trying to make a function to simply check some datas .
I've found a small help, but the functions which were used were mysql_.. functions, and i don't want to use the module.
So im trying to make it with db functions.
function mysqlCompare ( Tabelle, Spalte, Where )
local executer = dbConnect( "mysql", "dbname=***;host=****", "***", "***")
local daten = dbQuery( executer, "SELECT "..Spalte.." FROM "..Tabelle.." WHERE "..Where )
local rows= dbPoll(daten,-1)
if daten then
if ( rows >= 1 ) then
local zeilen = mysql_fetch_assoc( daten,-1 )
dbFree ( daten )
return zeilen[Spalte]
dbFree ( daten )
return false