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Everything posted by AriosJentu

  1. Thats not too hard. I've put information on wiki on main page of resource (first link in "See Also" part), also I've created video-tutorial of installation with basic example.
  2. Updates: Fixed bug with removing last line in TableViews, now it's not crashing all TableViews. - Fixed bug with enabling/disabling comboboxes, when its selector is opened. Now it closing in almost all situation (tested with enable/disable, click, moving and etc) - Updated Examples page: added one new example with TableViews, where you can change window theme, and add/remove lines
  3. Updates: Fixed bug with connecting elements to cells. - Added support for EditBoxes, Buttons and CheckBoxes, connected to cells on TableViews. - Added function to get/set EditBox's sides color (used for connecting to TableViews) - Updated Examples page.
  4. Update - fixed bugs, added some new functions, and working on Custom Widgets GUI Editor. - Added function to get string of image location for CustomButton. - Added more widgets what you can use as parent. Before this update, in parent type you can put only variables of CustomWindow and CustomScrollPane widgets, now added more widgets - CustomButton, CustomProgressBar, CustomLabel, CustomComboBox (button element), CustomCheckBox (label element) and CustomTabPanel (current selected tab). - For CustomComboBox now added function to get count of items, and get lua table of items (table of strings of item names). - For CustomComboBox now added function to remove all items in one function - CustomComboBox:clear(). - Now Tooltip is a class, where added new methods - get and set showing timeout - CustomTooltip:setShowTime(seconds) and CustomTooltip:getShowTime(). - Fixed bug with removing line from TableView. Added function to fully clearing table view's lines: CustomTableView:clearLines(). - For editor added on-editing update of properties, and created drawing functions of elements.
  5. No, it's no needed when you make all like in installation manual from Wiki.
  6. Update. Added getters for some properties of elements. - Added function removeTab. - Added functions to change item text in Combo Box. - Fixed minor bugs - Added parts for Custom Widgets GUI Editor, now I'm working on it.
  7. Update: Added all information about Table Views on Wiki, with Examples. Also, on cells of CustomTableView you can put something: Code Example
  8. Update: fixed bugs with Table Views - Fixed bug with setColumnWidth - Fixed argument of height for setIndentation - Added two new styles of color schemes - Green and Gray (Dark+Light) - Renaming NumberScrollers to Spinners (I've finally found it's real name)
  9. Update: Added grid lists. They are called Table Views. Now you can just create them and select items, sorting now is not available. It will be added in future updates. - Fixed bug with scroll pane - in past it can contains contents only with maximal size, setted to default user's screen size - Added 2 new triggers - when scrolling scrollpane, and when changing state of check box - Fixed bug with unavailabled events when user cursor located on canvases of Buttons, ProgressBars, EditBoxes (all) and Check Boxes - Fixed bug with scrolling on scroll pane, now functions setVerticalScrollPosition and setHorizontalScrollPosition works correct - Added function getFrame for Labels - now you can put any widget on Label.
  10. Update - replaced old custom scroll pane, what I didn't understood to new, more easily for using - Fixed bugs with removing elements in combo boxes
  11. Update - added all information of functions with examples on wiki. - Fixed bugs with Tab Panels - Fixed bugs with Number Scrollers - Fixed event of Combo Boxes
  12. Update: - Now for all widgets do not want to use functions Window:getFrame and Window:addElement(s). Just put as parent window widget (look at the example, or documentation) - In function GuiStaticImage.create now you can use as parent argument window widget. - Fixed bugs with relative objects and with side bar of window. - Added more information in documentation.
  13. Update: Added link for Wiki Documentation of resource. All information about functions will be created soon.
  14. I'm sorry, but your design is not unique. As for me, yiur design has very randomic style, like style of windows or another widgets. Your site has better design than your resources. But it was my first view bases on first 3 resources. If you're designer, I think you can make it better, more minimalistic and uniform style for your "friendly" GUI) Keep it up
  15. Look at the comments, I'm not forget about them, and I won't to create them.
  16. Update - Added Loading Circles. You can set them progress. Creation only with coordinates, because size is static. - Added Side Bar for Window Widget. Now you can put colored bar on background for your window. Its not dynamically changing color for another widgets, just background. For EditBoxes added new method CustomEdit:putOnSide([bool] IsOnSide?) for setting EditBox's Edges colored. Screenshots
  17. The Last update for today: - Added methods to get color scheme of object - Added new widget - ToolTip. In arguments you can set timeout in seconds to show tooltip when mouse hover on widget.
  18. Update - Replaced CustomDialog arguments - now you can create Custom Dialogs with random count of buttons, just put their titles in table. Replaced events onCustomDialogAccept and onCustomDialogCancel to single event onCustomDialogClick with one function argument - button title. Look at the example file. Screenshots:
  19. Update: - Added 2 new themes - Purple Light and Purple Dark - Added new widget - CustomDialog. Created events onCustomDialogAccept and onCustomDialogCancel for them. - Now you doesn't need to call addEvent("eventName", bool) for events, created in this resource, because I added it in the end of win.lua. - Added events when player click on close button - onCustomWindowClose, and when player choose value in combobox - onCustomComboBoxSelectItem. - Look at the example. Now to change theme in DemoWidgets, select item in first ComboBox, called "Select Theme...". Screenshots:
  20. To change windows color you can use changing color schematic - window:setColorSheme(colorScheme) To change label font size, use label:setFont(font_directory, new_font_size)
  21. Update: - Added function to get window parts. There is function to get window frame (window:getFrame()) and window header image - part, where located title and close button (window:getHeader()), and for tab panel you now can get tab button (tab:getTabHeader([string/gui-element] TabIndex)). - Added functions to create custom labels. It looks like default labels, but it connected with window color scheme - Fixed events, now you can add every event of object with its method - obj:addEvent(). If event doesn't exists, you can create it using default function addEvent(...), and then add event using object method. For more information look at the example.lua. In updated file all parent windows replaced with methods of getting frame of its window, replaced all addEventHandler's to method addEvent of object, and added example for labels.
  22. Example - Login Panel by Estet (DK):
  23. Update: added functions for changing minimal and maximal size, and step size for EditNumberScroller, because I forgot about them. If you have any questions about this system, how to work with it, how to use it - you can ask me here.
  24. No, but you can make scroll pane with image blocks, look at my old PM system, or Phone script: Bcs this style doesn't need gridlists, what look like CEGUI gridlists
  25. Support all default events, look at example. But function to create event is a method of class
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