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Everything posted by Bilal135

  1. Yeah. But they won't until Youtube/Google block that video from Youtube. I think it will be blocked for the next 3 more years or forever blocked...
  2. Becoz some of you guys don't know the reason that why is Youtube blocked in Pakistan.....Mr ShariQ knows i think.
  3. Can I have some candy instead? Then go and buy from the shop
  4. LolzZZz zzzzZzzz Bee ZzzzzZZzzzZZzZzZzZz
  5. +1, Denny is a pedobear, hey mr dennyopedoobear.
  6. Kitchen Kitch Kitch Kitch Chicken! DUCK! QUACK QUACK! Cat meow meoooowwww!
  7. So.....You believe that you are a pedobear??
  8. Well I recommend Vortex Hosting.
  9. Do I Look You A Donkey? Oh Cmon, talk about something else.
  10. YAAAKH! I don't like that post !!! YAAAKH! Vomit coming! !!
  11. LOL! Uncle Pedobear? Uncle Bilal? I am not a pedobear, im a human for your kind information And i'm not an uncle, just uncle in this topic
  12. I am 14 years old, and ''uncle'', just for fun
  13. Nope, This topic gonna get 1000 posts. Chill meh.
  14. Dat ''Baby's Day Out" movie, that baby is from that movie.
  15. Hey guys, keep spamming becoz at last you all will loose your posts .
  16. Yeah, its kewl, really kewl, kewl, kewl. KEWL KEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWL!!!
  17. There's no such type of rule ''Copying Signatures'' in MTA Forums. So you better don't talk about it. I don't wanna a (CHAT FIGHT). So got it? And I am not gonna remove my signature, never. Okay, so lets talk about something else. NeoX, why did u put this channel name? ''NeoX''?
  18. I'm watching television, actually the funny comments of you guys. ''Porn, Porn Everywhere'' Ahahhaha Carry on guys
  19. Nice tutorial, It will surely help people. Good Job.
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