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Everything posted by iPrestege

  1. ثبت مكان من القيم مود / = play على ما اعتقد تستخدمة .
  2. I do not mean to copy the handling i want to set the handling but custom handling i hope you understand me i cant find the correct function .
  3. اهلين وحاول تسوي النافذه ثانية وانسخ الاكواد صح
  4. بسس من آول كآنت ضآبططه الآزرآر اللي طلبتة مننآ سوينآهـ لك نحط الازرار بالنافذهـ نربطها , مشكلة الاماكن منك يوم تسوي النافذه
  5. ^ هذا من نافذتك ماله خص فينآ @ طلآل عآرف بس حبيت آمزح معك
  6. الترجمة : اسف على استخدام الانجليزي وذلك بسبب اني لآ آملك العربية في الكيبورد ربما شخص ما سيقوم بالشرح لك اطرح السكربت كامل هنا يبيك تطرح السكربت كامل
  7. جرب النافذه GUIEditor_Window = {} GUIEditor_Button = {} GUIEditor_Label = {} HaC = guiCreateWindow(237,136,335,257,"Hac Panel",false) GUIEditor_Button[1] = guiCreateButton(307,171,167,24,"القفز",false,HaC) GUIEditor_Button[2] = guiCreateButton(308,219,165,26,"القفز بالدراجه",false,HaC) GUIEditor_Button[3] = guiCreateButton(312,267,158,21,"قيآدهـ على البحر",false,HaC) GUIEditor_Button[4] = guiCreateButton(318,317,146,21,"الطيرآن بالسيآرهـ",false,HaC) GUIEditor_Label[1] = guiCreateLabel(247,343,317,12,"",false,HaC) GUIEditor_Label[2] = guiCreateLabel(246,346,318,14,"------------------------------------------------------------------------------",false,HaC) GUIEditor_Label[3] = guiCreateLabel(294,363,220,24,"لتشغيل الهاك او اطفائه قم بالضغط عليه",false,HaC)
  8. 30 = ?? Wiki = weaponID: The ID or name of the weapon you want to set a property of. Names can be: grenade teargas molotov colt 45 silenced deagle shotgun sawed-off combat shotgun uzi mp5 ak-47 m4 tec-9 rifle sniper rocket launcher rocket launcher hs flamethrower minigun satchel bomb spraycan fire extinguisher camera
  9. جرب كود طلآل اللي فوق ^
  10. You can ask in Arabic section. Arabic section no one cares about you just laughter
  11. Ammm Thats What i mean . ( = can you help me now / =
  12. What device are you talking about? Btw, you can see on YouTube that this Core i3 M330 is able to run perfectly GTA:SA. It might not be enough for MTA:SA but running slow at the lowest settings, I doubt. Becuse That he say low fps low fx !
  13. ^ Also the device is very weak for the game .
  14. ^ حظا سعيدا! ومبادرة كبيرة، فضلا عن أي أسئلة حول تعيين أنا هنا! Google
  15. Drivers listed in Windows Update aren't ever the best and I guess sometimes they're not the last stable release. "Type of graphics card" - You meant "what graphic card you have?", right? If so, it's listed in Pastebin link - it's an Intel HD ( onboard graphics card from CPU ) and it is able to run GTA:SA. If you really mean type ( onboard/dedicated ) then I already answered above. Better to use discrete graphics card .
  16. Thank You |Mr|-Talal07-| it,s Work ! Problem was in CreateTeam
  17. i wrote debugscript 3 But Say Nothing ! What's the problem
  18. Yes sure i give the script admin rights but does not work
  19. -- Server Side Police = createTeam ( "Police", 0,61,245, 0 ) addEvent("Police",true) addEventHandler("Police",root, function(player) setPlayerTeam ( player, Police ) outputChatBox("You Are Now in Police Gang", player, 0,61,245, true) end ) Does not work Should to give the script admin rights ??
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