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  1. I can download from other online servers. Only from local server cannot download, it times out later on. https://pastebin.mtasa.com/583515500
  2. where are you setting the element data?
  3. delete https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=11373 https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=9581 DONE
  4. addCommandHandler("checkplayervehicle", function(source, cmd, target) if not (target) then outputChatBox("/checkplayervehicle [Player]") return false end local target, targetName = exports["serverCore"]:findPlayer(source,target) if target then local targetAccount = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(target)) local playercar1 = executeSQLQuery("SELECT Model FROM vehicleSlot1 WHERE PlayerName = ?",targetAccount) if #playercar1 > 1 then outputChatBox(getVehicleNameFromModel(playercar2[1].Model),source) else outputChatBox("slot 1 empty",source) end local playercar2 = executeSQLQuery("SELECT Model FROM vehicleSlot2 WHERE PlayerName = ?",targetAccount) if #playercar2 > 1 then outputChatBox(getVehicleNameFromModel(playercar2[1].Model),source) else outputChatBox("slot 2 empty",source) end end end )
  5. createMarker createBlipAttachedTo
  6. Add "resource.admin" to "Admin" ACL group. That should do the trick.
  7. For every lower height, try to increase the Y by some value to have the same size. It will have same size, and it should fit. You have to find the some value tho.
  8. I assume drawing the image while the person in aiming sniper through isPedAiming (useful function), and then adding a picture which has the same diameter circle should do. You could add some frames in it to make it look more better
  9. Very hard to give proper answers isn't it? Lol. The syntax for INSERT is incomplete and wrong because it is incomplete. And by the way you do not poll dxExecs..... Anyways, there is a good tutorial on this. Go there and check the first post with db functions.
  10. function spawn( player ) local rnd = math.random( 1, #spawns ) setElementPosition( player, spawns[rnd][1], spawns[rnd][2], spawns[rnd][3] ) setElementPosition( player, 0 , 0, spawns[rnd][4] ) end addCommandHandler("pvp",spawn)
  11. How about using getTimerDetails, and setting those details in a table in setElementData? Server timers are different from client sided timers Client sided timers usually depend on FPS.
  12. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnPlayerScreenShot trigger client event with imageData of that create the file client side
  13. function katana(attacker, weapon, bodypart, loss) if getElementData(attacker, "zombie", true) then if getPedWeapon(attacker) == 8 then setElementHealth(source, getElementHealth(source) - 40) end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerDamage", getRootElement(), katana)
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