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Everything posted by Karuzo

  1. Karuzo

    gui elements

    Oh sorry, didn't read your question carefully.
  2. Some codes were removed. And now ? The posts from Citizen are still there.
  3. This is not a script suggestion board.
  4. What should it say either? If you want to show the name of the Song which is playing currently, youll need an api.
  5. You mean the pass == password ? //Edit: Idk what the guy which wrote that code , means with the zeilen = ... i mean what returns the index zeilen[...] ?
  6. Hmm, what would you suggest me to do then ?
  7. Yeah doing that in the login script. function login_func ( username, password ) if tostring ( mysqlCompare ( "wcf1_user", "username", "username = '" ..tostring ( username ).."'" ) ) then local salt = tostring ( mysqlCompare ( "wcf1_user", "salt", "username = '"..tostring ( username ).."'" ) ) local pass = tostring ( mysqlCompare ( "wcf1_user", "password", "username = '"..tostring ( username ).."'" ) ) local password = sha1 ( salt..sha1 ( salt..sha1 ( password ) ) ) if pass == password then --......
  8. Oh yeah, thank you. But what about that mysql_fetch_assoc?
  9. trying to make a function to simply check some datas . I've found a small help, but the functions which were used were mysql_.. functions, and i don't want to use the module. So im trying to make it with db functions. function mysqlCompare ( Tabelle, Spalte, Where ) local executer = dbConnect( "mysql", "dbname=***;host=****", "***", "***") local daten = dbQuery( executer, "SELECT "..Spalte.." FROM "..Tabelle.." WHERE "..Where ) local rows= dbPoll(daten,-1) if daten then if ( rows >= 1 ) then local zeilen = mysql_fetch_assoc( daten,-1 ) dbFree ( daten ) return zeilen[Spalte] else dbFree ( daten ) return false end end end
  10. Hey Guys, So i have a mysql handler, but since mysql_....._.... functions need the mysql module , i want to use the db... functions, but what's the alternative to mysql_fetch_assoc ? lets say i have a query , datas =dbQuery(.....) And what does mysql_fetch_assoc do ? if i have a line like that: local rowss= mysql_fetch_assoc ( datas )
  11. Well you should say that you use element datas.
  12. Why do you even want to save the data client sided? for example: if you change the money client side it won't change serverside, unless youre triggering it and that would be useless if you save the money serverside.
  13. Make a function inside of the function and add the event.
  14. Karuzo

    Need help

    Well we can't really help if you don't show at least a part of the code.
  15. Karuzo


    onClientMarkerHit. not onMarkerHit. so he doesn't have go trigger.
  16. Well he used screenX and screenY, so yeah, you could think that he used it.
  17. Karuzo


    Why were you replying than Fady-Jo ?
  18. Karuzo

    Flat MTA Wallpaper

    oh , sorry didn't looked exactly . but thank you
  19. 500000 ms are not 5 Minutes... 300000 ms are 5 Minutes.
  20. Actually, this is the default scoreboard with the source code modified. I have the same one, but I gave it an orange look. huh, looks like the ffs scoreboard but k.
  21. idk why writing some zeros are that difficult lol.
  22. we don't support leaked scripts.
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