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Everything posted by xeon17

  1. xeon17


    @MrTasty Thank you
  2. xeon17


    Good to hear it , i'll test it soon.
  3. Nobody said that it doesn't work He only wanted to show you a way to do it easier and better.
  4. xeon17


    There is no need for using setElementHealth , use killPed
  5. Maybe onClientPlayerDamage? EDIT: JR10 was faster
  6. xeon17


    Ok thank you for your fast answer , I guess i'll have to create a new account system
  7. There is no need for a trigger , onClientResourceStart should do it.
  8. xeon17


    Is there a way to remove the default MTA login and registration messages?
  9. What about the radar and hud of SAS-Network which you also copied RooTs? I don't: understand why you cry now you did the exactly same thing many times.
  10. triggerServerEvent("tDrink", getLocalPlayer())
  11. Nobody will host your server for free.
  12. Client side is correct now, Try this , but remember i didn't tested it. addEvent ("tDrink", true) addEventHandler ("tDrink", getRootElement(), function() setPedAnimation ( client, "dancing", "dnce_m_b") end) --stop animation [example button 02] addEvent ("AnimationOff", true) addEventHandler ("AnimationOff", getRootElement(), function() setPedAnimation ( client ) end)
  13. You didn't helped him since your example is wrong , use getLocalPlayer() instead of resourceRoot . I would fix it by myself but i'm currently on my phone.
  14. xeon17


    Edit the admin resource.
  15. Ahhh please stop , you wanted to sell this resource for 20$ but you saw nobody is enough stupid to buy so you released.
  16. The only difference is that this resource is better than Bilal's one.
  17. You wanted to sell a 48 lines code for 15-20$ , god.....
  18. Tente instalar isso. https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/files/vcredist_2008sp1_x86.exe
  19. https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ils&id=129 https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ils&id=109 There is no sense for releasing something that already exists , but selling it is more stupid.
  20. https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ls&id=7766
  21. Você poderia explicar o que você está tentando fazer?
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