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Everything posted by Walid

  1. Go to settings > interface > lines > 30. i apologise for the late reply.
  2. There is 3 methods to do it: 1) Using custom animation which MTA:SA doesn't support yet. 2) Change the properties of deagle then replace Deagle mod (DFF,TXD) to make it look like colt. 3) Change the player animation onClientPlayerWeaponSwitch > Create a custom weapon > Use bone attach resource to attach it to the player > Bind key (mouse1,mouse2) > setWeaponState to change the custom weapon state > many other things ....
  3. I can't see it in your acl.xml file : Check the difference
  4. i recommend you to read all of this : Scripting introduction
  5. Copy and past it client side in your resource then use /restart <resourcename>
  6. I'm pretty sure you don't undrestand how to use it , np try this code client side > restart your resource > switch to M4 > then run. addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponSwitch", localPlayer, function (prevSlot, newSlot) if (newSlot == 5 and getPedWeapon(localPlayer, 5) == 31) then setPedWalkingStyle(localPlayer, 69) else setPedWalkingStyle(localPlayer, 0) end end )
  7. ??? run and press E or A to switch weapon.
  8. just copy and past my code server side then press T /sneak that's all.
  9. Wrong section next time post your question here, anyways you can run with weapons by changing your walking style to sneak. Example: -- use /sneak to chnage your walking style function changeWalkStyle(player) setPedWalkingStyle(player,69) end addCommandHandler("sneak",changeWalkStyle)
  10. @kevi1443 check my answer here : Click Me
  11. Try to use sth like this function START_DOUBLE_SIDED_TRANSACTION() _createObject = createObject createObject = createObjectDoubleSided end function END_DOUBLE_SIDED_TRANSACTION() createObject = _createObject end function createObjectDoubleSided( ... ) local arg = {...} local temp = _createObject( unpack(arg) ) setElementDoubleSided(temp, true) --Enable / disable return temp end it's making createObject always set the object as double sided. START_DOUBLE_SIDED_TRANSACTION() -- put all your created object here -- createObject(7488,1282.599609375, 1002, -6.0999999046326, 0, 0, 122.98101806641) END_DOUBLE_SIDED_TRANSACTION()
  12. Here you go: Arabic sub-board
  13. I replace it here local myCol = createColRectangle (1000, 500, 30, 20) function destroyTheVehicles (player) if getElementType (player) == "player" and isPedInVehicle (player) then destroyElement (getPedOccupiedVehicle (player)) outputChatBox ("Vehicles are not allowed here!", player, 255, 0, 0) end end addEventHandler ("onColShapeHit", myCol, destroyTheVehicles)
  14. Waste of time simply replace MessagePlayer with outputChatBox() outputChatBox("Welcome to the kewun's beta test server",source) You don't need to use this function. function MessagePlayer(player,text) outputChatBox(text,player) end
  15. Fixed not being able to see the video.
  16. Wrong section post it here: Resources
  17. Added this two lines to your Admin acl. <right name="function.startResource" access="true" /> <right name="function.stopResource" access="true" /> And restart the server or just use aclReload . function reloadACL (player) local reload = aclReload() if ( reload ) then outputChatBox ( "ACL was successfully reloaded.",player, 255, 0, 0) end end addCommandHandler ("reloadACL", reloadACL)
  18. If it's not local function and is on the same side then yes you can call it. same thing with variables because every lua file in a resource is a code block, that can have it's local (variables/functions). if it's not local in this code block it become accessible in other lua files in the same resource. Note: local variables have a scope limited to the block where they are declared so outside of that block they are either nil or have some other value if defined. local function test() -- local function local variable = "Hello" -- local variable function test() -- Global function variable = "Hello" -- Global variable
  19. For triggerServerEvent, client is always set. i.e.: triggerServerEvent("EventName" , localPlayer) source is localPlayer client is localPlayer triggerServerEvent("EventName" , resourceRoot or root) source is resourceRoot or root client is localPlayer
  20. @Gravestone, _G predefined variable it returns a table of all global variables.
  21. You should use the global variable client serverside instead of passing the localPlayer by parameter. -- Client-side function panel() w = guiCreateWindow(x,y,w,h,"money",false) b = guiCreateButton(x,y,w,h,"moneyb", false, w) showCursor(true) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", b, function() triggerServerEvent("moneyhere", resourceRoot) destroyElement(w) showCursor(false) end, false) end -- Server-side function givemoney() givePlayerMoney(client, 10000) end addEvent("moneyhere",true) addEventHandler("moneyhere", resourceRoot, givemoney)
  22. local results = dbPoll( dbQuery( connection, "SELECT * FROM teaminfo WHERE teamname = ?", Added team name here ), -1 ) -- added the team name Or try to use something like this . function getTeams() local data = dbPoll(dbQuery(connection,"SELECT * FROM teaminfo"), -1) return data end function doo(player) local names = getTeams() if names then for i, v in ipairs(names) do outputChatBox(v.teamname) end end end addCommandHandler("teams", doo)
  23. Walid

    Money (Ayuda)

    Wrong section post your question here.
  24. First, Good job. Second, i will post my report here: i think it's not possible to edit old posts.
  25. function MarkerHit(player) -- Added player here i think it's better if you put the whole code server side.
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