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Everything posted by FlyingSpoon

  1. I uploaded it, It says in-game - Email Sent, But I don't receive anything in my email again.
  2. Bad argument @ 'ouputChatBox' [Expected element at argument 2, got string 'Enter a subject'] I am using my localhost, and if possible how? I am using XAMPP... Is it better if I upload it online?
  3. Okay I setup mailer.php and mta_sdk.php it says mail sent but I check my email nothing is there.
  4. Which PHP File? I have, mailer.php and mta_sdk.php
  5. Error: E-Mail not sent due to webpage errors, check the script and/or page provided. Resource: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... s&id=11231 local randomMails = {"[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"} function fromRandom() return randomMails[math.random(#randomMails)] end function sendCustomMail(subject, header, sendto, mail) local header = "From: "..subject.." <"..(header or fromRandom())..">" callRemote("http://mta.skcit.tk/emailer.php", returns, subject, header, sendto, mail) end addEvent("sendEMail", true) addEventHandler("sendEMail", root, sendCustomMail) function returns(msg, num) if msg == "ERROR" or (not msg) then outputDebugString("E-Mail not sent due to webpage errors, check the script and/or page provided.", 2) else outputDebugString(msg, num or 3) end end Server Side - I tried that website, but it don't exist anymore, and I really need this resource? Anyway I can fix it? http://mta.skcit.tk/emailer.php
  6. function infoIt() local getInfo = guiComboBoxGetSelected(createComboBox) if getInfo == "Administrator Assistance" then if source == openBtn then guiSetVisible(wHelp,true) showCursor( true ) elseif getInfo == "Gamemaster Assistance" then if source == openBtn then gmReportUI() showCursor(true) end end end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", getRootElement(), infoIt) No errors outputted.
  7. Well instead of writing DX Code over and over, is it possible to create a export, so in the client-side I can just trigger something like export.rectangle(x,y,w,h,color) --- DX Rectangle
  8. Well the screen is completely smashed, well not smashed but has a lot crack in it and the screen is completely white, you cannot see anything, I have connected it to an external monitor, but the problem is, it only shows up on my external monitor, when you reach the password and username area. Also, when I use my AC Adapter, the Laptop switches off in 2-3 mins, no idea why. So next, - I will be ordering a battery. - A new screen.
  9. I'll look into it, I might aswell leave it on 12 Hours, and switch it of each day rather than 24/7, I'll just do 12/7 : D
  10. Laptop Project Hi there, well my friend gave me his old, half-broken functioning laptop, and I thought I would turn it into something useful, instead of just throwing it away. What's wrong with it? - Screen broken/not functioning. - Battery removed/lost. - AC Adapter/Charger lost. What are you going to do about it? I am going to turn it into a fully functioning 24/7 dedicated game server. I have ordered an AC Adapter so it gives it direct power, ( no need for battery ) so it doesn't have any short-circuits or loose power, I want it functioning at it's best. The advantages are this - It comes with this pre-installed which is great - http://i.imgur.com/8RhTITq.jpg - Hard Drive, 160GB Capacity http://i.imgur.com/WDpuSuT.jpg - 2x 1 GB RAM ( Altogether 2GB ) So I am deciding to re-install the default OS into Windows Server 2008, and run a gameserver on there, and turn off the laptop at the end of each month and take full care of it. Tell me what you guys think, and suggest!
  11. Add my skype : facebook:raysmta, I'll do it for you.
  12. How can I make my banners work like, The get my account name from in-game, My maps won, And money. This for a race server of mine. I want to do this like Twisted-Gamers.
  13. So is the code all client side? arenaObjects = {} function loadMapIntoArena(mapresourcename, mapfilename, arenaID) if arenaObjects[arenaID] then for k, v in ipairs(arenaObjects[arenaID]) do destroyElement(v) end end arenaObjects[arenaID] = {} local mapFileNode = xmlLoadFile(":".. mapresourcename.."/".. mapfilename..".map") if mapFileNode then for i, v in ipairs( xmlNodeGetChildren(mapFileNode) ) do if xmlNodeGetName(v) == "object" then local model = xmlNodeGetAttribute(v, "model") --etc local x, y, z = xmlNodeGetAttribute(v, "posX"), xmlNodeGetAttribute(v, "posY"), xmlNodeGetAttribute(v, "posZ") local rx, ry, rz = xmlNodeGetAttribute(v, "rotX"), xmlNodeGetAttribute(v, "rotY"), xmlNodeGetAttribute(v, "rotZ") local obj = createObject(model, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz) setElementDimension(obj, arenaID) table.insert(arenaObjects[arenaID], obj) end end return true end return false end function noobClicks() if source == btnDeath then setElementDimension ( source, 1 ) triggerEvent ( "hideLoginWindow", getRootElement() ) removeEventHandler( "onClientRender", root, renderLobby ) loadMapIntoArena ( "$dm-arena1", "dm-arena1.map", 1) end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", getRootElement(), noobClicks)
  14. So, what does this code do exactly?
  15. Any examples At this point I am confused
  16. How would I load maps separately though?
  17. No, no Like multi gamemode. Different arena's. I got to this part with my friend, but now, we don't know how to actually add in or create the arena's.
  18. I am making a small gamemode, working with a friend's server. I am trying to create Arena's, I got buttons and everything set, but where will I start to create these arena's? I don't understand, me and my friend are confused.
  19. [2015-04-25 23:03:33] WARNING: server.lua:4: Bad argument @ 'addAccount' [Expected string at argument 1, got boolean]
  20. Ty, Last problem - [2015-04-25 22:55:53] WARNING: Bad argument @ 'getAccount' [Expected string at argument 1, got boolean] [2015-04-25 22:55:53] WARNING: Bad argument @ 'addAccount' [Expected string at argument 1, got boolean] function regPlayer(registerUsername, registerPassword) if registerUsername ~= "" then if registerPassword ~= "" then local account = getAccount(registerUsername, registerPassword) if account == false then local addAcc = addAccount(registerUsername, registerPassword) if (addAcc) then triggerClientEvent(source,"hideMenu",getRootElement()) outputChatBox("You have successfully registered!", source) else outputChatBox("There was an error! Please contact an administrator!", source) end end end end end addEvent("acceptRegister",true) addEventHandler("acceptRegister",getRootElement(),regPlayer)
  21. CLIENT-SIDE function loggingMenu() loginBtn = guiCreateButton(309, 491, 131, 29, "Login", false) loginUser = guiCreateEdit(299, 425, 157, 25, "Username", false) loginPass = guiCreateEdit(299, 460, 157, 25, "Password", false) end function logPlayer(button,state) if (button == "left" and state == "up") then if (source == loginBtn) then loggingUsername = guiGetText(loginUser) loggingPassword = guiGetText(loginPass) triggerServerEvent("acceptLogin", localPlayer, loggingUsername, loggingPassword) end end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", getRootElement(), logPlayer) SERVER-SIDE function logPlayer(loggingUsername, loggingPassword) if loggingUsername ~= "" then if loggingPassword ~= "" then local account = getAccount(loggingUsername,loggingPassword) if ( account ~= false ) then logIn( source, loggingUsername, loggingPassword ) outputChatBox("You have successfully logged in!", source) triggerClientEvent(source,"hideMenu",getRootElement()) else outputChatBox("There was an error! Please contact an administrator!", source) end end end end addEvent("acceptLogin",true) addEventHandler("acceptLogin",getRootElement(),logPlayer) WARNING: Bad argument @ 'logIn' [Expected account at argument 2, got string 'RaysMTA']
  22. CLIENT-SIDE function spawnSystem() --- addEvent("openGUI", true) addEventHandler("openGUI", getRootElement(), spawnSystem) SERVER-SIDE function onDeath() triggerClientEvent(source, "openGUI", source) takeAllWeapons ( source ) end addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", getRootElement(), onDeath)
  23. Well I changed it a little, CLIENT-SIDE function spawnSystem() --- addEvent("openGUI", true) addEventHandler("openGUI", getRootElement(), spawnSystem) SERVER-SIDE function onDeath() triggerClientEvent(source, "openGUI", source) takeAllWeapons ( source ) end addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", getRootElement(), onDeath) Doesn't open GUI when I died?
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