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Everything posted by raynner

  1. I've done what I wanted in a simple way, I now have another problem I can not use setElementData to ProgressBar This is the proto tico works the way I want timer in SetTimer for testing. --- XpBar = guiCreateProgressBar(x*772, y*696, x*99, y*17, false) LevelBar = guiCreateProgressBar(x*772, y*696, x*99, y*17, false) --- addEventHandler ("onClientResourceStart",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function () guiSetAlpha(XpBar,0) guiSetAlpha(LevelBar,0) XP = guiProgressBarGetProgress(XpBar) LVL = guiProgressBarGetProgress(LevelBar) setTimer (DropXpPerTimer, 1000, 0, getLocalPlayer()) end) --- this is what I wanted to do originally because I want givar xp by doing some things on the server and check the level for him to carry out certain work. --- XpBar = guiCreateProgressBar(x*772, y*696, x*99, y*17, false) LevelBar = guiCreateProgressBar(x*772, y*696, x*99, y*17, false) --- addEventHandler ("onClientResourceStart",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function () guiSetAlpha(XpBar,0) guiSetAlpha(LevelBar,0) XP = guiProgressBarGetProgress(XpBar) LVL = guiProgressBarGetProgress(LevelBar) setElementData(XP,"XPThePlayer",true) setElementData(LVL,"LVLThePlayer",true) setTimer (DropXpPerTimer, 1000, 0, getLocalPlayer()) end) --- I wanted to use the getElementData from then. --- function DropXpPerTimer(player) if (player == getLocalPlayer()) then guiProgressBarSetProgress(XpBar,guiProgressBarGetProgress(XpBar)+1) if guiProgressBarGetProgress(XpBar) ~= 100 then outputChatBox("#FFAA00||#FFFF00 #FFAA00||#00FF7B +1 #00FF00De #00FF7BXP #00FF00...",255,255,255,true) end if (guiProgressBarGetProgress(XpBar) == 100) then guiProgressBarSetProgress(XpBar, 0) guiProgressBarSetProgress(LevelBar,guiProgressBarGetProgress(XpBar)+1) outputChatBox("#FFAA00||#FFFF00 #FFAA00||#00FF00 ......"..guiProgressBarGetProgress(LevelBar).."#00FF00.",255,255,255,true) end end end --- But he always sends me a debug error saying that I used a bad argument and value = 0
  2. Good is not how I wanted Ok I will see how it will be this way
  3. someone could provide me a function that checks how long a player is online'm working on a level of resource system and wanted to give xp to be a Serta contia time online n could not think of a way to do this using SetTimer. help me
  4. vI have a problem with the script above. Upon entering the garage he plays the music more to get a second or third person does not touch! It would be necessary to create a table or have an Error? sorry I do not know much english
  5. Now from what I could tell when entering 2 or more players he did not play a sound to the second element on only the first to create a table would be necessary to TuningSound
  6. hehe We forget that text table is = {'abc', 'abc'} have not tested more this will work for sure my carelessness solved Working perfectly
  7. Good'm creating a tuning shop for my RPG server. most did not want to use files files to decrease the MB script ... so I had the idea of creating music using random using playSound3D URL .. but I have two errors. ERROR 1 = Table does not work. ERROR 2 = He is not changing the interior or the size of the element. can anyone point me a correct direction or point out the error in my script? Client Sid local URLMusics = { {'https://albireo1.sscdn.co/palcomp3/2/a/b/9/equipeinsanos-tribo-da-periferia-mussoumano-convida-6ec60699.mp3'}, {'https://japeto.sscdn.co/palcomp3/a/5/4/a/equipeinsanos-tribodaperiferia-carro-velho-ec4211d7-e7b4a010.mp3'} } function ShowDxMenuStartTuning() addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, DXMenuPrincipal) showCursor(true) PainelMenuPrincipal = true MusicTuning() end addEvent("ShowPainelMenuStartTuning", true) addEventHandler("ShowPainelMenuStartTuning", getRootElement(), ShowDxMenuStartTuning) function MusicTuning() local randomize = math.random ( #URLMusics ) local TuningSound = playSound3D('URLMusics[randomize]',1383,-22,1001,true) setSoundMaxDistance(TuningSound,50) triggerServerEvent("StartSond", root, TuningSound) end Server Sid DIMS___ = 1 function DimensionSond(TuningSound) setElementDimension(TuningSound,DIMS___) setElementInterior(TuningSound,1) setElementPosition(TuningSound,1383,-22,1001) DIMS___ = DIMS___ + 1 end addEvent("StartSond", true) addEventHandler("StartSond", getRootElement(), DimensionSond)
  8. this is good thank you this is great go is what I needed but more is I knew as he said wanted not a function event thanks to all friends I am designing a hunger script for my RPG server and wanted to implement it with a part that depending on the scroll mode it accelerates or decreases hunger ... Thank you all, all will be useful
  9. Eu não sei se poderia fazer os dois ao mesmo tempo é por que sou muito dedicado e empolgado se eu começo uma coisa interessante fico dias sem dormir até terminar e só de pensar em projetar roteiros para seu servidor já me deixa muito animado ... mais quem sabe ainda precisam de integrantes para equipe ?
  10. modo "play" manw o MTA BR ta uma merda com essa guerrinha de servidor ainda só tem servidor play ... agora retomei meu trabalho pra criar server RPG estava escrevendo algumas linhas aqui do meu novo script de fome e sede e vim rever este post e tb vi seu post de vagas para equipe mais como estou ajudando no servidor do meu amigo não queria deixar ele na mão pois ele não sabe fazer script '-' mais me interessei muito em ajudar no seu servidor
  11. there is some corresponding string running walk and stopped? EX: onPlayerwalk I searched the wiki more n found nothing :(: /
  12. uma duvida simples.. você criou o arquivo xml de acordo com o descrito no script ?
  13. Existe alguma string para utilizar como onMarkerHit porém eu queria como onPlayerWalk, onPlayerRun, eu estive procurando na wiki mais não encontrei nada..
  14. Quero fazer um rainbow com uma dxDrawImage com cores em uma tabela e um intervalo de tempo usando dxDrawImage setTimer
  15. Alguém poderia me ajudar com essa função estou um pouco perdido !
  16. Eu já tive essa iniciativa porem quis reconstruir a base do zero como scripts em geral.. já tinha 30% pronto no entanto é muito difícil trabalhar sozinho tanto num servidor como em script.. mais se você já tem uma equipe boa sorte, tambem acho que precisamos de RPG brasileiro.
  17. thank you will be helpful ..
  18. and another thing friend as I recall had seen it a long time and "if speaking authored the mta creators wins!"
  19. user wanting to copy ideas from my server evidence PLEASE DENOUNCE I obtained this image via google friend .... Now the dx text was my server using a resource called pumarker found in community
  20. good'm trying to make some markers with a text and an image as the pictures below anyone know how I can do that I know I have to use getScreenWorld ... more would be better if I had is an example or right direction Text Img
  21. thank you friend, also do not know how I did not think it required even more this will work for sure
  22. Friend'll give you a tip that a friend gave me not use the 3D radio script this community for them this full of bugs and also this Bugando other scripts I was working in jobs of scripts it was finalized more to turn on the radio pressing "R" it did happen in a way that you have had to done the job
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