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Everything posted by Backsage

  1. No, nothing. All I know is that after I load the GUI code, it makes the Output window's position to something like -1106 (x position) and 273 (y position). But I've fixed it by modifying output.lua (in guieditor) with guiGetScreenSize.
  2. I'm using guieditor 3.1.3. When I try to do Main Menu > Output after loading GUI code, the Output window doesn't open.
  3. Here's a new link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/rllwwybfvaccfx0/zoneEditUNZIP.zip
  4. Backsage

    [TUT] SQLite

    I never understood what is the purpose of dbExec. When you execute it, how will you know if it worked if it doesn't return anything? I guess one way would be through a script error. But I always use dbQuery because I want that query to return something, so that way I know it worked. Not sure what would be the purpose of using executeSQLQuery either. Oh, I didn't know that. Thx for that.
  5. Yes, that would be so nice to have different font color for server and client. Could also be nice for Notepad++. Also, when is this getting updated?
  6. Hey guys. I found a video on YouTube (in German, sorry) that shows you how to install MTA syntax highlighting and autocomplete for Notepad++. You don't have to watch the video, but there are links in the video description (which I'll leave here) that leads to a forum and in there will be a download link (which I'll also leave here) for installing to Notepad++. And the reason why I'm recommending this version is because for whatever odd reason, JR10's way of doing it doesn't really come out the way I'd like it to be. Problems such as 'function' turn to white and MTA functions are blue and also everything is in a thinner font which is hard to read, so I don't like that. So with this version, things like function names are highlighted in red, it's the same font thickness, and all the up to date functions are also highlighted. If you don't like the autocomplete, just go to Settings > Preferences > Auto-Completion > and uncheck 'Enable auto-completion on each input'. And that's pretty much it. Hope it makes things a lot easier for you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyXEm--h3EU https://www.mta-sa.org/thread/4117-1-3-5-1-4-lua-mta-erweiterung-für-notepad/?pageNo=9 https://www.mta-sa.org/attachment/2508-1-5-1-lua-mta-erweiterung-für-notepad-zip/
  7. I always use 22003 UDP, 22003 TCP, and 22126 UDP because httpport and serverport can be the same.
  8. When I start up the server with play and freeroam resources starting, and then joining the server, I always spawn with skin ID 61 (Pilot Skin). If I restart play resource, I respawn normally.
  9. Nevermind. Found out that I didn't have the proper audio files. Now I got them and everything is working fine now. This solved my issue. http://www.uvaclan.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=630
  10. I mean like what do you have to write in the shader.fx file to ensure that the shader will work correctly with the textures? I mean, Brian (from CIT) once told me that all you have to do is write a simple shader.fx for like CJ clothes. I don't know much about shaders. But my other question is, where do these body part textures come from? Like "cj_ped_head", "cj_ped_hat", "cj_ped_torso", "cj_ped_legs", "cj_ped_feet", ect.? I know they're textures but where do they come from? Would I need to use SAMP Map Editor or MapEditor (MEd) to find out that information?
  11. Nvm, fixed it. I think what the problem was when it was doing if string.find(text, texture) and string.find(text, model) then and whenever I clicked on clothing items such as vestblack - vest, it would see that vest was in vestblack, so it ended up becoming vest - vest actually. And when I clicked leathertr - leathertr or leathertrchaps - leathertr, because leather was in those words, it ended up being leather - leather AND leathertr - leathertr or leathertrchaps - leathertr. Fixed it using a method from here: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/33967-addpedclothes/
  12. I have an issue. I'm making a CJ skins shop and when I click on Torso and click on vestblack - vest, it's giving me the wrong clothing item. It's showing vest - vest instead. https://puu.sh/shGng/1ca7e8ff42.png But meanwhile, this is correct: https://puu.sh/shGsm/bd96b72336.png Any ideas?
  13. I'm just curious. How do you make a shader.fx for CJ clothes?
  14. Does setElementVisibleTo work with peds, vehicles, and objects? According to https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/ClearElementVisibleTo it doesn't work with those elements. I've even tried testing to see if it works with those elements and it doesn't seem to. It seems to, according to clearElementVisibleTo, only work with markers, blips, and radar areas. Can anyone confirm this? Is there any other elements compatible with setElementVisibleTo and clearElementVisibleTo or is it just those three?
  15. Ok, so before I reinstalled Windows on a new hard drive, whenever I had the clientscript.log, server.log, or scripts.log opened in Notepad++ and had something new happened in the server.log or scripts.log, it would say "New changes to <file>. Would you like to reload?" I click Yes, and it would show the new changes in Notepad++. Now after reinstalling Windows on a new hard drive (not sure if this has something to do with it), I can open the files in Notepad++ and whenever something new happens, it'll say "New changes to <file>. Would you like to reload?" I click Yes, only this time it doesn't show the new changes. And if I close out the files and try to open then in either Notepad++ or Sublime Text, it'll say "<filename> This file is in use. Enter a new name or close the file that's open in another program." Some have suggested to me that I try changing the location in mtaserver.config, but I can only do it for server.log and found it that 1) I can't even change it to a location outside of the C:\Program Files (x86)\MTA San Andreas 1.5\server\mods\deathmatch directory. and 2) Changing the directory still didn't let me open the file. Elliot said to me that he has no problems with the opening and updating of the files in Notepad++ or Sublime Text while the server is running. Any ideas?
  16. Ok, so I created a label and used guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign and set the wordwrap to true. But when I have text that goes over the width, it doesn't go down. No idea what's going on.
  17. Thanks for that. But I'm kinda new to github. Isn't that the kind of place where some people post their code as a portfolio and then show it to potential employers or just used for open source projects? I don't wanna put source code on there and have someone steal it and claim it as their own.
  18. Can you fix the link? Mediafire says "This download is currently unavaliable." Also, does this tool allow you to load code like in gui editor to generate the GUI? Edit: @qaisjp My Mcafee thinks it's unsafe and when I try to go ahead, Firefox warns me of an unsafe connection due to an invalid security certificate. So someone upload it somewhere else or make another Mediafire download link.
  19. No syntax highlighting based on the programming language?
  20. Ok, so as usual, I was trying to get some help on #mta.scripting, so I needed to make some pastebins. When I got to the website, I noticed that pastebin is doing this autumn promotion where you can get a 40% discount on a lifetime pro account. That's right, a lifetime pro account. This is great if you're a programmer. So if you haven't gotten one, this is probably the best and only time where you can get a lifetime pro Pastebin. So hurry now!
  21. When I go ingame, get in a vehicle, and try switching to radio stations, there's nothing. I don't even hear anything from User Track Player. And my radio volume is up. But it works in single player though.
  22. I finally figured it out! And it was all on https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GuiGetScreenSize The first three were calculated using the maths in guiGetScreenSize: http://i.imgur.com/E3Bdu4N.png http://i.imgur.com/4w99tLR.png http://i.imgur.com/EQ97gUs.png And it's exactly the same in relative: http://i.imgur.com/BAtJ7sN.png http://i.imgur.com/p1mjhTJ.png http://i.imgur.com/VS6HQyH.png Here's the code: http://pastebin.com/Q93dc77v Notice how the checkbox goes completely away when in a 640 x 480 resolution. That's because I didn't calculate it for the checkbox. I'd have to calculate it for all of my other gui elements. Edit: I just re-read your posts and it makes sense now. I guess I just needed to use my base resolution, which was 1024 x 768.
  23. If we use your calculations, assuming width = 1366 and height = 768, this is what you get. guiCreateWindow(10, 280, 200, 200, "Test", false) guiCreateButton(20, 20, 50, 50, "Button", false, window) So, umm...I...I just don't get the point of those calculations. If we use the calculations from G-Stefan and TEDERIs, it would actually center the windows. I can just use those things to center windows. But I'm just concerned about making it position and scale like relative using some maths. Anyway, I will try it out. If I still don't understand it, then I'll probably just use relative instead. But I think instead of that, I'll just force players to use a minimum resolution to see the window and gui elements. Edit: Ok, I just tried doing this through my script that's on a different resource and the window shows up. This works with both using the calculations and the actual results from the calculation. If I try loading it in gui editor using just the results, it shows up. But if I load it in gui editor with the calculations instead, it doesn't show up. I don't know why that's happening.
  24. Ok, first off, I don't know where you got 1366 and 768 from. And second, I don't even know what sx and sy are supposed to mean. If the width is 1366 and height is 768, you are essentially just dividing them by themselves, which will result will 1, so it won't really make a difference.
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