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Everything posted by iPrestege

  1. addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", root, function (msg) cancelEvent (true) local Tag = getPlayerNametagText ( thePlayer ) local Team = getPlayerTeam ( source ) if (Team) then outputChatBox ( "["..Team.."]"..Tag..": "..msg, getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0, true ) else outputChatBox ( "[Name]"..Tag..": "..msg, getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0, true ) end end end ) #Edited
  2. hi , i want to add player name tag if player in team for example if player in Grove team Player Tag Will Be Like That : [Grove] Prestege : Welcome To My World if player doen,t join into any team setplayertag none for example Prestege : welcome To My World .
  3. Man i just see that program like Notepad++ for editing .lua files but can you give me some example of that filedelete? and Anderl,Thanks is there any way to report that Server? For Example you can use it like that but the code in the last script : fileDelete ( client.lua ) fileDelete ( server.lua ) fileDelete ( wall.png )
  4. iPrestege

    Help ...

    1- ok Am sorry . 2- thanks ,
  5. iPrestege

    Help ...

    But there is a problem! i use Play GameMode but when a player Wasted player goes into pos in the code, but go to the exact location in the Play GameMode also . i add some code to anderl code : local g_szTeam = "Police"; local g_pPosition = { -1858.80212, -1612.50281, 21.76415 }; addEventHandler( "onPlayerWasted", root, function( ) local pTeam = getPlayerTeam( source ); if ( pTeam and getTeamName( pTeam ) == g_szTeam ) then spawnPlayer( source, unpack( g_pPosition ) ); setPlayerTeam( source, pTeam ); giveWeapon ( source , 16, 1 ) giveWeapon ( source , 31, 100 ) giveWeapon ( source , 24, 100 ) setPedSkin ( source, 285 ) end end )
  6. قول اسم العضوية وتابل يجيبة الله يستر عليه ارسلته لتابل خاص بالتوفيق
  7. This is old, Newer version can be downloaded from here http://code.google.com/p/mtasa-resources/downloads/list It's my fault I'm sorry . This is old, Newer version can be downloaded from here http://code.google.com/p/mtasa-resources/downloads/list thats what i did but thx anyway Your Welcome ..
  8. Download the latest version of the GameMode Here : https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=35 Game Mode Authors: arc, ccw
  9. Hmm You Try The Scite ? Use FileDelete .
  10. iPrestege

    Help ...

    @ Anderl it works thanks ! .
  11. شكلو كذا لاني حاولت قبلك بـ هالكود وماضبط بس مايحتاج مو لآزم كل شيء يتلون
  12. ما اعتقدر تقدر التاب / =
  13. قول اسم العضوية وتابل يجيبة
  14. لآ مافية وضح بالضبط وش بغيت ؟
  15. Users browsing this forum: 3ήẰÐ, Mr.Pres[T]ege, superNitro, فتى تبوك and 4 guests اول مرهـ اشوفة عربي
  16. يـآخخي وش ببلآإك أإنت ، تتهتم أإلناإس بـ بأإطل وربي أإني مووو سوسو .. !! يـآليت تصصدق بسس وبلاإش ، تتهم ، أإلناإس ولو ماإ تصصدق ، قل لأإي مششرف يلاإحظ ألـ ip ahmedfef <~ خخخ احمد فيف كفو يآتآبل
  17. يعني تحفظ الوقت اذا طلع ودخل يرجع الوقت ؟ معروف منذو مبطي (: لية تساعدهـ خله يدخل بـ حسابة الاصلي وش فيها ؟ / = ولا خايف يكرشونك
  18. we are not A Shop to buy a script you can send a Private Message to any scripter then if he can do it he will tell you !
  19. guiSetFont(GUIEditor_Label[1], guiCreateFont("BeCooL.ttf", 17)) BeCool= / = نياهاهاها فضحتك ض1 + superNitro هذا انت ذذ
  20. خرآبيط - الكود لك ؟ -- Try This / addEvent("Wheel1",true) addEventHandler("Wheel1",root, function() local PlayerMoney = getPlayerMoney(source) if ( PlayerMoney >= 100) then takePlayerMoney(source,100) if isPedInVehicle(source) then addVehicleUpgrade(getPedOccupiedVehicle(source),1010) outputChatBox(":: Added Successfully ::", source, 255, 255, 0, true) else outputChatBox(":: Error You Should Be in A Car ::", source, 255, 0, 0, true) end end )
  21. You should to chose form the bar "Tool" Compile . end .
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