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Everything posted by Bilal135

  1. Well if anyone is asking for the best game in the world.....Then its MTA and one more.... Its..Delta Force Black Hawk Down Its really a cool game, you should play it.
  2. I'd suggest that you should change your mind to sell it, because no one gonna buy it, as many resources just like same to it are on the community. Well btw, I dont like the GUI's. You should change it.
  3. Just Unbelievable Script! Awsome work. Hope you will make it more and more better.
  4. Perhaps, I'll suggest that making a server will be your time waste. Because you dont know how to make a server and how to run it. Moreover, If you are very much interested then you can search on Youtube for tutorials.
  5. Your English is too poor that I am not getting what you want to say However, can you please explain what is ''tor nod''?
  6. @tigerman, I will agree that these resources are not yours, As i saw them on FFS Gaming. Sorry if I bumped.
  7. No way!! Just 20 or 30$? No one going to script a whole game mode for just that money. hmm, I think offer 150$ so maybe you can get a scripter. I agree.
  8. !Interesting Creativity Presents! Interesting Creativity is officially a Facebook page, in which we share many things such as stories, articles and jokes. We have our website running but we are not made of money. We need some facebook likes on our page. Me, Bilal Shahnawaz, I am the owner of Interesting Creativity. History & Information Interesting Creativity was started in September 2013, and we are so happy that we got 90+ likes so far as we are not made of money, Here at interesting creativity, we share stories, articles and jokes written by my team (Interesting-Creativity). We are an active facebook community, me and my friends work on it and we write stories and post them. Not just this, we also provide the users who come to our site and become familiar. They can write their story and submit to us. The whole credit will be theirs. We not only post the stories on our site, we also post them on the facebook page. Our Mission & Message Our mission & message is that make creativity in this world, To be best in the world. We want everyone to study hard, to think different, to feel globally and make this world creative. We also say that always try to experiment, this makes your reputation high, it is fun too and if you are able to complete your experiment, you can create a very good and helpful thing. Not just this, we also force all the people to stay healthy and clean and to not make our environment dirty. But our main facebook page is to create creativity in this world. Website Our website is always 24/7. The people who can't connect to the facebook can get the stories, articles and jokes that we write from our website. I hope so you all will like it. We Need Likes On Facebook Page! We need likes on our facebook page, Please like it so you can enjoy our stories and other things. In one week or two, we always write one story and we send it. Other days, we are busy in entertaining our fans & likers. At The End! At the end, I would like to say that please give us a positive feedback and support this community of entertaining. I hope we will make some change in world. -----Personal Note-----
  9. You have to answer these questions (Wrong may cause you a ban) (Most Topics Write This). I should take off my clothes in night? Shouldn't I? One Time I Said One Girl ''I like your pussy'' and she slapped me. Did she do right? Format: Q. (Ur question) A. (Answer Of My Question)
  10. Str4, Think what ever you want.
  11. It doesn't seem that he is going to steal the scripts. He is a good man not a scammer.
  12. I Need A Trial Server, Reply/PM Me after you email me. Email: [email protected]
  13. Okay then, why you reply to my posts just '':lol:'' Isn't this useless?? Hah!
  14. @EufraT Never mind, I don't like to talk with jealous people. You have problem that why I said you bumped the topic? Then you must be a jealous from me. I see very less people like you. EDIT: And he really bumped the topic. (GodFather_)
  15. Bilal135


    I think that Roleplay servers are better than Freeroam or race. I suggest you to come to: Everest Community. But before you go, You need to learn PowerGaming, MetaGaming and Revenge Killing which are some of the RP Terms. Some basic terms in Roleplay! Roleplay? Whats that?! Roleplay is a somewhat virutal life where you can create a character and act as you would in real life. You must roleplay as realistic as possible. You can be anything from a poor gangbanger that is addicted to heroin to an ruthless mobster, a police officer, a judge, a taxi driver and more! The list goes on and on and if you can think if it, you can do it. It's your choice! Let your imagination run wild when creating a character. This MTA server in particular is a high standard roleplay server. You give your character has its own personality that YOU create and you can make him or her their own special features! If you are new to the RP life in general you can read some guides on the forum as well as asking players and even admins for help with roleplaying. Most admins and gamemasters are glad to help out new players!! Metagaming? What is that?! Well, Metagaming is When you use out of Character knowledge and decide to use it in Character. Some examples of Metagaming would be if a player private messages you his location and you actually go to him, acting on the metagame IC. Another example of metagaming would be if you know information such as a gun stash on one character and you then decide to roleplay as if another one of your characters knows where the gun stash is. Another common example is reading a players name tag above their head and saying it in character. You must find out names from in character situations. If you break this rule you can be facing a long jail time and or a ban! Powergaming? I don't know what that means! Powergaming is a term used to describe a character's action that is unrealistic as well as not giving players time to roleplay in a situation. You must give time for players to write up a /me when roleplaying against them. The /me also must be reasonable. You MUST have a reason behind the /me. You can not just spam /me dodges the punch as it is powergaming and your character isn't super fast. You can only have your characters actions reflect upon real life. A person in real life can not break free of hand cuffs unless they are extreme body builders with near super human strength so most characters in the server would not be able to break free from them. It is powergaming if you do. A person in real life can not fly as well. You can't make a /me saying "/me flys away ". It's powergaming and if you actually do fly away...Well, you will be punished more severely than just the powergaming offense. If you are caught powergaming the administrator will usually give you a heads up but it you can also be jailed or warning and sometimes a ban. Revenge Killing? What not do when killed.. Revenge killing is when you are killed by another player and decide your are going to go after the player that killed you. When you are killed you can not go back to the situation and attack the player. Also if you are hospitalized you must role play memory loss and you would not remember who attacked you or what even happend. Dieng like this is a PK (player kill) and you must RP it as such. If you are caught breaking this rule you can be jailed, warned, and even banned! Common Sense... Use common sense at all times, this rule should go hand in hand with everything you do in the server. For example, if you have a problem with a man refusing to pay you $10,000, your first action should probably be a warning, followed up with a beating, then a severe beating and only then should you consider murdering them. Common sense factors into this because you don't want to murder someone because of police and other repercussions such as you not being able to get your money back in the first place. Be realistic about your role play by using common sense If you end up roleplaying a character lacking common sense it could lead to a kick, warn, and even a temporary ban! Character Kill(ing) and Player Kill(ing), what are they? Character killing is the most uncommon way someone is killed in game and is used only in situations where it's needed. When you are killed from a CK, it's permenant and the only way to get your stuff back is from a stats transfer. You may get a stats transfer by donating. When when you are killed from a PK, it's RP'd as you having severe injuries and haivng memmory loss. You pass out and a paramedic RPly takes you to the hospital. After that, RP your injuries accordingly. You need a good reason for a PK and the person getting PK'd not only loses their memmory from the killing, but all events leading up to it. If you wish to CK someone, you must send a message on the forums to a lead admin, a head admin, or the server owner as to why you want to character kill someone permenantly. You must include proof and have a legitamit reason. ---I hope this will help you. Best regards, GameMaster Team, Everest Community(Roleplay). Jake Johnson (Bilal) (Alvin).
  16. Nice work Intronet servers, actually (Iblaze Servers, Edi Servers and Intronet Thing) lol, all are yours Well good luck, and we don't want to hear after some days ''We are sorry to say that we got crashed (Or Bla Bla Bla)'' And tell me that what will be your next company name?.....
  17. Good way to increase posts EurFaT? HAH!!
  18. BUAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. My website: www.interestingcreativity.yolasite.com www.facebook.com/interestingcreativity Face Book Page. Best for readers. BALALALLALALALALALALLALAlaLALLAlalalalalalalLALALA
  19. Benefits: The benefits with Urdu are many. We can help 2 countries at a same forum. When we write Urdu in English. It becomes familiar to Hindi and Indians can also understand and talk with Urdu English Language. So We should vote Urdu. Disadvantages: Nothing!
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