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Everything posted by Simple.

  1. Simple.

    Skins Bug

    if getElementData(client, "Clan") and allowed[getElementData(client, "Clan")] then
  2. the code is working for me but try to make a table for areas like this pArea = {} pArea[id] = createRadarArea(50, 100, 200, 500, 255, 0, 0, 100 )
  3. شوف هذا طريقة دخول تلقائي عدل عليها عشان تصير تحفظ بس
  4. addEventHandler( "onClientGUIChanged", resourceRoot, function() if source == edit_box then local currText = guiGetText( source ) local newText = string.gsub( currText, '[^0-9]', '' ) if newText ~= currText then guiSetText( source, newText ) end end end)
  5. 'onPlayerChat' --event outputChatBox -- سو جدول للكلمات وردودها
  6. ممكن رابط الموقع الرئيسي للسكربت ( المنتدى ) عشان نعرف نفيدك
  7. ورنا الملف عشان نقدر نساعدك
  8. function del () for i,v in ipairs(vehiclesTablee) do destroyElement(v[1]) destroyElement(v[2]) end vehiclesTablee = {} end
  9. طيب ورنا الكود الي لما تشوت الكوره
  10. I'm not sure exactly what you want, but maybe that's what you want onPlayerNetworkStatus
  11. You do not need SQL , just use getAccountsBySerial
  12. getPedOccupiedVehicleSeat @Lormateve
  13. hmmmm maybe like this ? local PasajENP = {} function KnowAmountFunction (pia) outputChatBox ("AA") -- This show ALL Client, and that's what I want to avoid if (pia == 1) then PasajENP[client] = PasajENP_a1 triggerClientEvent (client, "GotoClient", resourceRoot, PasajENP[client] ) end end addEvent( "KnowAmount", true ) addEventHandler( "KnowAmount", getRootElement(), KnowAmountFunction ) this way you can make var for each player
  14. بسيطه اذا بيستخدم اكثر من سيارة يقدر يسوي جدول بالاحداثيات لكل سيارة
  15. local Objects = {} local Marker = createMarker ( 1784.3134765625,-1925.298828125,12.389979362488, "cylinder", 1.5, 255, 255, 0, 170 ) addEventHandler ( 'onMarkerHit', resourceRoot, function ( hitElement, matchingDimension ) if getElementType ( hitElement ) == "vehicle" and matchingDimension then if Objects[hitElement] then destroyElement ( Objects[hitElement] ) end local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( hitElement ) Objects[hitElement] = createObject ( 1337, x + 1, y + 1, z + 1 ) attachElements ( Objects[hitElement], hitElement, 0, 1, 0.3 ) end end)
  16. Thanks, but I've tried it before and it did not work
  17. Hello Is there a way to protect a local ( HTML , JS and CSS ) files from cache in client resources file ؟
  18. Is there a way, for example, put a video in a meta Any other way?
  19. Hi, I want to put a video in the game browser But I want to check first that the video download is completed or not and then i will show the browser to the player Is there a way to know that download is completed or not?
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