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Everything posted by AriosJentu
Hello. This is my new custom window system with widgets. Just rewrited window system, including this custom GUI widgets: - Scroll Panes - Buttons (+ buttons with images) - Progress Bars (automatic checking for vertical or horizontal using its size, square is horizontal) - Scroll Bars (same as progress bars) - Custom Themed Edit Boxes, Memo Boxes, new widget - Number Boxes (support mouse scrolling) - Check Boxes - Combo Boxes - Tab Panel with tabs - Labels - Dialog Boxes - Tooltips - Loading Circles - Table Views (Grid Lists) Here I've just used only OOP coding style, just copy this one lua file in your projects, and start this resource automatically, because this file getting directories from main resourcename, and using files without copying. Screenshots Video: Example - Login Panel. Author - Estet (DK). Tutorial of installation: Download (GitHub) Wiki Documentation Thank you.
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- 25
Yes. All my public projects were removed - finally shutdowned. I was removed them cuz some russian players publish my selling projects, and make me without money. And thats reason.
Maybe up this)
When you will updating from phone update manager, please remove "language.lua" from skipping directories.
Update: - Added game TicTacToe. Now you can play only with "comuter", but I add functionality, when you can play vs another player soon. - Removed unnecessary label "URL:" in Music Player - In Update Manager added percentage of download. Please, test update manager, cuz fetchRemote returning connection error, but this link working in browser. - Default system language moved to another file, called "lang.txt". Screens:
I havent ideas. There is no updates cuz I havent seen ideas, what I can realize here.
Maybe up this)
[REL] Hex-colored nametags (physical - above head..)
AriosJentu replied to Dutchman101's topic in Resources
Is it dxDrawText with color-code argument? In back - some black texts as shadow without colorcode? Just 7 code lines) -
Maybe up this
Upd: added file "skip_dirs.txt", where you can put files, what you doesn't want to update from repository. You can use here local file, like "language.lua", and full directory, like "apps/passport/id/".
UPD: fixed meta.xml replacer - I've created Meta.XML generator, what puts unexisted files in your meta xml in the end.
Added update manager. This manager can automatically update your phone resource with based files. Recommend to take copy of your own files cofigurations in meta.xml, but in future I will fix thus problem. Pictures:
Added function for working with authors dialog menu in settings. Created for saving authors rights in settings.
Update: - Fixed bug with showing users in Message Box - New Icons of Send Message and Stickers Button - Added saving account settings - user desktop image and user system language. Updated version you can download from my GitHub from main post of this topic
Added new video. Sorry for lags, bcs I'm using Intel HD Graphic Card.
Hello. Scince one year I want to publish this smartphone here. There is awesome smart with some base functions, what appeared in previous version. But customizing in settings now removed to make system style more interesting and minimalistic. Also removed lockscreen, because it was useless. What can you do basically with this phone? - Chatting with another players on the server, and send them stickers - Listen music by URL or your local, and switch timeline of the track (progressbar clickable) - Calculate something. Now calculator has history of calculations. - With application "Passport" you can see some information about you. Created for RP modes, but I dont know nothing about RP, and created it just for fun. - In settings you can change desktop image, change System Language [NEW], and read information about developers. - When phone updating, admins can check for updates phone on the air in system settings. Its available in "About" menu, on bottom of app - green text with current version as build. Of course, this resource has API for developers. With it you can: - Create your own applications for phone - Edit some phone settings - Add your own stickers for messenger - Add your own desktop images (276x445px) - Add your own system translations. In file "language.lua" you can find example and there you can add in table your prefered languages. - Manage notifications and etc. There are some pictures of system: Download: GitHub I would like to apologize about my code. Sometimes this is not readable, because it was written about year ago, when I was at school . I wont to optimize this working code, bcs I'm too lazy New Video: Demo (2016): Functions, what you can use to modify your system:
Помогите справится с этими большими проблемами.
AriosJentu replied to Alexey0402's topic in Russian / Русский
Мне кажется, что проще, чем посчитать символьную длину окна, нет ничего. Узнаешь, сколько целых символов (без пробелов) вмещается в заданную длину, а потом каждый раз отсекаешь со строки и делаешь перенос (\n). По количеству строчек считаешь высоту текста, и применяешь. Label сам по себе не поддерживает перенос строк под длину. А вот memobox поддерживает, но в нём будет сложнее посчитать высоту. Насчёт браузера не знаю, но мне кажется, что Backspace выполняет роль перехода на предыдущую страницу (по крайней мере на десктопе так). Но позволить себе такое удовольствие, как браузер в МТА я не особо могу, так как являюсь пользователем Arch, а как известно, на Arch не работает 1.5 (приходится выживать с 1.4) -
Maybe up this, it could be not bad.
Awesome work. Thank you for it
Again. Doesnt work correctly moving between table links. For ex - when clicking "Back", sometimes browser thinks that previous page is first, and block this button, in forward - same.
Main file. Line 338: Element - Cache (it is table of visited pages), element - Position (number of link in history), element - SaveInCache (when navigating from next/prev, it false, bcs no need to save link) Line 250 and 260: Event for click on buttons Next and Previous Line 445 and 448, 523 and 526: check for cache to make buttons enabled or disabled for click (like in browser) Line 462: Enabling cache saving Line 533: When loading page, insert loaded link in Cache table Line 631: Function loadWebURL have argument to saving URL in Cache
You can try something like this: -- define these two at the start history = {} curPos = 1 -- define these when navigating total = #history history[url] = getBrowserURL(browser) -- store the current page url -- in example function back() if curPos > 1 then curPos = curPos - 1 end setBrowserURL(browser,history[curPos]) end function forward() local total = #history if curPos < #history then curPos = curPos + 1 end end There are some mistakes here and there but you get the idea. It doesnt works, i dont know why, but the same system ive created for browser, of course with browser tab navigation history, and it doesnt work.
Again - tables works perfectly. How to make navigation with this tables? Next and previous pages, reload page.
Thank, Ive using tables, and inserts works correct, but not works correctly navigation from urls in table. I dont know why, bcs in theory it works good, but in practice - doesnt work