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Everything posted by l2ebel
Stunt vid contribution announcment (from gtaforums)
l2ebel replied to xerox's topic in VC Screens & Movies
yea i dont wanna miss it so hope youll post when youre done how long is it? bah we will see... -
hey is your name something against me? :0
yea sure, we all met RISO at home and Gamefreek uhm..uh..yea the mta team paid his flight from the us to uk coz they get so much cash for their mod... we had a crash and i lost my legs, so IJs made me moderator coz i cant work anymore and have to waste my time somehow Iggy: about 3 - 4 months
had the same problem once, reinstalling works miracles
now my life makes sense again j/k good work, pretty lost w/o the site
lol maybe i should search next time oops, sry my fault i just thought i saw something non-default on a pic
yeah KFG, hope you dont mind theyll get pretty suspicious when mta has 300 votes
Although it does look a bit suspicious that MTA is so far in the lead, as if it were being spammed to the top (that's how it might look to them). if the other mods on the list would be as good as mta they would also have a bigger community and i think they would do exactly the same so i wouldnt call it spam this board doesnt have 5000+ members coz of the big amount of smilies
*voted yes* lmao mta has 32 votes and 2nd place is 4 votes, mta will be faaaar on top
i could cut your caps to a vid, dont expect too much, i only made 1 vid and it wasnt spreading of talent but since nobody replied i thought i could offer my help...so as a last option you can always catch me in #mta or i could tell you how to use ulead video studio7, lazy bastard well, i think nobody likes to read tutorials or try out all options in a prog to find out its functions but its best to edit it yourself coz only you know how it should come out, athmosphere, synching, effects...
4 things n4sr: 1: edit next time 2: second pic is broken 3: love the pic size ...already wanted to write "love the size" but then i thought about the quote wall =P 4: lol @ the sailor, my friend managed to kill himself with a pcj with about 80 hp in one multicrash i was lmao pretty sad i didnt record it
you wanna raise your postcount or what? j/k, nice this thread gets used again looks like the benson is the best car for 2 wheels oh and btw, bloody: are map mods allowed for this comp?
nice one Kent heres a huge one but i guess you wont see RISO again like that: *** RISO has joined channel #mta *** Mode change "+o RISO" for channel #mta by ChanServ RISO! kick "DONT KILL ME" from the official pa #1 please , minigun long time no see oim pissed dont rttalk 2 me pbin iojn cjhrismas dooo *** trx has joined channel #mta bin roudn pubs hed spiinhjing cant keep decirptinbjng siymbpbtosn aha. Wartech help drunk riso. im on it xenex yeh, pised thnx neally fell of2 chaeir fukkkkk, * Wartech saves quotes chrsitams aarpypyuuiyrt sednd si u funy *patyhyry mm.. whatever that means argh1 parthy argh21 party *** Vertigo has joined channel #mta drank too ijcj ful wots wbin goin pn/ Does this thing actually work? no it doesn't lol RISO: gta3:mta 0.4 is at 50% now really cool, i must rtst it sum j=time is it VC or just GTA3 Vc =p just gta3 sp wpt u gusys bin doin? RISO: go to bed om amking the most of being pissed its fun RISO: while youre drunk, dont you wanna give me the sourcecode of mta? lol no, i know thjat wrong go drink some more yueh, cool fuyn ik eppp nearlly falling off my char L &chair dont you have one of those baby chairs? with seatbelt? coo, i wonder how i can gandle of a car on vc while pised wanna try? im gonna ojoin pffcial server ill pm you server soum 1 giv me ip b4 i end up on a dodgy erver cant you join my private one? 5 people at it yeh, usur e 2 sec *** Public_enemy has joined channel #mta ok, jonging *** Signoff: Vertigo (Vertigo) *** SM|Rawk is now known as SM|Rawk[a] *** Signoff: Public_enemy ((null)) *** KrAvV has joined channel #mta foo t gon num asat on foot *** Signoff: KrAvV ((null)) msut reinstllal 0.2.2 lol i dont hav 02.2.2 dun 1 giv me url u hv permsiiibob {*n *sub *um 1 pls, url 4 02..2..22 damn it, im gnma hvab 2 go 2 mtavc site aah ok Entertaining...lol http://www.gonnaplay.net/files/MTAInstall-0.2.2.exe sure you are allowed drunk driving in VC? its gonna be fun im gonna record it hsi is funny i need 2..2 lol..make sure you not in passanger seet i pasted the url for you riso i ended uo in my d drive i need mtav c what server you going to play? http://www.gonnaplay.net/files/MTAInstall-0.2.2.exe a private one jems *** SM-McCoy has left #mta thanks u damn. I want to see it * rebel36 is waiting for riso Wartech: where does he spawn? dunno he spawned as Mex uiim reinstall ing i think lol <[4D]Prontera> lol War thats.. good Wartech: ready to be pwneD? SM Gamefreek: arg brb SM-Rawk: iam i am ? wtf no colros *** Ransom has joined channel #mta he is using a different version then us i think thats w1 of my htings im supposed 2 invorce ;s and keeps crashing us stfu riso, i think you should close the client before you reinstall im reinstallig 0.2..22.2 i thikn no colros <<-- lol too much for you now lol stuf stuff! ;P lol has robpol's angry ass come back any today? i hope it is 0.2.2 riso is reinstalling, and not gtavc *** Signoff: Bungle (Ping timeout) nearlly gellfeo ova must busie on shcai i see r good lol * Wartech pretends he is understanding ok then fuckers ignore me! .......... .......
any developer statements? is it actually possible to link aiming to huds? or cant vc handle it?
well, even IF SA has mp it wont reach this project the gta (and other games...) developers make their game, release it and all you can do is to play it or not, maybe make some mods for the integrated mp.... but mta is individual means you can talk to the team on irc or post your suggestions, gamemodes.... and thats what makes mta so damn alive, more than any pre-mp-coded-game could ever be for every gta fan a dream come true with mta, the real peeps wont leave...
the gta3 admin console is teh trainer! w/o this trainer there probably wouldnt be mta IJs downloaded the source code of it an saw how the "last car..." thingy works added a netcode and released gta3:am so btw thx to the one who created this trainer and made it open source about your problem: it looks to me that you can only click these buttons when youre on the mission for example: you go on a rampage, go to the console, clicke the button, go back in game and you completed the mission...i dunno, never used this button but this trainer owns!
the idea: when i aim at another players model or xyz coordinates or however the aiming system works i see his health and his team color next to my hud example: -on this pic IJs is on the blue team (if TDM) -only when im aiming at his model i can see his health and color pro: -being able to recognize from far away players and their team -DeathB wrote something about disabling the anims cause players were still running when they were actually standing or something...so maybe this system would also fix this and some other lag issues contra: hmm cant think of some right now this is only an idea, i dont know how aiming works (im not a coder) or maybe its too much hacking for vice ps: all the tags keep standard, only the player who gets covered by your crosshair will be shown in this hud system oh and btw, DAMN SPAWN CAMPERS!
please post in the other topics and Search next time
play it or not, its your decision if you still got anything to discuss or complain about than use Draco's forum (link posted above^) closed
i think this thread is damned to get spammed
the pic is down as the discussion is over imo bump protected
ive never ever seen anyone setting up a real TDM in mtavc (im sure there will be a TDM mode for 0.4) so why not adding some more careers and give them all different kinds of weapon configs, i think if there would be more selectable caracters with a stubby there woulnt be so many robber spawn wars.. for example: m=model s=spawn: m:bikers s: bikershop m:rappers s: vcn building m:strippers s:stripclub or cubans, security ppl, the army.......
*walks in* *tries to lock it* oh shit not my section *walks off*
the first vid was boring but the second one was very funny and crazy, i like when one guy is recording and the rest of the crew tries to hit the same ramp....i wish more ppl would make some mta vids
:NEW aMpT Video: S I N --- ACT2! "Getting There" !!!!!
l2ebel replied to andyroososoft's topic in VC Screens & Movies
lol poor xerox with 56k ill dl it when i got time, woah 180 mb, how many gigs did you need for the uncompressed clips??