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Everything posted by Bilal135

  1. @toxicsmooke11 , That was a joke dude
  2. It is unblocked. try https://www.youtube.com or youtube.com <<<------- It Works For Me.
  3. ....Lol, Youtube at-last unblocked in Pakistan!
  4. function onMrShariQPostReply (BanMember) outPutChatBox ("#030F00You Were Banned, And Will Be Never Ever Unbanned", root) end
  5. hoi. y u behaive laika drunk mahn. wai wai.
  6. Duh. Duh. Duh. Duh. Duh. Duhhhhhhhhhh. I love Duh..
  7. Well, Delta Force Black Hawk Down And Delta Force Xtreme 2 Are Pretty Nice Games.
  8. Nooo! It will never die! Well, who plays Delta Force?
  9. Please Don't Let This Topic Die XDDD....
  10. I don't need to visit that, but i doubt, that you need to actually visit that. "It's All Spam! B.L.A.S.T!! Spam!" So actually this topic is for spam, so spam. abibciqbaolciuabcaquihdoffaobfiuaoboubvOBvVvb abibciqbaolciuabcaquihdoffaobfiuaoboubvOBvVvb abibciqbaolciuabcaquihdoffaobfiuaoboubvOBvVvb abibciqbaolciuabcaquihdoffaobfiuaoboubvOBvVvb abibciqbaolciuabcaquihdoffaobfiuaoboubvOBvVvb abibciqbaolciuabcaquihdoffaobfiuaoboubvOBvVvb abibciqbaolciuabcaquihdoffaobfiuaoboubvOBvVvb
  11. abibciqbaolciuabcaquihdoffaobfiuaoboubvOBvVvb
  12. abibciqbaolciuabcaquihdoffaobfiuaoboubvOBvVvb
  13. And your? You got a pic of a bastard as your avatar. Go change it, or get a ban
  14. @Mu[T]e~> Your name is pretty bad. ''Mute'', so you wanna actually get a mute on this forums?
  15. no you are a super clown not just a clown What Nonsense? -.-
  16. Mr ShariQ, please fix your signature, that [/b] is just lying next to ur 'Revolutionary Roleplay Gaming Community' pic.
  17. Hey denny fresh blood
  18. Pff.......................
  19. Lol no, btw i like Italian food
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