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Everything posted by iPrestege

  1. Hmm... TAPL Try to restart the admin panel ! but i think if i add the code in admin panel files it will works perfect ?? # what i think about it doesn,t work .
  2. this what i mean i mean all resource in my server has been colored but the admin panel not colored i hope you understand me : the image : http://store3.up-00.com/Nov12/QWj86611.png
  3. it works TAPL Thanks But The admin panel Not colored what is the reason? how can i fix it ? /restart admin I do restart for Admin Panel but didn,t work .
  4. it works TAPL Thanks But The admin panel Not colored what is the reason? how can i fix it ?
  5. iPrestege


    You can set it from admin panel if that what you mean .
  6. Hello , how are you today hmm ... are you fine ? i have some problem with this shit code when i do restart admin the function of the code doesn,t work :@ idont know why ! this is the code for kenix but i add some thing .. : for _, Ads in ipairs( getElementsByType( 'gui-button' ) ) do guiSetProperty( Ads, 'NormalTextColour', 'FFFFFF00' ) guiSetProperty( Ads, 'HoverTextColour', 'FFFF0000' ) guiSetProperty( Ads, 'PushedTextColour', 'FF220000' ) guiSetFont ( Ads, "default-bold-small" ) end
  7. اتوقع انه من التريقير اها .. نسيت ان السكربت كلنت و سيرفر
  8. يا اخ العرب مخترع لي ايفنت ؟ / = onPlaySoundNearElement من وين جبتة !
  9. والله مالي خبرهـ بالملفات بس ابحث بالمنتدى عن موضوع بـ عضوية w7eed
  10. استخرجهم من ملفات اللعبة وشفت لك موضوع قبل كم يوم بشوفة لك اذا حصلتة بطرحة / =
  11. يمكن ملف الـ TXD , نفسة متعطل ! او مايطابق المستبدل ! لآيكون تسوي نفس الملف بس تغير رقم الاوبجيكت ! لآنة مستحيل يضبط / =
  12. Debugscript 3 / warning : loading script failed panel/client.lua 426: ')' expected near ']' Line 426 if guiGetText ( GUIEditor_Button[21]] ) ~= "français" then
  13. but the debugscript say you have an extra end i will try and come back .. === # Up Date / Doesn,t Work DebugScript Say : Loading Sctript failed Panel/client.lua:470: "end" expected to close if at line 425 near <'eof'>
  14. Hello (= how are you today ? i came here becuse i have a problem with this code idont know what is it i want to use guisetText My Code : function onClick() if source == GUIEditor_Button[21] then if guiGetText ( GUIEditor_Button[21]] ) ~= "français" then guiSetText(GUIEditor_Button[1],"Ecrivez ici") guiSetText(GUIEditor_Button[2],"Ecrivez ici") guiSetText(GUIEditor_Button[3],"Ecrivez ici") guiSetText(GUIEditor_Button[4],"Ecrivez ici") guiSetText(GUIEditor_Button[5],"Ecrivez ici") guiSetText(GUIEditor_Button[6],"Ecrivez ici") guiSetText(GUIEditor_Button[7],"Ecrivez ici") guiSetText(GUIEditor_Button[8],"Ecrivez ici") guiSetText(GUIEditor_Button[9],"Ecrivez ici") guiSetText(GUIEditor_Button[10],"Ecrivez ici") guiSetText(GUIEditor_Button[11],"Ecrivez ici") guiSetText(GUIEditor_Button[12],"Ecrivez ici") guiSetText(GUIEditor_Button[13],"Ecrivez ici") guiSetText(GUIEditor_Button[14],"Ecrivez ici") guiSetText(GUIEditor_Button[15],"Ecrivez ici") guiSetText(GUIEditor_Button[16],"Ecrivez ici") guiSetText(GUIEditor_Button[17],"Ecrivez ici") guiSetText(GUIEditor_Button[18],"Ecrivez ici") guiSetText(GUIEditor_Button[19],"Ecrivez ici") guiSetText(GUIEditor_Button[20],"Ecrivez ici") elseif guiGetText ( GUIEditor_Button[22]] ) ~= "Deutsch" then guiSetText(GUIEditor_Button[1],"Was ist hier erforderlich") guiSetText(GUIEditor_Button[2],"Was ist hier erforderlich") guiSetText(GUIEditor_Button[3],"Was ist hier erforderlich") guiSetText(GUIEditor_Button[4],"Was ist hier erforderlich") guiSetText(GUIEditor_Button[5],"Was ist hier erforderlich") guiSetText(GUIEditor_Button[6],"Was ist hier erforderlich") guiSetText(GUIEditor_Button[7],"Was ist hier erforderlich") guiSetText(GUIEditor_Button[8],"Was ist hier erforderlich") guiSetText(GUIEditor_Button[9],"Was ist hier erforderlich") guiSetText(GUIEditor_Button[10],"Was ist hier erforderlich") guiSetText(GUIEditor_Button[11],"Was ist hier erforderlich") guiSetText(GUIEditor_Button[12],"Was ist hier erforderlich") guiSetText(GUIEditor_Button[13],"Was ist hier erforderlich") guiSetText(GUIEditor_Button[14],"Was ist hier erforderlich") guiSetText(GUIEditor_Button[15],"Was ist hier erforderlich") guiSetText(GUIEditor_Button[16],"Was ist hier erforderlich") guiSetText(GUIEditor_Button[17],"Was ist hier erforderlich") guiSetText(GUIEditor_Button[18],"Was ist hier erforderlich") guiSetText(GUIEditor_Button[19],"Was ist hier erforderlich") end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root,onClick)
  15. How can we help you ?! post you,r script .
  16. TAPL : (يرجى تجنب وضع المشاركات المزدوجة (أكثر من مشاركة ورا بعض.
  17. تبي تسوي شيء ماتععرف وش يسوي ؟ / =
  18. ي سعد أبك وينك
  19. ما فيه شي اسمه جاهز في المنتدى العربي حنا هنا نصلح لك كوداتك اذا فيها اخطاء تعلم من هنا https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Scr ... troduction او الويكي العربي من هنا https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/AR/ ... 8%AC%D9%87 هو حاط لك مبدئيات البرمجة ومقدمة وش بغيت اكثر / =
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