elseif getKeyState("arrow_r") then self.posX = self.posX + (self.drawRange/100*10) elseif getKeyState("arrow_u") then self.posY = self.posY + (self.drawRange/100*10) elseif getKeyState("arrow_d") then self.posY = self.posY - (self.drawRange/100*10) end local mapPosX, mapPosY = -(math.map(self.posX+3000,0,6000,0,mapSize)-self.w/2), -(math.map(-self.posY + 3000, 0, 6000, 0, mapSize)-self.h/2) --[[ local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() local mptx,mpty,mptz = getWorldFromScreenPosition ( centerX, centerY, self.drawRange ) dxDrawText(tostring(umgerechnetx1), screenW * 0.3713, screenH * 0.6276, screenW * 0.6272, screenH * 0.9154, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, "default", "left", "top", false, false, false, false, false) --]] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- draw map dxDrawRectangle(0,0,self.w,self.h,tocolor(0,120,210)) dxDrawImage(mapPosX, mapPosY, mapSize, mapSize, self.map, 0,0,0, tocolor(255,255,255)) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- draw radar areas for i, area in ipairs (getElementsByType("radararea")) do local ex, ey = getElementPosition(area) local w, h = getRadarAreaSize(area) local areaX = (3000+ex) / 6000 * mapSize local areaY = (3000-ey) / 6000 * mapSize local scaledW = w / 6000*mapSize local scaledH = -(h / 6000*mapSize) areaX = areaX + mapPosX areaY = areaY + mapPosY local rr, gg, bb, alpha = 255,255,255,255 rr, gg, bb, alpha = getRadarAreaColor(area) if (isRadarAreaFlashing(area)) then alpha = alpha*math.abs(getTickCount()%1000-500)/500 end dxSetBlendMode("modulate_add") dxDrawRectangle(areaX, areaY, scaledW, scaledH,tocolor(rr,gg,bb,alpha)) dxSetBlendMode("blend") end --local minStreamPosX,maxStreamPosX,minStreamPosY,maxStreamPosY=playerX-300*px*zoomwert,playerX+300*px*zoomwert,playerY-300*py*zoomwert,playerY+300*py*zoomwert if (#wegTable > 0) then for i,wayPoint in ipairs(wegTable) do --if mapPosX<wegTable[i].posX and mapPosX >wegTable[i].posX and mapPosY<wegTable[i].posY and mapPosY>wegTable[i].posY then local ex,ey = wegTable[i].posX,wegTable[i].posY local blipX = (3000+ex) / 6000 * mapSize local blipY = (3000-ey) / 6000 * mapSize blipX = blipX + mapPosX blipY = blipY + mapPosY if wegTable[i+1] then local ex2,ey2 = wegTable[i+1].posX,wegTable[i+1].posY local blipX2 = (3000+ex2) / 6000 * mapSize local blipY2 = (3000-ey2) / 6000 * mapSize blipX2 = blipX2 + mapPosX blipY2 = blipY2 + mapPosY local umgerechnetx1, umgerechnety1 = blipX,blipY local umgerechnetx2, umgerechnety2 = blipX2,blipY2 dxDrawLine(umgerechnetx1,umgerechnety1,umgerechnetx2,umgerechnety2,gpsColorRed, zoomwert / 10 / 20) else local ex2,ey2 = lastMarkerPositionX,lastMarkerPositionY local blipX2 = (3000+ex2) / 6000 * mapSize local blipY2 = (3000-ey2) / 6000 * mapSize blipX2 = blipX2 + mapPosX blipY2 = blipY2 + mapPosY local umgerechnetx1, umgerechnety1 = blipX,blipY local umgerechnetx2, umgerechnety2 = blipX2,blipY2 dxDrawLine(umgerechnetx1,umgerechnety1,umgerechnetx2,umgerechnety2,gpsColorRed, zoomwert / 10 / 20) end --end end end --[[function getWorldFromMapPosition(mapX, mapY) self.posX, self.posY, self.posZ = getElementPosition(player) local mapX, mapY = getCursorPosition() local worldX = ((mapX - (self.posX + self.w / 2)) / self.drawRange) / 3000 / (self.drawRange/180); local worldY = ((mapY - (self.posY + self.h / 2)) / self.drawRange) / 3000 / (self.drawRange/180); outputChatBox(tostring(worldX).." | "..tostring(worldY)) --return worldX, worldY; --end--]] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- draw arrow local local b = self.blipSize local ex,ey = getElementPosition(player) local blipX = (3000+ex) / 6000 * mapSize local blipY = (3000-ey) / 6000 * mapSize blipX = blipX + mapPosX blipY = blipY + mapPosY dxDrawImage(blipX-x*23/2, blipY-y*25/2,x*23,y*25, self.blips[2], (-pr)%360,0,0,tocolor(255,255,255,255)) dxSetRenderTarget() ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- draw render target dxDrawEmptyRec(self.x-x*5, self.y-y*5, self.w+x*10, self.h+y*10,tocolor(0,0,0,150),5) dxDrawImage(self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h, self.renderTarget,0,0,0,tocolor(unpack(self.color))) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- draw blips for i, b in ipairs (getElementsByType('blip')) do if getElementDimension(b) == getElementDimension(player) and getElementInterior(b) == getElementInterior(player) then local elementAttached = getElementAttachedTo ( b ) if elementAttached ~= player then local ex, ey, ez = getElementPosition(b) local blipX = (3000+ex) / 6000 * mapSize local blipY = (3000-ey) / 6000 * mapSize blipX = blipX + mapPosX + self.x blipY = blipY + mapPosY + self.y --[[if isCursorShowing(localPlayer) then local mapX, mapY = getCursorPosition() local tx,ty = getWorldFromMapPosition(mapX, mapY, self.posX, self.posY, self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h, self.drawRange) outputChatBox(tostring(tx).." | "..tostring(ty)) end--]] if blipX < self.x then blipX = self.x end if blipX > self.x + self.w then blipX = self.x + self.w end if blipY < self.y then blipY = self.y end if blipY > self.y + self.h then blipY = self.y + self.h end local blipIcon = getBlipIcon(b) local rr,gg,bb,aa = 255,255,255,255 local blipSize = self.blipSize if (elementAttached) and (getElementType(elementAttached) == "vehicle") then blipSize = blipSize / 2 aa = 200 end local blipIcon = getBlipIcon(b) if blipIcon == 0 then rr, gg, bb, aa = getBlipColor(b) end local img = self.blips[blipIcon] if (elementAttached) and (getElementType(elementAttached) == "player") then img = self.blips[0] blipSize = blipSize / 1.6 end dxDrawImage(blipX-blipSize/2, blipY-blipSize/2, blipSize, blipSize, img,0,0,0,tocolor(rr,gg,bb,aa)) end end end end wegTable={} function Map:draw2() dxSetRenderTarget(self.renderTarget, true) local player = getLocalPlayer() local centerX = (self.x) + (self.w/2) local centerY = (self.y) + (self.h/2) local pr = getPedRotation(player) local mapSize = 3000 / (self.drawRange/180) local zoomwert = self.drawRange local _, _, camRotZ = getElementRotation(getCamera()) if getKeyState("=") then if self.drawRange > 120 then self.drawRange = self.drawRange - 8 end elseif getKeyState("-") then if self.drawRange < 260 then self.drawRange = self.drawRange + 8 end end self.posX, self.posY, self.posZ = getElementPosition(player) local playerX, playerY, playerZ = getElementPosition(player) local mapPosX, mapPosY = -(math.map(self.posX+3000,0,6000,0,mapSize)-self.w/2), -(math.map(-self.posY + 3000, 0, 6000, 0, mapSize)-self.h/2) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- draw map local cx,cy,_,tx,ty = getCameraMatrix() local north = findRotation(cx,cy,tx,ty) dxDrawRectangle(0,0,self.w,self.h,tocolor(0,120,210)) dxDrawImage(mapPosX, mapPosY, mapSize, mapSize, self.map2, north, -mapSize/2 - mapPosX + self.w/2, -mapSize/2 - mapPosY + self.h/2, tocolor(255,255,255)) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- draw wanted level effect if getPlayerWantedLevel(player) > 0 then if not old then old = getTickCount() wR,wG,wB = 0,0,255 end current = getTickCount () if current-old > 1500 then old = getTickCount() if wR == 255 then wR,wG,wB = 0,100,255 else wR,wG,wB = 255,0,0 end end dxDrawRectangle(0, 0, self.w, self.h,tocolor(wR,wG,wB,100)) end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- draw radar areas for i, area in ipairs (getElementsByType("radararea")) do local ex, ey = getElementPosition(area) local w, h = getRadarAreaSize(area) local areaX = (3000+ex) / 6000 * mapSize local areaY = (3000-ey) / 6000 * mapSize local scaledW = w / 6000*mapSize local scaledH = -(h / 6000*mapSize) areaX = areaX + mapPosX areaY = areaY + mapPosY local rr, gg, bb, alpha = 255,255,255,255 rr, gg, bb, alpha = getRadarAreaColor(area) if (isRadarAreaFlashing(area)) then alpha = alpha*math.abs(getTickCount()%1000-500)/500 end dxSetBlendMode("modulate_add") dxDrawImage(areaX, areaY, scaledW, scaledH,self.blips[1], north, -scaledW/2 - areaX + self.w/2, -scaledH/2 - areaY + self.h/2,tocolor(rr,gg,bb,alpha)) dxSetBlendMode("blend") end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- draw blips for i, b in ipairs (getElementsByType('blip')) do if getElementDimension(b) == getElementDimension(player) and getElementInterior(b) == getElementInterior(player) then local elementAttached = getElementAttachedTo ( b ) if elementAttached ~= player then local ex, ey, ez = getElementPosition(b) local bf = getBlipVisibleDistance(b) local blipIcon = getBlipIcon(b) local rr,gg,bb,aa = 255,255,255,255 local blipSize = self.blipSize local blipX, blipY = getRadarFromWorldPosition(ex,ey,-x*40, -y*40, self.w+x*80, self.h+y*80,mapSize) local Px, Py, Pz = getElementPosition(player) if getDistanceBetweenPoints2D(Px, Py, ex, ey) < 380 then --outputChatBox(getDistanceBetweenPoints2D(Px, Py, ex, ey)..' : '..bf) blipX, blipY = cstrain(blipX, 1, 258), cstrain(blipY, 1, 150) end if (elementAttached) and (getElementType(elementAttached) == "vehicle") then blipSize = blipSize / 2 aa = 200 end local blipIcon = getBlipIcon(b) if blipIcon == 0 then rr, gg, bb, aa = getBlipColor(b) end local img = self.blips[blipIcon] if (elementAttached) and (getElementType(elementAttached) == "player") then img = self.blips[0] blipSize = blipSize / 1.6 end dxDrawImage(blipX-blipSize/2, blipY-blipSize/2, blipSize, blipSize,img, 0,0,0,tocolor(rr,gg,bb,aa)) if (elementAttached) and (getElementType(elementAttached) == "player") and getPedOccupiedVehicle(elementAttached) and getVehicleType(getPedOccupiedVehicle(elementAttached)) == "Helicopter" then dxDrawImage(blipX-x*50/2, blipY-y*50/2, x*50, y*50, "images/H.png",north-getPedRotation(elementAttached)) dxDrawImage(blipX-x*50/2, blipY-y*50/2, x*50, y*50, "images/HR.png",getTickCount()%360) end end end end --local minStreamPosX,maxStreamPosX,minStreamPosY,maxStreamPosY=playerX-300*px*zoomwert,playerX+300*px*zoomwert,playerY-300*py*zoomwert,playerY+300*py*zoomwert if (#wegTable > 0) then for i,wayPoint in ipairs(wegTable) do --if mapPosX<wegTable[i].posX and mapPosX >wegTable[i].posX and mapPosY<wegTable[i].posY and mapPosY>wegTable[i].posY then local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() if wegTable[i+1] then local umgerechnetx1, umgerechnety1 = getRadarFromWorldPosition(wegTable[i].posX,wegTable[i].posY,-x*40, -y*40, self.w+x*80, self.h+y*80,mapSize) local umgerechnetx2, umgerechnety2 = getRadarFromWorldPosition(wegTable[i+1].posX,wegTable[i+1].posY,-x*40, -y*40, self.w+x*80, self.h+y*80,mapSize) dxDrawLine(umgerechnetx1,umgerechnety1,umgerechnetx2,umgerechnety2,gpsColorRed, zoomwert / 6 / 10) else local umgerechnetx1, umgerechnety1 = getRadarFromWorldPosition(wegTable[i].posX,wegTable[i].posY,-x*40, -y*40, self.w+x*80, self.h+y*80,mapSize) local umgerechnetx2, umgerechnety2 = getRadarFromWorldPosition(lastMarkerPositionX,lastMarkerPositionY,-x*40, -y*40, self.w+x*80, self.h+y*80,mapSize) dxDrawLine(umgerechnetx1,umgerechnety1,umgerechnetx2,umgerechnety2,gpsColorRed, zoomwert / 6 / 10) end --end end end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- draw arrow local local b = self.blipSize local ex,ey = getElementPosition(player) local blipX = (3000+ex) / 6000 * mapSize local blipY = (3000-ey) / 6000 * mapSize blipX = blipX + mapPosX blipY = blipY + mapPosY if getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) and getVehicleType(getPedOccupiedVehicle(player)) == "Helicopter" then dxDrawImage(blipX-x*50/2, blipY-y*50/2, x*50, y*50, "images/H.png",north-pr) dxDrawImage(blipX-x*50/2, blipY-y*50/2, x*50, y*50, "images/HR.png",getTickCount()%360) else dxDrawImage(blipX-x*23/2, blipY-y*25/2,x*23,y*25, self.blips[2], north-pr,0,0,tocolor(255,255,255,255)) end dxSetRenderTarget() ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- draw render target if getElementInterior(player) == 0 then dxDrawRectangle(self.x-x*5, self.y-y*5, self.w+x*10, self.h+y*10, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 150), false) dxDrawImage(self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h, self.renderTarget,0,0,0,tocolor(unpack(self.color))) else dxDrawImage(self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h, "images/lostc.png") end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- draw damage effect for k, v in ipairs(Map.damageEfect) do v[3] = v[3] - (getTickCount() - v[1]) / 800 if v[3] <= 0 then table.remove(Map.damageEfect, k) else dxDrawImage(self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h, "images/mapred.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, v[3])) end end --dxDrawImage(self.x-x*5, self.y-y*22, self.w+x*10, self.h+y*28, "images/mapbg.png",0,0,0,tocolor(unpack(self.color))) --local zinColor = getKeyState("=") and tocolor(255,255,255,self.color[4]) or tocolor(172,211,115,self.color[4]) --dxDrawImage(self.x+x*263, self.y-y*19,x*17,y*17, "images/zin.png",0,0,0,zinColor) --local zoutColor = getKeyState("-") and tocolor(255,255,255,self.color[4]) or tocolor(172,211,115,self.color[4]) --dxDrawImage(self.x+x*285, self.y-y*19,x*17,y*17, "images/zout.png",0,0,0,zoutColor) --dxDrawText(zoneText,self.x+x*32,self.y-y*22, x*100, y*100, tocolor(unpack(self.color)), x*0.6, font,"left","top",false,false,false,true) --dxDrawRectangle(self.x-x*5, self.y-y*5, self.w+x*10, self.h+y*10, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 150), false) local zoneText = getElementInterior(player) == 0 and "#FFFFFF"..getZoneName(playerX,playerY,playerZ) or "#FFFFFF" dxDrawRectangle(self.x, self.y+self.h-y*20, self.w, self.h/8, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 80), false) dxDrawText(" "..zoneText,self.x, self.y+self.h-y*21, x*100, y*100, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), x*0.6, font,"left","top",false,false,false,true) end function findRotation(x1, y1, x2, y2) local t = -math.deg(math.atan2(x2-x1,y2-y1)) if t < 0 then t = t + 360 end return t end function getPointAway(x, y, angle, dist) local a = -math.rad(angle) dist = dist / 57.295779513082 return x + (dist * math.deg(math.sin(a))), y + (dist * math.deg(math.cos(a))) end function getRadarFromWorldPosition(bx, by, x, y, w, h, scaledMapSize) local RadarX, RadarY = x + w/2, y + h/2 local RadarD = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D(RadarX, RadarY, x, y) local px, py = getElementPosition(localPlayer) local _, _, crz = getElementRotation(getCamera()) local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D(px, py, bx, by) if dist > RadarD * 6000/scaledMapSize then dist = RadarD * 6000/scaledMapSize end local rot = 180 - findRotation(px, py, bx, by) + crz local ax, ay = getPointAway(RadarX, RadarY, rot, dist * scaledMapSize/6000) return ax, ay end function onClientPlayerDamage(attacker, weapon, _, bodypart) local part = attacker and getElementType(attacker) == "player" and getPedWeaponSlot(attacker) and getPedWeaponSlot(attacker) or false if attacker and attacker ~= source and not (part == 8 or (part == 7 and weapon ~= 38)) then Map.damageEfect[#Map.damageEfect + 1] = {getTickCount(), 0, math.min(25.5 * bodypart, 255)} else Map.damageEfect[#Map.damageEfect + 1] = {getTickCount(), 0, math.min(20 * bodypart, 255)} end if #Map.damageEfect > 18 then repeat table.remove(Map.damageEfect, 1) until #Map.damageEfect < 18 end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage", localPlayer,onClientPlayerDamage) function getWorldFromMapPosition(mapX, mapY, posx, posy, x, y, w, h, range) local worldX = posx + ((mapX*10 - (x + w / 2)) / range) / 3000 / (range/180); local worldY = posy - ((mapY*10 - (y + h / 2)) / range) / 3000 / (range/180); return worldX, worldY end
  3. trabalhar = createMarker ( 2771.0739746094,-2407.8974609375,12.627556800842 , "cylinder", 3, 255,0,0, 255) trabalho2 = createBlipAttachedTo(trabalhar, 51, 3, 255, 0, 0, 255, 0, 65535) pegarcarga = createMarker(2741.2861328125,-2422.1064453125,12.650645256042 , "cylinder", 3, 255,140,0, 255) pegarcargablip = createBlipAttachedTo(pegarcarga, 53, 3, 255, 0, 0, 255, 0, 65535) setElementVisibleTo ( pegarcargablip, root, false ) setElementVisibleTo ( pegarcarga, root, false ) levarcarga = createMarker(2804.0649414063,969.056640625,9.75 , "cylinder", 3, 255,140,0, 255) levarcargablip = createBlipAttachedTo(levarcarga, 53, 3, 255, 0, 0, 255, 0, 65535) setElementVisibleTo ( levarcargablip, root, false ) setElementVisibleTo ( levarcarga, root, false ) veh = {} function pegartrabalho (source) if isElementWithinMarker (source, trabalhar ) then if veh[source] and isElement( veh[source] ) then destroyElement(veh[source] ) veh[source] = nil end local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) veh[source] = createVehicle(456 ,2765.3432617188,-2401.1748046875,13.6328125 + 2) ------ Id e local onde o veiculo que você usa pro trabalho cai 431 o id o resto é o local warpPedIntoVehicle (source,veh[source]) setElementVisibleTo ( pegarcarga, source, true ) setElementVisibleTo ( pegarcargablip, source, true ) outputChatBox ('#000000[#FF3030Trabalho #000000]#FF0000Vá até a bandeira para carregar seu caminhão',source,255,255,255,true) end end addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", trabalhar ,pegartrabalho ) function pegarcargam (source) if veh[source] and isElement(veh[source]) then outputChatBox ('#000000[#FF3030Trabalho #000000]#FF0000Espere até que o caminhão esteja carregado',source,255,255,255,true) setElementFrozen( veh[source], true ) setTimer(function() setElementFrozen( veh[source], false ) outputChatBox ('#000000[#FF3030Trabalho #000000]#FF0000Vá até a bandeira para descarregar seu caminhão',source,255,255,255,true) setElementVisibleTo ( pegarcargablip, source, false ) setElementVisibleTo ( pegarcarga, source, false ) setElementVisibleTo ( levarcargablip, source, true ) setElementVisibleTo ( levarcarga, source, true ) end, 6000, 1) end end addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", pegarcarga, pegarcargam ) function Entregarcarga (source) if veh[source] and isElement(veh[source]) then outputChatBox ('#000000[#FF3030Trabalho #000000]#FF0000Espere até que o caminhão seja descacarregado',source,255,255,255,true) setElementFrozen( veh[source], true ) setTimer(function() setElementFrozen( veh[source], false ) outputChatBox ('#000000[#FF3030Trabalho #000000]#FF0000Parabéns Vc Concluiu o Trabalho e ganhou #FF00FF5000R$',source,255,255,255,true) setElementVisibleTo ( levarcargablip, source, false ) setElementVisibleTo ( levarcarga, source, false ) givePlayerMoney (source, 6000) destroyElement (veh[source]) end, 6000, 1) end end addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", levarcarga, Entregarcarga ) Timer = {} function sair (source) if (veh[source]) and isElement(veh[source]) then Trabalho = false outputChatBox ('#000000[#FF3030Trabalho #000000]#FF0000Volte Para O Carro em menos de 10 segundos ou vai perder o emprego',source,255,255,255,true) Timer[source] = setTimer(function() setElementVisibleTo ( pegarcargablip, source, false ) setElementVisibleTo ( pegarcarga, source, false ) setElementVisibleTo ( levarcargablip, source, false ) setElementVisibleTo ( levarcarga, source, false ) destroyElement(veh[source] ) Timer[source] = nil end, 10000, 1) end end addEventHandler ("onVehicleExit", root, sair) addEventHandler("onVehicleEnter", root, function(hit, seat) if seat == 0 and hit and veh[hit] and source == veh[hit] then Trabalho = true if Timer[hit] and isTimer(Timer[hit]) then killTimer(Timer[hit]) setElementVisibleTo ( pegarcargablip, source, true ) setElementVisibleTo ( pegarcarga, source, true ) setElementVisibleTo ( levarcargablip, source, true ) setElementVisibleTo ( levarcarga, source, true ) end end end) Notei que você alterou o valor de source na função de exit nesse caso não vejo problemas mais não aconselho que faça isso.
  4. Sim é possível use setWorldSoundEnabled
  5. Thank you must serve!
  6. Hello friends i have a doubt does anyone know any way to launch an object with happens in gta sa as in the image below i thought of moveObject plus is there any other way?
  7. no matter this for a beta face for a short time not permanently
  8. Looks like it might work, I'll try, thank you!
  9. Hello friends I would like to know if it is possible to transfer the log files "debugscript" client side to store somehow on the server thank you.
  10. Hello good friends I have a question and would like someone can help me if possible. I would like to display the skin of the players in a panel as if it were an image or dashboard but would like to display the skin itself and not a print some idea of how to do it or if it is possible? I already took a good look at the wiki I could not find anything that I can elaborate on! Illustrative images:
  11. por algum motivo eu já havia dito isto porém não foi enviado em fim !! bom amigo vamos lá primeiramente da próxima vez utilize --> code para colar seu codigo isto ajuda ficar mais organizado e ajuda para leitura em segundo lugar você não me parece ser experiente parece mais que você pegou isto de um outro código e fez como achou melhor. bom deixe-me lhe explicar não é porque você tornou uma marker invisível ou visível para um determinado player que ele deixar de existir n ela esta ali porém invisível ! como resolver bom cria uma tabela para o player que esta realizando o trabalho e crie as markers dentro desta tabela do seu player assim ele terá sua própria marker e você apenas destro ira ela quando ele passar por cima ! Ex: suponhamos que seu player pegue o trabalho passando em um markador que é o mais comum ! Table = {} Marker_startJob = createMarker....... function StartJob(elementhit, dim) if dim then --> isto verifica se esta na mesma dimensão que a marker if not Table[elementhit] then --> este verifica se o player não tem uma tabela em seu nome Table[elementhit] = {} --> caso não haja tabela este cria uma para seu player end Table[elementhit]["Marker1"] = createMarker..... --> esta seria primeira marker ---> eu aconselho você criar a segunda marker dps de passar pela primeira mais vou seguir a maneira que você fez ! Table[elementhit]["Marker2"] = createMarker..... --> esta seria segunda Table[elementhit]["Marker3"] = createMarker..... --> esta a terceira e assim por diante como já falei é mais ordenado você fazer uma apos a outra ser destroida ! end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", Marker_startJob, StartJob) --> esta maneira acompanha a maneira do seu codigo que não seria digamos que correto ! não vou me prolongar muito escrevendo uma maneira correta pois estou ocupado no momento mais espero que você entenda e tente melhorar seu codigo .. function HitInMarker(elementhit, dim) if dim and elementhit and isElement(elementhit) and getElementType(elementhit) == "player" and Table[elementhit] then if source == Table[elementhit]["Marker1"] or source == Table[elementhit]["Marker2"] or source == Table[elementhit]["Marker3"] then --> continue seu codigo por aqui .. --> no final você deverá destroir os markadores destroyElement(Table[elementhit]["Marker1"]) destroyElement(Table[elementhit]["Marker2"]) destroyElement(Table[elementhit]["Marker3"]) Table[elementhit] = nil --> por fim excluimos a tabela do player! end end end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", resourceRoot, StartJob)
  12. raynner


    local isWorking = nil if exports.CIGbusiness:getPlayerWorkingStatus(player) then isWorking = exports.CIGbusiness:getPlayerWorkingStatus(player) else isWorking = false end
  13. Ok friend, I do not think this show is necessary, I'll remove it.
  14. What men ? right in image ? I got this gif on the internet! drop it
  15. Friend I know how it works I just had doubts about how the machine performed the function!
  16. Do not you understand, you answered what I already know! I am talking about how the function is executed if it is called 2 times then it will be executed twice at the same time or it will be executed once and when it reaches the end of the block it will be executed again
  17. Car Ball dont is to use Garage Car balls ?
  18. SetGarageOpen getGaragePosition getGarageSize createColCuboid
  19. addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, function() local Verific = true for i,v in ipairs(dbPoll(dbQuery(dbPlayer, "SELECT account FROM player"), -1)) do if tostring(v["account"]) == getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)) then Verific = false break end end if Verific then dbExec(dbPlayer, "INSERT INTO player DEFAULT VALUES") dbExec(dbPlayer, "UPDATE player SET account = ? WHERE ID = ?", getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), getPlayerID()) end Verific = true UpdateData(source) end) see the variable "Verific" what I'm wondering is that every variable created on the server side has its equal value for all players. what I'm wondering is see this function if two players trigger the "onPlayerLogin" event at the same time. this function would be executed twice at the same time or it would run two times one after the other, you see? I know that Moon works the second way more despite mta using the language Lua I believe it does not work the same way! ie if this function is executed twice at the same time my variable (let's say with global value since the value is the same for all players) would not work as I planned and would have to do otherwise. all I want to know is if the client side functions are executed multiple times at the same time or one after the other (assuming it is called several times consecutively) this is my only question.
  20. Hello everyone Good friends I have a little doubt I do scripts for mta 3 years ago is from the beginning I wonder one thing about the server side. let's start, we all know that variables used on the server side have their value shared with the whole server. so I can dribble this problem I always create a table for each player so that I can set a variable with a separate value for each player plus the times I feel I do not need to do this anymore I'm not sure, keep reading. I know that Moon performs functions in an ordered way eg if two players call an execution of the same function according to my knowledge on the moon it should run the function twice, once for each right player? and here comes my doubt if I need to make a local variable that loses its value at the end of the function I can simply define a variable or I have to define it inside a table for each player. because although he gave to know how it works, I'm not sure if this gives me my doubts. the function is actually executed 1 time and as soon as it finishes it is executed again for the next player or it is performed doubly at the same time . I know this seems like an unnecessary question more is how I said my fear is by the value of the variables. Thanks Friends excuse me for English evil
  21. raynner


    Ignore first comment
  22. triggerServerEvent(string "EventName", element "localPlayer", arguments getLocalPlayer(), value 1, ...) --Server Recevid -- Event Name = Event -- LocalPlayer = source -- Arguments = localPlayer -- value = 1 addEvent("EventName", true) function Test(player, value) --[[ note: player = getLocalPlayer, source = localPlayer, value = value(1) !!! --]] end addEventHandler("EventName", getRootElement(), Test) triggerServerEvent("event", raiz(source), arguments)
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