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Everything posted by Tekken

  1. How about you start by learning how to define a function and how you execute the function with addCommandHandler? https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/AddCommandHandler
  2. Well you should make them wait when you die
  3. An update? You have took away the else's ?
  4. I can't look if the code work
  5. try adding debug lines such as outputChatBox(tostring(getElementData(ped, "status"))) sometimes things gets clog up in such old and complex scripts
  6. You've added too many else, most of them you don't need, try removing all of them and only let checks like if isElement(ped) then don't need else as if there's no element you don't need to make that element move, got me? Also read this tuto by YIAMA about debugging (it might help you a little):
  7. You have an deprecated old copy of DayZ and the table structure is not the best (you loop through too many tables in a short period of time), that takes to much resources to load all items and server stops the script as that take way to much. Your table structure is like this: tableName = { ["WEAPON_MAG"] = {info1, info2, info3}, ["WEAPON_MAG"] = {info1, info2, info3}, etc... }; Searching in eatch table if WEAPON_MAG == yourIndex and return WEAPON_MAG and info2 way to complicated for what you really need! you'd better do something like this: tableName = { {"WEAPON_MAG", info1, info2, info3}, {"WEAPON_MAG", info1, info2, info3}, etc... }; Search if v[1] == yourindex then return v[1], v[2] way better, cleaner and simpler! And you will only have to loop through one single table! That will be a little work and you might have to change some other scripts! I WON'T do it for you it's your duty to learn! Good luck, if you have questions feel free.
  8. local p = dbPoll(dbQuery(database, "SELECT * FROM `TableName`"), -1); if (#p > 0) then for k,v in pairs(p) do outputChatBox(k.." = "..v); end end That should do it
  9. Please use code tags: <> when posting code! Sorry that have to do something with Forum theme that changed!
  10. Please use CODE TAGS e.g. <> when posting codes! Sorry that have to do something with Forum theme that changed!
  11. Do you have any errors in pickups.lua when starting server ?
  12. You should show the entire c side as there must be a problem into your GUI manipulation!
  13. I don’t exactly get it? 12000 blood that’s DayZ, you will have to call "killDayZPlayer"
  14. Tekken

    Screen Size

    Here an very good tutorial: :)
  15. Is this in your meta.xml, may I see your meta.xml ? Please paste code here don't make me download files!
  16. We will need a bit more info! Please read the rules:
  17. Non he told you to look in hud.txd to find the names of the textures.
  18. Add this at the top of the script local markerTable = {}; Replace this themarker = createMarker ( m[1], m[2], m[3]-1, "cylinder", 2, 25, 205, 100, 150 ) with this markerTable[#markerTable + 1] = createMarker ( m[1], m[2], m[3]-1, "cylinder", 2, 25, 205, 100, 150 ) and this addEventHandler ( "onClientMarkerHit", resourceRoot, function(hitPlayer) if ( hitPlayer == localPlayer ) and getElementType(hitPlayer) == "player" then for i = 1, #markerTable do if source == markerTable[i] then local x, y, z = unpack(destination[i]); setElementPosition(hitPlayer, x, y, z); end end end end); --You should make sure that you have as many destinations as markers not to get errors, keep in minde this is a sipmle way around it can be done way better!
  19. triggered serverside event playerDropAItem, but event is not added serverside This is DayZ check if "playerDropAItem" event exists in pickups.lua
  20. Hi, You will have to modifie the rotation in attachElementToBone(element, ped, BONE, X, Y, Z, ROTATION X, ROTATION Y, ROTATION Z) function just lower!
  21. Hello and welcome, all this data is available if you hover the profile photo! Also MTA Forums have a system of points (like those stars) witch is based on user popularity! (Likes of the posts)
  22. Well you will have to create a separate table for spawnpoints Like you had lowspawnrate
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