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Everything posted by FlyingSpoon

  1. When I restart another resource this is what happens,
  2. FlyingSpoon


    function setCamera() setCameraMatrix(-688, 930, 50, 1468.388671875, -918.42474365234, 99.881813049316) fadeCamera(true, 1) end btnLogin = guiCreateButton(316, 469, 75, 31, "Login", false) btnRegister = guiCreateButton(662, 467, 75, 31, "Register", false) usrEdit = guiCreateEdit(436, 340, 169, 26, "", false) passEdit = guiCreateEdit(435, 394, 169, 26, "", false) guiEditSetMasked(passEdit, true) When I restart any other resource, it sets my camera matrix and and sets all this visible! Help ;( (I wont delete code now )
  3. Minecraft is really power hungry even in Idle mode it can take up so much RAM. On that type of machine you should be only running maximum of 3 servers if you're getting that many players and if possible 2 servers at most. If you're running big MTA Servers then you shouldn't run too many severs, finally are you running any other programs such as Apache or MySQL.
  4. Do you want my full code?
  5. Look at Nerd's MTAServer.conf
  6. I dont understand what you did
  7. function animClicks() local row, col = guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( catMenu ) if (row == 0) and (col == 1) then guiGridListSetItemText ( animCat, 1, 1, "thrw_barl_thrw", false, false) else if (row == 0) and (col == 2) then guiGridListSetItemText ( animCat, 1, 2, "tsd", false, false) end end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIDoubleClick", root, animClicks) The text stays as, 'thrw_barl_thrw' and doesn't change!
  8. xxMADEXx nice to see you using the logo I made It looks much better!
  9. So the actual script must be made within the DxGUI resource correct? Meaning it cannot be exported.
  10. Have you added the resources into MTAServer.conf?
  11. Second thing can be, he never fixed up MTAServer.conf, as a result he might have forget!
  12. Is there any yet I really want to use it!
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