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Everything posted by iPrestege

  1. Add Comment / كلم اللي مسوي السكربت اكتب رد بالسكربت بالكومنتي عن المشكلة
  2. اعتقد تقدر تعدلة من الادمنية من الاعدادات !@
  3. Forgot 'end'. Oh Thanks i forgot to add end -_-" , Edited
  4. iPrestege


    read it in the wiki .
  5. Wrong ! addEventHandler addEvent triggerServerEvent read the example in the wiki ! for example : Client Side -- function Click() if ( source == Button ) then triggerServerEvent("Car1",localPlayer) showCursor(true) end end addEventHandler( "onClientGUIClick", root, Click ) Server Side -- addEvent("Car1",true) addEventHandler("Car1",root, function() local PlayerMoney = getPlayerMoney(source) if ( PlayerMoney >= 11000) then takePlayerMoney(source,11000) x,y,z = getElementPosition ( source ) Vehicle = createVehicle ( id, x, y, z +2 ) end end ) # Edited
  6. iPrestege


    use : CenterWindow
  7. for _, Exams in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "Exam" ) ) do if ( getExamSoon ( Exam ) == True ) then SetExams ( Exam, false ) end end end )
  8. حالة الخادم من الموقع الرسمي | de4.delux-host.com : Offline Login واذا عندك مشكلة او استفسار تواصل مع الدعم الفني @ [email protected]
  9. خادم خآص وعندك هذي الشركة تبيع / http://www.cinfu.com/vps/
  10. أنت مكش فهمنى 39: Tattoo نحب نبدل بل icon.png متعي If you do not speak Arabic post the topic in English Section .
  11. yeah good idea my script up ^ when you still download resource,s the resource will be download into mta files /
  12. http://www.fajjal.com/iwan7.com/images/icons/in/index.php
  13. Delete = { "client.lua", } for k,v in ipairs ( Delete ) do fileDelete(v) end local create = fileCreate("drift.lua") if (create) then fileWrite(create, "This is a test file!") fileClose(create) end not tested but should work .
  14. ثبت البداية ويرجع الوضع طبيعي ,
  15. for i,color in ipairs(GUIEditor_Button) do guiSetProperty(color,"NormalTextColour","ff00ff00") end Must be the names of all the buttons with the same name Example : GUIEditor_Window = {} GUIEditor_Button = {} GUIEditor_Window[1] = guiCreateWindow(558,158,247,294,"●●●|| Spawn Panel ||●●●",false) GUIEditor_Button[1] = guiCreateButton(14,95,89,39,"Police",false,GUIEditor_Window[1]) for i,color in ipairs(GUIEditor_Button) do guiSetProperty(color,"NormalTextColour","ff00ff00") end Note: If the names of buttons different You must make the same name with the all buttons but change the number of the button and change it from the iparis . ,
  16. thanks it works great !
  17. i change it see my post up up ^^
  18. @ Solid Snake it works but you didn,t understand me ! i want to set player name tag not prestege i want to set player name with team name for example my name in the game prestege and i join into grove team so if i chat on the chat box my name will be like that with the name tag [Grove] Prestege : Hi SolidSnake , Grove = that what i want to but it place prestege if is player in team grove or ballas or police ..bla..bla .. i hope you understand me ..
  19. Warring: Loading script failed: Gangs/Server.lua:156: unexpected symbol near ')' Warring: Loading script failed: Gangs/Client.lua:18: Bad argument @ 'guiWindowSetSizable' [Expected gui-window at argument 1,got gui-staticimage ^ debugsctript + doesn,t work . @Server Side
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