You can't use onClientGUIClick since as the name says its onCLIENTGuiClick and just a Client Event.
As i said you have to trigger from the client to the server.
I didn't say Simple is bad.
Infact i love simple things, that's why i love Flat UI Styles, cuz they were simple.
But if Deepu thinks that he reached an achievement or smth like that cuz he made a Radio Controlled toy and can be an a**hole , well you know what it is.
How do you mean that ?
If you mean that the dx should be on the back and the gui labels on front:
--just think it's like in photoshop with layers, and the background has to be created first so the labels are created after it.
Hey Guys,
I wanted to know how i can add columns to an existing table, and specify their data-type. but only if the columns don't exist. and what bout NOT NULL ? How would i add that to the datatype ? Like : x INT NOT NULL, ?
You won't find a scripter for free, since nearly everyone has his own project and for a completely race gamemode , ah, im pretty sure you won't find one.