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  1. The player only earns moneys when player take turf.but ı want a group to make money every 20 minutes.and ı dont want to make turf with the car. Would you help me with this? its important for us.Thank you. local turfPos = { { 2709.5104980469, -1593.6439208984, 0, 197.5, 92, 90 }, { 2440.403320315, -1722.5418701172, 0, 245, 133, 30 }, { 2625.7390136719, -2024.4792480469, 0, 245, 133, 30 }, {2422.5437011719, -1829.01171875, 0, 197.5, 92, 90 }, { 2641.6721191406, -1449.9906005899, 0, 245, 133, 30 }, { 2635.8344726563, -1289.7164306641, 0, 245, 133, 30 }, { 2650.5544433594, -1141.5219726563, 0, 197.5, 92, 90 }, { 2443.5759277344, -2247.7583007813, 0, 255, 140, 30 }, { 2292.3610839844, -2062.405761788, 0, 255, 140, 30 }, { 2175.6198730469, -1858.5258789063, 0, 197.5, 92, 90 }, { 2129.63110351556, -1746.5291748047, 0, 245, 150, 30 }, { 2372.3046875, -1549.7535400391, 0, 245, 225, 30 }, { 2372.6462402344, -1300.7740478516, 0, 245, 260, 30 }, { 2103.0454101563, -1568.2351074219, 0, 242, 400, 30 }, { 2056.5090332031, -1129.5450439453, 0, 245, 133, 30 }, { 2376.6982421875, -2787.8405761719, 0, 460, 420, 220 }, { 1279.3182373047, -2644.47245625, 0, 600, 600, 400 }, { -2364.412109375, -181.12747192383, 0, 150, 200, 90 }} local turfElement = {} local turfTimer = {} local checkComplete = false local messages = { [1] = "Turf System By VitoScaletta Was Started Correctly!", [2] = "This Territory Already Belongs To %s", [3] = "You Enter Into De %s's Turf Zone.Wait 2 Minutes To Capture The Turf And Win +1K!", [4] = "This Turf Doesn't Belong To Anyone.Wait 2 Minutes To Capture The Turf And Win +1K!", [5] = "Congratulations.You Capture The Turf. +1K!", [6] = "If You Don't Come Back Within 20 Second, You Won't Capture The Turf", [7] = "You Couldn't Capture The Turf Because Of Absence" } -- Nadie = None | Just a translation addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() executeSQLQuery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Turf_System ( Turfs TEXT, GangOwner TEXT, r INT, g INT, b INT)") -- local check = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM Turf_System" ) if #check == 0 then for i=1,#turfPos do executeSQLQuery("INSERT INTO Turf_System(Turfs,GangOwner,r,g,b) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)", "Turf["..tostring(i).."]", "Nadie", 0, 255, 0) end elseif #check > 1 then for i = #check, #turfPos do executeSQLQuery("INSERT INTO Turf_System(Turfs,GangOwner,r,g,b) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)", "Turf["..tostring(i).."]", "Nadie", 0, 255, 0) end end for i,v in ipairs(turfPos) do local sqlData = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM Turf_System WHERE Turfs=?", "Turf["..tostring(i).."]") local turfCol = createColCuboid(unpack(v)) setElementData(turfCol, "getTurfGang", sqlData[1].GangOwner) local turfArea = createRadarArea(v[1], v[2], v[4], v[5], sqlData[1].r, sqlData[1].g, sqlData[1].b, 175) turfElement[turfCol] = {turfCol, turfArea, i} turfTimer[turfCol] = {} end outputDebugString( messages[1] ) end ) addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", root, function ( player ) if turfElement[source] and source == turfElement[source][1] then local turf,area,id = unpack( turfElement[source] ) local playerGang = getElementData ( player, "gang" ) local turfGang = executeSQLQuery("SELECT GangOwner FROM Turf_System WHERE Turfs=?", "Turf["..tostring(id).."]" ) if ( turfGang[1].GangOwner == playerGang ) then outputChatBox( messages[2]:format( turfGang[1].GangOwner or "None" ), player, 0, 255, 0, false ) else local playerGang = getElementData ( player, "gang" ) setElementData( source, "warTurf", playerGang ) if ( isTimer ( turfTimer[source][1] ) ) then if isTimer( turfTimer[source][2] ) then killTimer( turfTimer[source][2] ) end return end if ( playerGang ) then local r, g, b = unpack ( getGangColor ( playerGang ) ) -- local r, g, b = 255, 255, 255 setRadarAreaFlashing ( area, true ) if turfGang[1].GangOwner ~= "Nadie" then outputChatBox( messages[3]:format( turfGang[1].GangOwner ), player, 0, 255, 0, false ) else outputChatBox( messages[4], player, 0, 255, 0, false ) end turfTimer[source][1] = setTimer ( function ( ) local players = getGangPlayersInTurf ( turf, playerGang ) setRadarAreaColor ( area, tonumber(r), tonumber(g), tonumber(b), 175 ) for _, player in ipairs ( players ) do outputChatBox( messages[5], player, 0, 255, 0, false ) triggerClientEvent(player, "onTakeTurf", player) givePlayerMoney ( player, 1000 ) executeSQLQuery("UPDATE Turf_System SET GangOwner=?,r=?,g=?,b=? WHERE Turfs=?", playerGang, tonumber(r), tonumber(g), tonumber(b), "Turf["..tostring(id).."]" ) -- setElementData ( turf, "getTurfGang", playerGang ) end setRadarAreaFlashing ( area, false ) end ,120000, 1) end end end end ) addEventHandler ( "onColShapeLeave", root, function( player ) if turfElement[source] and source == turfElement[source][1] then if isTimer( turfTimer[source][1] ) then local aGang = getElementData( source, "warTurf" ) local ps = getGangPlayersInTurf( source, aGang ) if ps == 0 then outputChatBox( messages[6], player, 255, 0, 0 ) turfTimer[source][2] = setTimer( function(source, aGang) if isTimer(turfTimer[source][1]) then killTimer(turfTimer[source][1]) end setRadarAreaFlashing(turfElement[source][2], false) for _, v in ipairs( getElementsByType("player") ) do if getElementData(v, "gang") == aGang then outputChatBox(messages[7], v, 255, 0, 0) end end end , 20000, 1, source, aGang) end end end end ) function getGangPlayersInTurf( turf, gang ) -- element, string if turf and gang then local players = getElementsWithinColShape ( turf, "player" ) local gPla = {} for _, v in ipairs( players ) do if getElementData(v, "gang") == gang then table.insert(gPla, v) end end return gPla end end function getGangColor(gangName) return exports[ "gang_system" ]:getGangData ( gangName, "color" ) end
  2. Brother , Deathmatch just get in los santos and las venturas. I spawn zombies in other places. And players can easily kill zombies and jump level. They will kill zombies outside of LV and LS. And in the meantime they will not kill each other. I just want to do deathmatch in LV and LS. LV and LS will be the only PVP places.
  3. On my server I just want to open PVP in LV and LS.I found some codes.But All San Andreas Map Closed to PvP :C Will somebody help me? Is there a script ready for this? Not in community :C
  4. local spawns = { { -1569.2819824219, 1196.4373779297, 7.1865711212158, 0 }, { -1661.0703125, 1212.8386230469, 32.897026062012, 0 }, { -1684.5240478516, 1360.486328125, 7.1721897125244, 0 }, { -1768.2357177734, 1175.0441894531, 25.125, 0 } } function spawn( player ) local rnd = math.random( 1, #spawns ) setElementPosition( player, spawns[rnd][1], spawns[rnd][2], spawns[rnd][3] ) setElementPosition( player, 0 , 0, spawns[rnd][4] ) end addCommandHandler("pvp",spawn) Bro ı did try but its warp to me at BLUBERRY TOWN and just 1 warp.
  5. Mr.Loki please give me example. ı am newbie about scripts.can you write for me ? ı dont know what ı will add on 8 line.
  6. Hi Friends, I want to teleport to different places when I write / pvp command. I write some codes. It says 'RUNNING' in the resources.but It is not teleporting :C Help me please ... serverside : local spawns = { { -1569.2819824219, 1196.4373779297, 7.1865711212158, 0 }, { -1661.0703125, 1212.8386230469, 32.897026062012, 0 }, { -1684.5240478516, 1360.486328125, 7.1721897125244, 0 }, { -1768.2357177734, 1175.0441894531, 25.125, 0 } } function spawn( player ) local rnd = mat.random( 1, #spawns ) setElementPosition( player, spawns[rnd][1], spawns[rnd][2], spawns[rnd][3] ) setElementPosition( player, 0 , 0, spawns[rnd][4] ) end addCommandHandler("pvp",Spawn) Meta File: <meta> <script src="server.lua" type="server" /> </meta> What is wrong ???
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