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Everything posted by xeon17

  1. The design could be better , i like that you made it with MySQL what's awesome. I plan to create a dx login panel for my server , could you decompile the scripts or at least the part where you create the accounts using MySQL it would help me a lot to learn because there isn't any MySQL tutorial or a working MySQL login panel on community. And where i can insert my database information in your script? i don't see any configuration file. Good job.
  2. @RooTs learnt math functions, finally he knows how to do something useful. For a guy who don't know OOP you impressed me now
  3. I know more what is OOP Sorry but i really don't understand your english, if you want to learn something about OOP then check the links bellow. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OOP https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OOP_Introduction https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OOP_client https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OOP_server
  4. I guess you didn't read what he wrote, his problem is that he want to do it in OOP but it doesn't work.
  5. Você teve alguns erros em seu código RooTs, eu corrigi-los para você. Além disso, use o codigo no server side para evitar alguns problemas de sincronização. Vehiculo02 = createVehicle( 497, 1562.2846679688, -1613.2075195313, 13.3828125, 0, 0, 0) function EnterVehicle ( theVehicle, seat, jacked ) if getPlayerTeam(thePlayer) ~= getTeamFromName("Policia Militar") then toggleControl (thePlayer, "accelerate", false ) -- disable the accelerate key toggleControl ( thePlayer,"brake_reverse", false ) -- disable the brake_reverse key toggleControl ( thePlayer,"handbrake", false ) -- disable the handbrake key setControlState (thePlayer, "accelerate", false ) -- force the accelerate key on else toggleControl ( thePlayer,"accelerate", true ) toggleControl (thePlayer, "brake_reverse", true ) toggleControl (thePlayer, "handbrake", true ) setControlState ( thePlayer,"accelerate", true ) end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleEnter", root, EnterVehicle )
  6. I had the same problem before a few days, try this: function f4_get_pos( button, press ) if button == "F4" and (press) then --local x, y, z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) <--This way it works, but no oop local x, y, z = localPlayer.position <-- throws the error outputChatBox(x) outputChatBox(y) outputChatBox(z) end end addEventHandler("onClientKey", getRootElement(), f4_get_pos)
  7. xeon17

    Mta Doesn't work

    Try downloading it from here, 32bit: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download ... id=5582&WT 64bit: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download ... px?id=2092
  8. Update your MTA Client to the latest MTA 1.4.1 version and try again. www.mtasa.com www.nightly.multitheftauto.com
  9. xeon17

    Update Problem.

    Visit the following site and download the latest MTA 1.4.1 version, photo: http://prntscr.com/6muaer https://nightly.multitheftauto.com
  10. xeon17

    RPG Server

    Nobody will give you scripts for free , you can try to find the scripts by searching on MTA Community or pay someone to create them for you. https://community.multitheftauto.com/ Here are links of a few good realeased RPG Gamemodes: viewtopic.php?f=108&t=82870&hilit=Nerd+gaminG https://github.com/GTWCode/GTW-RPG
  11. xeon17

    Server issue

    The errors by level_system are caused because the resource scoreboard isn't running, start scoreboard and restart level_system and it should work well. Also , make sure your MTA Server is updated , if it doesn't help try reinstalling your server or wait for someone with a better knowledge to help you.
  12. Poor cup , i prefer qualifications for EURO 2016.
  13. @Hornet(Onix) Has created this radar before MrTasty and he didn't report anyone. This really not make sense this report according the rules, if you don't like just don't download it. About the VIP System , I don't see any reason why this resource should be removed , your report makes no sense.
  14. xeon17

    Vehicle lock

    addEventHandler ( "onVehicleStartEnter", root, function ( player, seat ) if ( isElement ( getVehicleOccupant ( source ) ) and seat == 0 ) then cancelEvent ( ) end end )
  15. LimitGAMES:setStylesheet(StylesheetParser():parsestr([[ button { color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #3582FD; cursor: pointer; } button:hover { color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #5D35FD; cursor: pointer; } button:active{ color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #FF8100; cursor: pointer; } button:focus { color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #6E35FD; cursor: pointer; } button:disabled { background-color: #eaeaea; color: #bebebe; cursor: not-allowed; } ]]))
  16. You don't need to use this bindControlKeys("crouch", "down", function() The rest is correct.
  17. isPedDucked Examples on wiki.
  18. Good job as always MrBrutus! keep up the good work. I'll check it so fast as possible.
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